Angry Birds Millennium Falcon Walkthrough Hoth Level 3-22

Here is our Millennium Falcon Gold Medal video walkthrough for Angry Birds Star Wars Hoth level 3-22. Send Leia north, towards the top asteroid, and aim her tractor beam at the western asteroid. Debris should destroy most of the Tie-Fighters. Then send the homing egg towards the main structure, and call in the Millennium Falcon.

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Comments (2)

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

1. Land the Homing Egg to hit the small plant south of the big rock and north of the ship firing the laser gun. The far right rotating Tie-Fighters remains with the lower storm troopers.
2. Launch Chewbacca to hit the rock the Tie-Fighter is rotating around and Chewbacca then bounces back to the left to take out the lower storm troopers.
1. Did the same shot as listed in 1. above and everything was destroyed and obtained 100% destruction.

By Alderbaran

I only needed to do step 1. Falcon took out everything except for the top right tie-fighter. Eventually it circled right into a broken piece of asteroid exploding. 100%.

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