• MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 7 months ago

    @Vuelva, @all To get a second dream home, just tell me where / what you want. It is useful if it is in the same time zone / country, but not necessary. For example, Kimmiecv’s summer home is a haunted castle in Scotland (she lives in California). If you want your primary home to be a dream home, it really should be the correct time zone / country, or you will confuse everyone.

    • Wow, I’d never heard of Angaur; thought you might have had a serious attack of spell correction gone amuck. Do you want any specific location on the island? Have you been there? If not, how did you decide on that location.
      Sent you a friends request so we can discuss options further.

    • Look on your profile page under friends / requests. I will send another if it’s gone.