Jenga score and map's "grass area" questions

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Jenga score and map's "grass area" questions

  • 1. At the end of game play in the Jenga level there is a numerical score provided. Does anyone know the significance of this score and what purpose it serves?

    2. There is a green patch of grass on the map and some of the time it has the words “Telepod” above it in red and white letters and the grass turns to stone with a character to play. After playing this level it does not appear to award any pigs nor coins. Does anyone know the purpose of this level and what does it provide to the players? Am I missing something?

    I have also sent a note to Rovio asking the same two questions but have not received a response yet.

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  • Darkrai848

    I can tell you why the telepod area appears but the reason for it. It appears after you scan in a telepod, and will be for the transformer you scanned in last, after beating it you can rescan your telepod and it will come back. As for what why it is there I guess it may be there just for fun so you can play with a telepod you own even if no mission for that telepod is open. But yah have no idea if it has any other reason for being there.

    As for question 1 I still don’t know how the score is calculated.


    Thanks for the response. That places a bit more logic to the telepod area. I wish Roivio would have provided the player with the coins and pigs earned after playing this area. That would have made even more fun to play.


    There really seems to be no logic to the scoring or coins. I can go thru, wipe out everything in sight and get a score of 83 and 500 coins. Then play a second time with half the effort, getting half the destruction and coins, but end up with a score of 95 and my final coin count doubled (without watching an ad). So I basically play it without worrying about the score and coin count because it’s going to give me an arbitrary amount each time anyways.

    By the way, my “High Score” – 114


    Also noticed that if the 114 score is met a player receives only 4 pigs and less coins.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Jenga score and map's "grass area" questions

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