The Ads with Extra Click to Watch Another 15 Seconds

Home Forums General Discussions Forum The Ads with Extra Click to Watch Another 15 Seconds

  • I may have to give up Angry Birds if I have to go through multiple clicks to get through the ads.   Recently, we have watch an already long ad only to be required to click again to watch another 15 seconds.  And the spinning wheel thing that can take over 5 minutes to get through -sure 5 “gifts” are nice, but really, the ads are a burden.

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  • Mr. Pollo

    Recently I had an ad where it was 60 seconds of video and 15 seconds of playable ad. The prizes on the AB2 pig wheel are a hit or miss in my opinion. Sometimes the golden prize is worse than the other items (ex: 40 gems in gold vs 1,000 black pearls in grey).

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