• bdub posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @mvnla2 – thanks for directing to the map – here’s my info: USA, Wisconsin, Madison

    • Thanks! Will put you on the map in next update. I have relatives in Madison — beautiful place. Also full of Frank Lloyd Wright houses; I could put you in one if you like, or maybe the University Ridge Golf Course?
      But now your avatar’s color and the B confuse me. I forget what the U of W mascot is, maybe a badger? But I’m certain the color is red?

      • Should have said @bdub

        • Thank you–glad to be on the map representing beautiful Madison. You can put me at Monona Terrace (Wright’s lakeside convention center). Obviously don’t live there, but pass by it daily. Indeed the WI Badger’s color is red, however just grabbed a quick avatar that had a “B”–just liked the “B” initial,as in bdub (W) but not crazy about the purple color…btw there must be 12 of you–you do so much on/for the Nest–I see your great/helpful comments & strategies all the time plus managing all the other things–amazing & ty! One more thing– have I formatted this correctly? I’m kind of an ancient and not sure what protocol is needed–I’ve read all the FAQs , but I’m a slow learner!

          • @Bdub Monona Terrace it is (or will be); great view. Your format is fine; although I’ll see your message faster if you use @mvnla2, just as you’ll see it faster if I mentions you (took me 7 hrs to reaslize I hadn’t last time).
            If you’re ancient, stop by the Seniors on ABN forum and while you’re there the Bloated Pig (BP). The BP is nearing 80,000 comments, so should be a few people around the next few days.
            You could ask E-star if she could do a quick change of color on your avatar. You can find her in the BP most days.
            Now, I think there really might be 12 Slims, but there is only one of me. I’ve been a member for a long time, and try to keep my daily AB / ABN activity under control. Oh yes, there is also and AB addicts forum. Hope to see you around.