New Event: Energon Megatron – Energon Up!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event: Energon Megatron – Energon Up!

  • A new event has started! The top prize is Energon Megatron.

    This event uses one TF and no energonicon.

    Special feature(s): extra gold blocks, only Energon TFs can be used (except Prime Pass “Neons”)

    (Part of) The event banner for Energon Megatron

    The bonus squad is Energized (9), consisting of Energon Nautica (25 / SR Killer), Energon Windblade (37), Energon Megatron (65) and Energon Shockwave (92).

    All these TFs are in the exchange with accessories.

    Have fun and good luck!

    PS. The number (in parentheses) after the squad and TF names are their (respective) Spark Run ranking.

    Previous event in which Energized was the bonus squad.

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  • NoahLot

    Whoa I didn’t notice that Energon Windblade had risen significantly in the SR rankings. Maybe worth unlocking.


    Another trash event. Alr got Energon Nautica and the others arent worth unlocking.


    Argh… when you don’t check the calendar and put Energon Nautica on a 36-hour mission Thursday morning…


    @galaxes Energon Nautica is good, so she is worth overpowering.

    Plus your goal should be to have 2-3 promoted on each squad so you’re ready for potential 2 bot events in future and the Spark Run that week. Energon Megatron is decent. I don’t have Energon Windblade yet but she has a good rating too.


    @noahlot nah man, anyone in that squad other than energon nautica is a piece of crap. Amd energon nautica is not worth overpowering, Im gonna get a TF for the future events from the 10 gold crates or get a gem haul from them. Currently at 6500 gems so I will see how it goes. Since im so poor at pigs(57k lol) I have to wait for the cost to change to the coins. Idek why they dont let u change the cost, it s so stupid. I promoted Energon Nautica to %135.

    As soon as the cost switches back I will max E. Starscream and promote regular Starscream well for the next event.


    1) Energon Windblade might have gotten lucky and that’s why she has risen

    2) Most Energon powered TFs probably have very varying Spark Run results from one run to another

    3) All TFs in my SP Ranking are at least level 15; some TFs need additional overpower to perform well

    4) Energon Nautica at level 22 rocks

    5) I prefer Energon Megatron over Energon Windblade


    @grimlockdown AT LEVEL 22??? Nah at that point there are many better TFs to use at level 22.


    @galaxes But not a single TF in Energized squad. And in this current event only Energon Starscream is on par or better(?) than Energon Nautica.

    I don’t remember at what level Energon Nautica started to be a good and effective TF, probably something between 15 and 20.


    @grimlockdown no I was talking abt the The Seekers event for the next week. So E. Starscream is gonna be one of the bonus TFs next week. For the spark runs I still use Energon Starscream or Classic Bumblebee for the first spot then I put the bonus TFs for extra promotion.

    And no Energon Starscream beats the heck out of E. Nautica. She legit dies to King Pig’s rockets(only 1 rocket is enough to kill her). Her reload is also slow. Energon starscream is just a lot better than her. Also E. Nautica loses health so fast and she doesnt do much damage.


    Day 1- Gunner Piggies
    Day 2- Cyberformed scenery
    Day 3- Wood blocks
    Day 4- Ice blocks
    Day 5- Gold blocks
    Day 6- Flying Piggies


    I find it impossible to believe that Energon Windblade Bird could rank anywhere beyond the triple-digits in SR Rankings.

    She got KOed in her unlock level.


    Ok this game is actually so broken LOOOOL. Now I found another glitch that lets you play even tho if u dont have any charge but it also registers ur promotion now. So basically I dont have to spend gems for recharges anymore.

    If rovio payed me for these game breaking glitches I would be rich.


    @tahtorak Yes, I also consider Energon Windblade a bit mystery. But yesterday she finished level 410 Spark Run – although being overpowered to level 16 and 2100% promotion had something to do for that result.


    Man is this a beautiful sight on gold block day!


    @bob1001 i once got that glitch on savanna biome twice and ended up w 2700ish tokens lol.


    @galaxes, what is savanna biome?  I am unfamiliar with that.


    @bob the biome u were playing in the ss is called “savanna”.


    No idea the official names of the areas. I just call that one the farm.
    I only got the golden bales once during all of day 5, but still made a decent coin haul.
    Plus got my Energon Nautica to level 20 that day too:

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event: Energon Megatron – Energon Up!

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