• AngerManagement posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 11 years, 6 months ago

    @sunshine/@kartflyer I would like to nominate @rat9, (Rat), for Share the Wealth, as his strategies are always very brilliant, especially, helping me to get the Danger Addict badge;)

    • @angermanagement excellent nomination, @rat9 has helped me as well!!!

    • Thank you for the nomination, I’m humbled.

    • I’ll second nomination! @Rat9‘s posts are a real help.

    • @sunshine: Please count me in for @rat9 as well. :)

    • @sunshine @mvnla2 @kartflyer @Kathy @angermanagement @brave1966 Thank you all for your kind words on the Share the Wealth nomination. I normally only post higher scoring strategies . Their harder but I know people love a challenge. As I currently have five first place and seventeen top three levels in Pig Dipper along with the rest in the top ten, I better get to posting a few more strategies. I mention this not to brag (well, maybe a little), but to bring up a badge idea I mentioned once to AMslimfordy. I would love to get some buzz going about a “Top Twentyfive, Twenty, or even Ten Badge”. I’m currently aware of only two people, @goavs4 and myself, that have made it to the top ten in all levels of a world. We’ve got a little challenge going on between us to see how far we can take it. As I said, people love a challenge and if there was a reward associated with it I think the scores would benefit just as they do with the Underdog badge. Personally I would covet such a badge and would wear it with pride.
      Sorry about getting wordy up on my soapbox. Again, ty ty ty.

    • Count me in! BTW @rat, speaking for myself, I don’t see that as bragging at all. After all you deserve the recognition, and I agree that a “Top” badge is a good idea. We all love to work for badges and I think our top players should have the honor! I suppose it should be a requirement to submit your scores (like we do for Danger or Jedi Addict) to make certain the right people are awarded.

      • @bird-addict There would also need to be a delay after release to allow enough score input, Say two weeks to a month.

        • @Rat i agree that’s a good idea:)
          Manu Malin (eweber) is a or The Top score on most of the leaderboard here in the Nest..I’m surprised being a top scorer yourself you haven’t competed against him, or at least heard of him..