Angry Birds Friends 2021 Tournament T937 On Now!

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2021 Tournament T937, which started on Saturday June 12th, 2021. To compete head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

Full PU:

Level 1 – 922,801
Level 2 – 737,236
Level 3 – 742,470
Level 4 – 1,189,141
Level 5 – 727,139
Level 6 – 909,117
Level 7 – 1,154,457
Level 8 – 730,272

Non-PU + standard sling:

Level 1 – 681,942
Level 2 – 491,518
Level 3 – 616,170
Level 4 – 878,966
Level 5 – 443,458
Level 6 – 761,008
Level 7 – 955,834
Level 8 – 459,398

Non-PU + all slings:

Level 1 – 660,740
Level 2 – 454,635
Level 3 – 625,181
Level 4 – 936,824
Level 5 – 454,340
Level 6 – 664,944
Level 7 – 943,532
Level 8 – 492,406

Top Flingers - Enter Your Scores

Level Leader Highscore Avg 3-Star
Level #1, June 12thRayitos NFSRank: Avian Overlord with 16125 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester
Level #2, June 12thRayitos NFSRank: Avian Overlord with 16125 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester
Level #3, June 12thRayitos NFSRank: Avian Overlord with 16125 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester
Level #4, June 12thTerribletomRank: Sling God with 57130 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester
Level #5, June 12thTerribletomRank: Sling God with 57130 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester
Level #6, June 12thRank: Flinger with 0 pts
Platform: None Entered
* Certified Nester
Level #7, June 12thRank: Flinger with 0 pts
Platform: None Entered
* Certified Nester
Level #8, June 12thTerribletomRank: Sling God with 57130 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester

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Comments (12)

By Ryan

My friends disappeared how do Inadd them back?

Rank: Sling God with 57130 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

reload the game…..friends should re-appear. Usually happens when you haven’t played

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By CheesyFace (@)

Be nice to your friends, and they will come back ot log out and log in again

By Arlene Simac


Rank: Sling God with 70120 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Great advice.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By CheesyFace (@)

T937 Online!! New Video: Level 3 Highscore Power Up 753747
Stay tuned and subscribe for more videos Power Up and No Power Up

Rank: Sling God with 57130 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

@wthewop000 You definitly have a typo in your score on level 8. Max score would hover around 735k. You have entered a score of 923k

By Bill_L

3 starred all 7 w/o PU’s, but with gold and tree slings.
Somebody at Rovio has put something weird in their coffee/tea/sodas whatever.
IMO, the game is getting weirder every week.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By CheesyFace (@)

Keep Moaning

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By CheesyFace (@)

T937 Online!! New Video: Level 6 Highscore Power Up 918812
Stay tuned and subscribe for more videos Power Up and No Power Up

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By CheesyFace (@)

T937 Online!! New Video: Level 7 Highscore Power Up 1162975
Stay tuned and subscribe for more videos Power Up and No Power Up

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By CheesyFace (@)

T937 Online!! New Video: All Levels Highscores Power Up
Stay tuned and subscribe for more videos Power Up and No Power Up

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