About AngryBirdsNest.com

Hi! Thanks for checking out AngryBirdsNest.com. We offer the most comprehensive repository of Angry Birds information and walkthroughs on the web. I hope you enjoy the site and find what you need.

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About Angry Birds

If you stumbled across us and aren’t familiar with Angry Birds, here’s some background: Angry Birds — which was created by Rovio Entertainment LTD — has become one of the most popular mobile video games ever. It is an extremely addictive game that is simple to learn but difficult to master. Combine that with free updates, lots of hidden treasures, great music, and fun characters and you have a game that is hard to put down.

As always, if you’ve got something to say, have a feature request, or just a general question please feel free to post it to our forum. If you have some that requires email, use the form below to contact us.

AngryBirdsNest.com is based in Orange County, CA. Feel free to contact us anytime at “support [AT] angrybirdsnest.com”.

Comments (578)

Rank: Champion with 3440 points
By You Gotta be Joshing me (@beakymcfeather)

@admins a user called Nester (@nester123) has been acting suspiciously, he/she keeps sending out friend requests to different users and afterward sends them a PM saying something about he/she working at/with the UN and asking if the user would like a job there or something. I can’t exactly remember because I deleted the PM and canceled our friendship.

Rank: Champion with 3440 points
By You Gotta be Joshing me (@beakymcfeather)

UPDATE: I just realized the name is Hester (@hester123)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10370 points
By The Dark Knight (@elpapam)

I have also received a pm from this hester123 and want’s me to send him an email to his/her hotmail address

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

The user has been removed. cc @admins

Rank: Master Slinger with 5405 points
By 20Qmindreader (@20qmindreader)

@admins I have tried to send an email re concerns I have with my account, and I got a “unable to deliver this message “ notification. Any info about this would be appreciated.

Rank: Fling King with 4725 points
By This is SG (@sahil-gagrai)

Hey, I was looking out in the forums and apparently, one of the users made a post which includes shortened links to porn websites. Please remove the post as soon as possible. We don’t want any young users to encounter this and mistake it for an image link.

Rank: Sling God with 47130 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)

Thanks for notifying this. This must have slipped through our defense.
It’s removed now.

By PoSeiDon

Very Good

By Rob Chandler

I lost nearly 8,000 gems last night. I only have 177.
I didn’t use them on anything.
Can you help me? I spent over $100 on them a few days ago.


Hi, We don’t care, that is your problem.
We already got YOUR MONEY…so If We here at ROVIO cared about you and your stupid problems We would fix whats wrong with the game by offering a patch or update. BUT since we already have other suckers willing to keep shelling out cash You can go pound sand. YO, did you really think you matter to us ?
There is a sucker born every minute so we more interested in milking you for what ever we can get out of you then moving on to the next sucker.
Go pound sand if you don’t like it cause We don’t need you.

Rank: Out of this World with 2960 points
By 007 (@nas76)

@admins In the AB2 forum there is a new member called Sigo who posted a new thread trying to sell an obviously hacked account which breaks Rovio’s T&C’s on multiple levels, can the user and thread get removed please?
I thought that new users’ first posts were moderated before being allowed to appear? How did that one slip through?

Rank: Sling God with 47130 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)

@nas76 That one slipped obviously through our defense.
Thanks for paying attention to it and giving us a heads up. The thread has been removed.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points

This user i.love dd is a scammer and an unused account
Please remove it

Rank: Flinger with 0 points

Oops! I forgot to add @admins

By Jilani Ahmadi

Hello Rovio Entertainment we want you to bring Angry birds fight back because other games are so boring we will do everything or maybe pay for it

By Mansur

Hello Rovio Entertainment we want you To bring Angry Birds fight back because it is a cool game we will do Everything Or Pay for it Please bring it back

Rank: Sling God with 36370 points
By ixan57 (@ixan57)

I am afraid you are wasting your time posting here. I’m sure if someone organised a petition and directed it to Rovio. That would be a better way of getting their attention

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By hypercritical ELITE BUTNUGGET (@hypercritical-elite-butnugget)

Game continually crashes during ads when opening common chests.
So far I must have lost about 800 pearls and other rewards, and also same when
watching ads for extra bird during game-play all progress is then lost.
what the heck is up ? it seems this same problem has been reported all over for a very long time now. WHY ISN’T IT BEING FIXED ?

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By Bluebird (@mandybarb)

After the update of AB 2, my app is now locked on the startup screen with the birds! Can someone help as I’m on a level in the 400s and don’t want to lose this and start again! Thanks!!

By Mr Christopher j Doyle

The recent changes to your angry birds 2 ariena are rubbish,the game is no longer fair or fun to play,.

Your loss,.

Rank: DaBomb with 340 points

My current username (not display) on Angry Birds Nest is @alexander-jackson, however since this is LITERALLY MY REAL NAME I want to change it to something else. The only problem with this is that I can’t, can any forum staff help with this? Thanks.
(Will delete this post after changes are made.)

Rank: DaBomb with 340 points

and now I’ve realized I can’t delete my own replies to the About page, I guess I’m fucked now.

By Karenthebest

Oh and BTW I haven’t been able to connect to FB with my Angry Birds Transformers for months now. So I can’t give and I can’t receive.

By Reba Tessel

I lost all my assets in Angry birds 2. How do I restore my games?

By You canceled my game Angry Birds friends I had $25 in coins I was ranked seven gold and you just took it all what happened I rebooted did not help please straighten it out thank you

You canceled my game Angry Birds friends I had $25 in coins I was ranked seven gold and you just took it all what happened I rebooted did not help please straighten it out thank you

By David Paul

I do NOT use USELESS Facebook, Twitter, & all the negative 1st Amendment of FREE SPEECH.

Rank: Flinger with 60 points
By AB (@amit-bhardwaj)

I scored high in Level 2 of Friends Tournament 1063 over the last weekend (April 2-3) 3 times, but everytime the app froze up not registering my high score. I tried in 3 different locations so it was not a connectivity error. Furthermore, the error was limited to only Level 3. I am pretty sure there is a bug. Not only was my high score not registered leading a demotion in Levels, but also my powerups ended up getting used for waste multiple times. Please help!

By Rick Schappe

You canceled my entrance into Angry Birds friends I have $25 in points I was rent gold is seven and it’s all disappeared why?rick Schappe

By william

I would like to know if there is a problem with the facebook app. It was there on 8/21/2022 and now on 8/22/2022 it is gone. I have been playing angry birds for over 10 years now and suddenly it is gone. Please advise on this matter. 

Thankfully Andrybirds player

By Rick Schappe

To gain free Bird coins you’re making us watch these horrible ads my eight-year-old son was watching bra ads political ads and other ads that are targeting the wrong audience. Play the Angry Birds in the past have been fun but recently you made some horrible changes maybe you should get rid of some of your new programmers. I had ranked 5 five gold, platinum.And lost all that several times sorry your new strategy is crap.

By Wtlliam

I would like to know if there is a problem with the facebook app. It was there on 8/21/2022 and now on 8/22/2022 it is gone. I have been playing angry birds for over 10 years now and suddenly it is gone. Please advise on this matter. 

Thankfully Andrybirds player

By Rick schappe

You took all my bird coins and stole my name MOOMMAN5151
And now you are calling named me STERLING ????? Where did that come from.
Should I put a stop on my visa ? To prevent you from taking money out of my account??

Please fix your problems

Thanks. [email protected]

By Rick schappe

You took all my bird coins and stole my name MOOMMAN5151
And now you are calling named me STERLING ????? Where did that come from.
Should I put a stop on my visa ? To prevent you from taking money out of my account??

Please fix your problems

Thanks. [email protected]

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

can someone @catsnbirds send me the link tothe.ost rent page of the BP I got

booted d

By roselott

I want to know if there is any problem with the app. It was on 9/15/2023 and now on 10/15/2023 it’s gone. I’ve been playing Angry Birds for over 10 years now and all of a sudden it’s gone. Please advise on this matter.

By Hans Vilén

Cant play level7 or 10 of ab friends that started today november 6th

By William Desplas

I would like to know why it take so long to win 1000 bird coins, I’m on everyday

Rank: Flinger with 40 points
By FunkyBrewster (@funkybrewster)

Try to send a message and it was “unable”. This is ridiculous.

Rank: Flinger with 40 points
By FunkyBrewster (@funkybrewster)

Can’t even send them a message b/c it says it is unable. SEGA and Rovio’s update is horrible for Windows 10.

By AngryGabry06

i tried to create and account but recaptcha is missing which required tfor the registartion, i tried contacting but it results in error.

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