Pig popper event rewards?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Pig popper event rewards?

  • Did anybody receive the reward for their Pig popper event I spent the last two days playing this game like crazy cuz I wanted to 10 tickets but immediately following the end of the event I got no rewards and I don’t see anything on the screen. Anybody else having this problem?

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  • Dearg mor

    Yup. Logged into the game to find that I didn’t get any reward, even though I was in first place and popped around 1000 more pigs than the next player on my league. Best you can do is send in a support ticket, though they will probably take ages to respond.


    I got mi 10 tickets few hours ago.

    Dearg mor

    Just logged in again to find out that I had gotten 10 tickets aswell


    Yeah finally got mine was 2 pigs short of 1st place :(

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Pig popper event rewards?

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