Angry Birds Stella Wall Of Pigs #2 Episode 1 Walkthrough

Here is our 3 star walkthrough video strategy for Angry Birds Stella Wall of Pigs #2 Episode 1 (Branch Out). The score in the video is 151,500.

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Category: Angry Birds Stella, Walkthroughs, Wall of Pigs
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Comments (4)

Rank: Sling God with 26630 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)

Got top score that won’t last too long. With two birds instead of three. First Poppy to the left structure, triggering her tornado on to the middle triangle. I got lucky when the right side of the tower fell over to the left, taking the rest of the structure down and piggies with it. Second Poppy as the video.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11705 points
By sheilahdb (@sheilahdb)Score: 153,770

Same method as @sweetp but I haven’t been able to get the two-birder yet.

Rank: Sling God with 26630 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)

Nice score @sheilahdb! It was quite by accident that the first Poppy did all that damage, as I was experimenting on different places to trigger the tornado. Keep on trying, and you’ll eventually get it. Good luck and happy flinging!

Rank: Sling God with 21110 points
By aleksch (@aleksch)Score: 167,460

@admins , are multiple swaps on one level allowed? Since “swaps” here are not really swaps, but instead add birds in front of the line, levels can be finished with additional (“swapped”) birds, while all the original birds remain unused and add to the bonus at the end. Multiple “swaps” can lead to very high scores, especially on levels that have many birds (walls of pigs). Also, multiple “swaps” can be used to destroy all the debris before finally killing the remaining pigs (much like “last chance” in ABSW II). On this particular level I got 193k using multiple “swaps”, much higher than the current top score (169k). I am not sure I can enter this score, even though the leaderboard message says that swaps are allowed. Please let me know whether multiple “swaps” are allowed or only one “swap” per level.

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