Angry Birds Mighty Eagle Walkthrough Trophy Room Strawberry Trophy

This video shows you one way to achieve 100% Total Destruction on the Angry Birds Rio Trophy Room Strawberry Trophy. Our strategy is to simply loft the sardine can between the first two towers. The rightmost tower usually remains relatively unharmed, but the threshold for the feather is again a bit low.

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Category: Angry Birds Rio, Mighty Eagle, Walkthroughs

Comments (1)

Rank: Sling God with 70120 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Land the Sardine Can at the base of the first tower. It takes out the wood block and some structure at the base. The tower to the left of the two round stones did not fall but everything else was destroyed.
Soft arc (pull it all the way down where it starts to go back up) the Sardine Can to hit off the left stone triangle of the left structure and it comes to rest on top of the red flag pole.

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