When will Astrotrain arrive?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum When will Astrotrain arrive?

  • As you all know, after Astrotrain arrives, you cannot call your buddy for help anymore. Yet, if your buddy is still there when Astrotrain arrives, your buddy will help you till the end. So, is it possible to predict the arrival time of Astrotrain?

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  • Optimus_Pig

    Not that I’ve been able to figure out.

    It really depends on the overall length of the level, but given that it’s almost impossible to know how long a level is until you’ve finished playing it, it’s really just guesswork.

    It also doesn’t help that the difficulty rating and the length of the level don’t always correlate, otherwise it would be somewhat easier I think.

    Although I don’t think it depends on how long the level has been running for, but rather on the specific location of the map that you’ve reached. So if you’ve run a particular map a few times and recognize the landmarks you should be able to get a feel for it eventually.


    I mostly call i friend when:
    – i think i’m in danger
    – i think “Geez, this level is so long, i think it’s good time to make some cleaning on the end”


    I try to maximize my buddy usage, which means calling him in early, and re-calling him often. Especially if I have a particular buddy for a specific reason, for example having a Grimlock or Starscream when I know I’m about to get pounded by missiles.

    The only time I’ll hold off is when I encounter a stretch where there’s really nothing going on (uncommon, but it does happen).


    There’s also one trick to practically thank your buddy without needing him to appear. You just need to tap the buddy call button once you exit the car mode. He won’t technically appear, but you will still need to thank him or not once completing a level.


    Is there a particular reason why you wouldn’t want to use your buddy on an entire run?

    I’d agree if you received a coins bonus for completing the level without a buddy (kind of like how you would receive a bonus for “using the Force” in the old Star Wars arcade game), but I haven’t seen that to be the case on those occasions when I didn’t call my buddy in.


    thanks anyway!


    There’s such a feel, when you know when you’re doing great, and you think calling someone to help is just shame cause you can’t finish a level without help. However, this doesn’t mean i want to humiliate a people i play with! That doesn’t mean i don’t want friends! Sometimes, you just need help and sometimes you just feel thinking “I know how to do it, so better just don’t beg my friends!”


    Does calling down a buddy really impact your Facebook friends?

    In any case, I refuse to use Facebook, so my buddies are in fact virtual ones created by the app for my sole use. So I have zero compunctions about using one as often as possible.


    AFAIK It impacts your FB friends only if you thank them, they get a Gem or 25 coins. What i don’t understand is why ppl are not thanking them they were using an Auto bird. I understand if they are going for the Gems attained by “not thanking” 50 times as a Hog but other than that if they are using a bird they ought to. It’s one way we can protest Rovio’s ridiculous prices and wait times for upgrades. If we’re all consistently giving Gems to each other, then theoretically we would need to buy less of them. and it would hit Rovio in the pocket book.. I spend a lot of my gems just trying to advance through the bugs. And I for one have never seen a game of any kind with so many (and such egregious) bugs. These shouldn’t be too hard to fix. I can have 6 missions ready and for whatever reason I have to use sky-warp three times (and 25 gems) to clear the board. Then I have to play two of the levels three times each, usually barely earning enough coins to repair the damage caused. (they never make you do a Gold Dome level over and over…) So out of 6 nodes, I end up with one good run and some pigs/coins. So frustrating… Maybe now that the IOS update is done they can start working on fixing the Android version and make it play like any other normal game would. /rant


    Sorry for mega bump, but I found that in the Beach level with forest background (where you can get lots of Energon Cubes from trees) Astrotrain will usually arrive as soon as you leave the forest area. When you spot the forest exit, call your buddy and activate your car-mode immediately. You can then keep your buddy until the end of the level.
    There was one case where this strategy didn’t work because the post-forest beach area lasted extremely long, but this is very rare.
    Unfortunately, the beach-forest is the only area in the entire game where you have visual clue of level length…

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