About AngryBirdsNest.com

Hi! Thanks for checking out AngryBirdsNest.com. We offer the most comprehensive repository of Angry Birds information and walkthroughs on the web. I hope you enjoy the site and find what you need.

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About Angry Birds

If you stumbled across us and aren’t familiar with Angry Birds, here’s some background: Angry Birds — which was created by Rovio Entertainment LTD — has become one of the most popular mobile video games ever. It is an extremely addictive game that is simple to learn but difficult to master. Combine that with free updates, lots of hidden treasures, great music, and fun characters and you have a game that is hard to put down.

As always, if you’ve got something to say, have a feature request, or just a general question please feel free to post it to our forum. If you have some that requires email, use the form below to contact us.

AngryBirdsNest.com is based in Orange County, CA. Feel free to contact us anytime at “support [AT] angrybirdsnest.com”.

Comments (578)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7655 points
By Chicadee (@chicadee)

Hi @amslimfordy, there seems to be a problem with the Walkthrough vids for Star Wars II Naboo Invasion Pork Side from P1-8 onwards. When you go to the page, the wrong video level seems to be showing and yet when you hit play, it plays the correct Walkthrough! Weird hey! Same for P1-9 and 10. I haven’t checked any further as it’s getting a bit late here downunder. (It does it when I connect with ABN on the PC and iPad.)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

@Chickadee It seems to be a caching issue. However, as long as the PLAYED video is correct (which it sounds like it is) I’m pretty happy. I’ll see if there’s anything I can do about the “still thumbnails”, though.

By lester shine

why has luke in angry birds star wars lost his light saber power?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

He hasn’t. What platform are you playing on?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points

He didn’t. He received it on level 9 of Episode one

By lester shine

I’m playing on a samsung galaxy tab (android).

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Might want to consider restarting your device, but there has been no changes in gameplay.

By Annette Rossignol

You wiped out all of my data on Angry Birds Go. I was at the end of the Last..Snow episode, all of my purchased cars, everything with the bug in your Speedway update. I want my data restored, and I cannot figure out how to do this. I just cannot believe you did this. The site now says I have zero coins, zero diamonds, and no activity even on Speedway. I spent real money on cars. Please restore my data because I cannot figure out how to do this and neither can anyone else I know. This happened yesterday morning. Don’t you proof your updates. There is no way I could redo all the efforts I put into this. I am absolutely furious with you.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Annette, you should contact Rovio’s customer support directly. I’m confident they’ll recover your progress.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Also, we did nothing of the sort. We are a fan site, and that’s all :)

By Annette Rossignol

Just in a generally foul mood about this and, obviously, vented to the wrong folks. Thanks for understanding.

Rank: DaBomb with 320 points
By jerzgirl (@jerzgirl)

Annette, this is something that happening to me right now twice this month (Nov.) I am sick and homebound very frustrated I’ve sent my second note to Rovio

By tmm0109

This is the 2nd time I lost my gems

By sarah

So where is the proper site then. Angry bird friends power ups are just useless. I haven’t had a bird quake do any damage since an up date. I see a bunch of complaints but no response or resolve..as well as it is just way to expensive to play. If I’m going to spend 100 dollars it’s not going to be for 18000 digital coins. Gimme a break.

Rank: Fling King with 4615 points
By welshwitch55 (@welshwitch55)

Go to Rovio.com and vent there. You probably won’t get the answer you want to hear, though. They’ve grown so large that I think it’s hard for them to keep up. I’ve seen, on Facebook groups, some of the letters that have been sent in response to other player’s questions, and some of the answers were downright rude!

Rank: Deputized with 170 points
By Teddy (@thor419)

I play angry birds friends 3 time’s now that did that to me I am so {Admin Edit} upset.

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)

Please keep your comment to a ‘G’ rating. This is a family-friendly site where children of all ages browse these pages.

Thank you,

Rank: Slinger with 1090 points
By birdiebetty (@birdiebetty)

Interesting developments on the Facebook Tournament today. I moved up two slots in the ranks but I didn’t play at all. The administrators may be taking out the cheaters? I notice that there are only 34 people left in my current league, but it was full earlier this week. Anyone notice anything similar? Anyone heard any facts about this? Thanks!

Rank: Sling God with 70375 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Noticed the recent walkthroughs are for Retro Facebook but have not seen anything on home page on what they are about. View a few of the walkthroughs and the game play is something from the past, cool!!!!

By kelly lopez

i am so disappointed in angrybirds friends that im gonna quit playing all together because i cant load into the game. its been a week now and i really liked the game cuz i could play against my friends. ive sent complaints with no avail and its irratatiing cuz i am disabled and i love playing the game. what does a person have to do to load onto the game without that damm saying that says the piggys are having an uproar. get it straight people cuz i really want to keep playing but all it does is piss me off. i know its petty, but come on, fix it or take it off. sorry for being so mean because thats not me, but at least do something.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Kelly Please refer to Rovio’s Support page for troubleshooting tips: https://support.rovio.com/hc/en-us/categories/200204393-Angry-Birds-Friends

By Ilein

I cant get mine to load on facebook either

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By Anita Mann (@anita-mann)

I am completely disappointed in the price increase. You just raised the price again! What gives? I thought you were different from all the other games, but I was mistaken. None of you care about the people that play, just the all mighty buck. This really sucks!!

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)

@anita-mann, we are not the developers of these games. You should report your issue directly to Rovio. Here is the link: https://support.rovio.com/hc/en-us
At the bottom of the window, click on the “Submit A Request” button.

By dottie renner

angry birds tournament wont load half the time, can you please fix it,

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

dottie Please read my comment above, it won’t get fixed if you don’t report it to the game developer

By Mh

You keep telling people to go to rovio support. They don’t answer. Stella pop has been broken for weeks and weeks. They just want money.

By Debbie Teale

Could you please check my account with you. I purchased for ÂŁ0.79p a further chance on angry birds. I did not receive the extra try’s
I’m very disappointed

Could yo please look into this ASAP

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Debbie, we are not the makers of Angry Birds games. You should contact Rovio Support directly: https://support.rovio.com/hc/en-us

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By sami6117 (@sami6117)

I want to delete AB but how do I delete it?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)

@sami6117 Sorry for the delay in response, I see your platform is Facebook. So my answer is based on that. If you are talking about another platform let me know.

Not sure you can delete Facebook, but there are settings you can change for each game. On the computer, just go to your “homepage” of you Facebook account and look for “Games”, when you tap that, there should be a tab “Your Games”. On that page there is a wheel icon that allows you to change all kinds of settings. If you pull out the “public” menu, you can choose for it to be only visible for yourself.

Hope this helps

Rank: Fling King with 4615 points
By welshwitch55 (@welshwitch55)

I hope that if you delete it, you won’t want to reinstall and expect to have all of your scores still intact. I mistakenly did that with Seasons about 4-5 years ago to make room on my phone. Then I got a new phone and downloaded it again. I was so upset that I had to do all those levels again. Trick or Treat was hard enough the first time around! Now I make sure my phones have enough gbs for all my AB games and my music. Never again! Though now, I play mostly on an iPad, so my progress on most games doesn’t crossover from iPad to iPhone. This is why I wish Rovio would get the cloud thing progressing.

Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By Patty Vallejos (@patty-vallejos)

I did the same thing and started all over and then yesterday I clicked login to facebook and it logged in and then My progress was gone. Everything but my achievements are gone.

By Ron Thorp

My spin wheel to get coins and extra birds, Will not work there is a issue with it now of 3 days. Needs to be fixed.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

You should let Rovio know about this issue at: https://support.rovio.com/hc/en-us

By Con

Angry birds epic: I’m sorry if I’ve already said this but I can’t find my comment and I found an option to keep track of any notifications so again sorry. Every time there is an ad and it finishes the game freezes on the loading screen to the next level have you ever seen this before? And can you help me? again very sorry.

By Valarmathi

Hi I’m a valarmathi 130 th 2nd room is freezing please help me that level

By shameel

how do i activate my rovio account

By Joanne

Why can’t I use my bird coin? There’s an error always coming up and it’s never happened to me before, frustrating to say the least, not to mention the cheaters that still continue to play the game..

Rank: Sling God with 32995 points
By ph (@ph)

Please check out the friend request I just received. I don’t think this should be a “looking for love” site.
Hi ph,

Sofia mentioned you in a status update:


([email protected]) It’s my pleasure meeting you, am Sofia Abdel by name I like you and i will like to get acquainted with you.
And also interesting in you, please, can we be friends in any way, I explain more about me and send pictures to you, but I want to meet you.

I’m looking for a long term relationship with. I want to share everything with my future husband,father or mother.

I am romantic, funny and fun to be with. I am loving, caring with lots of passion, I will love to meet a man that is looking for a serious relationship, a caring and loving man or woman that knows what he wants, and I really wish to indicate my interest in you,kindly write me on my Email address ([email protected]).

From Sofia Abdel”

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Looking into this @ph. Do you know their @username by chance?

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Never mind. Found and banned the user. Thanks for the report.

Rank: Deputized with 165 points
By Secretbird (@secretbird)

Hi,@birdleader!!!! My account is set up!!!!!

By Rhonda Childers

In the walwalkthrougI see nothing to help with the angry birds blast game. Did I miss something somewhere?


I have lost my programs and pass words to Angry Birds regular firstgame space , seasons, Can’t remember what else you should have a record …
[email protected]

Carol D’Agosta
4852 Mt. Royal Ave.
San Diego, Ca. 92117
please reinstall my games and email my passwords…Thank You


is anybody listening?looking?reading?
I need my Angry Birds back…I paid once don’t double dip me please…

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16460 points
By PJng (@pjng)

This is not Rovio support,
You should go to http://www.rovio.com/support

By Birdy Strike

Dear, if any of my birdy buddy can help me to understand, why All of a sudden, no. of black pearl reduced from 3500+ to 1200, in my profile, although I have not purchased or upgraded anything

Rank: Master Slinger with 5100 points
By Mechanic Pig (@christian-cosgrove)

And after I sent a message, my account is back…

Rank: Master Slinger with 5100 points
By Mechanic Pig (@christian-cosgrove)

Let’s hope…

Rank: Master Slinger with 5100 points
By Mechanic Pig (@christian-cosgrove)

When I go onto the Angry Birds 2 Forum, my account is gone…

By Geoff

Original Angry Birds has been ruined!
I installed it again after several months because it constantly crashed on my Insignia Android 6 tablet. NOW it’s worse than ever. What’s with needing Special Stars to open the next level and the next major level? It still crashes randomly, either restarts the game or reboots the tablet. Darn in-game ads subtract time from using the Sling Scope, making it only good for 2 levels at most, it used to be for 10 minutes, not 5. Sometimes it crashes when I click for the Bonus Stars on the right side when a level is complete, no Stars given. If it doesn’t crash, it takes 15 to 30 seconds away from the Sling Scope. I ran out of Special Stars and can’t go to the next major level, I can’t open Ham ’em High and I refuse to spend money to buy Special Stars to continue. Uninstalled it again. Screw you Rovio!

By Victoria La Sala

I need help from the game makers not other people who play angry birds. Please email me back so I can explain the issue

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By Sophie (@sophie27)

How do I get Facebook friends that will send gifts and I can send gifts to, so I can earn coins and free power-ups?

By Maurice Falleni

Sorry wrong email

By Thomas

I have uninstalled and installed angry birds 2than got in to game made a new user I get to daily chalanges log in on Facebook and it takes me back to my old save can anyone help? How can I restart

By Joan

Is being a member of the nest free?

Rank: Champion with 3440 points
By You Gotta be Joshing me (@beakymcfeather)

Yes. Although there are premium “uncaged” memberships that have you pay a fee and gets rid of ads.

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