• MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 6 months ago

    @ABcrazy — Thanks for joining. BTW, I like your avatar. Is it one of the artistically doctored photos?
    Anyway, you will be on the next map update. There is already someone on the map with a Houston location, which means I will assign you a more detailed location of my choosing (in Houston), unless you want to choose your dream home / location in the Houston area. I am partial to golf courses and / or houses next to golf courses. I will send you a forum PM.

    • Just sent you forum PM. You should get notification in your e-mail with link in a few minutes. FYI, ABN sends notifications to your e-mail without letting sender know what the address is. If you don’t get it, let me know, and I’ll try to help you get to it. Please do not list your real e-mail anywhere on this site. (Yes, I know you had to give a real e-mail to join, but only the admins can access it.)

    • If I haven’t heard from you when I do next update (today or tomorrow), I will pick a location for you. You can always change it later.

    • @mvnla2 Thanks. I found my avatar by searching on the web, so I cant claim to be the artist, and cant give credit to whoever did it. I just like it too! I’ve been thinking of switching to a photo I actually took, of a screech owl & a hummingbird, but I’m afraid the hummer wouldnt show up.

      • I hope the owl is not killing the hummingbird, since my avatar is a hummingbird, and I’m kind of partial to them.

        • Oh, no! Although owl may have made an attempt. I just happened to be home for lunch on an overcast day and I heard a thump against the sliding glass door. I looked to see what it was when the owl flew into the tree where I hang my hummer feeders. Owl looked quite dazed. Hummer flitted around for a while trying to decide if it was safe to sip. I was lucky to be there & catch an image of both, though I got the backside of the hummer in retreat.

        • I uploaded the image to my album.

          • @ABcrazy – now you seem to have a new avatar that looks like some member of the cardinal tribe. Did you just recently update it? Because I like the new one, too! Such a nice looking bird — do you know what it is?

            • @junkenmetal I think it’s a cardinal photoshopped into AB style. I didn’t create it, and I noticed today that someone else is using the same image. I’ll probably change it to something more original when I get a chance.