Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 1 – Week 41 – Feb 25th 2013

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #1 Week 41 (this tournament began the week of February 25th, 2013). Our non power up strategy for this level is to lob the blue bird up at a high arch so it breaks the ice below the middle tower, causing it to fall to the left. This should leave enough room for you to blow up the TNT with the bomb bird, finishing off the level. The score in the video is 96,430.

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (10)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6270 points
By joaoryo (@joaoryo)

This is a different stategy for 97K points, NO power ups

By shampi

114k vid is here

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 103,950

103750 no pu’s… horrible “strategy” (i am not really calling it one, lol)

bird 1) trying to clear the first round rock i barely graze it, deactivating nlue’s splitting ability… bird crashes into glass immediately after and left tower collapses during the ensuing seconds …35620 points

bird 2) into the pig in the square glass that’s to the left of TNT. BOOOOOM. right side is leveled, all pigs are dead…. 80800 points.

bird 3)plow into the remaining bits of concrete. BOOOM…. 93750 points

+10000 for extra bird….

video available for $0.29

By Piggin Out

Thanks a lot!
scored 103k

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 124,990

My strat for 124k (Power-ups)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 124,590

same as u bro
that was a nice bounce
when the tnt blew up
good as always

Rank: Shooter with 835 points
By Lupetus (@lupekani)Score: 128,390

128390 With your tactic. Like allways, Sheikhoo know how to make good points!

Rank: Sling God with 57130 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 125,770

Thanks again @SHEIKHOO….Your video strats are perfect!!!! Cheers!! Sure helped my scores improve!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 124,990

Excellent =)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points

No Power -> 104K –>>

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