Terms of service

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Terms of service

  • Hi

    I have read the terms of service but it is not written in plain English and I am no lawyer! In simple yes or no terms, can anyone tell me please if I can:

    1. Have more than one account/profile

    2. Can I give (not sell) my profile to someone else if I no longer want to play the game?

    Many thanks

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  • Replies
  • SweetP

    Hello @stedman42, so sorry it took so long to respond. There are only a couple of admins and we’re all over the Nest keeping things tidy.

    To answer your questions:
    1. Yes, you may have two different profiles. But why?
    2. You may give someone else your user name and password, but it would be easier to just remove your account from this website.

    Hope this answers your questions.


    cc: @admins

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Terms of service

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