• surfcow posted an update in the group Other Mobile Games You Love 11 years, 3 months ago

    If you enjoy pinball, the physics and feel of Pinball HD are outstanding.
    I have no real friends, but I’ve made a few virtual buddies courtesy of Zynga (not my favorite company) and their “With Friends” apps. I’ve been playing quite a few Gems With Friends contests but my hands down favorite is newest: Running With Friends requires quick reflexes as you race through the streets of Pamplona, Spain during a Running of the Bulls-type event, trying to avoid being trampled or squashed by some very “angry bulls.” Warning: Zynga’s games have a way of sneaking into your wallet or purse for some spare change if you aren’t careful and get swept up in the competitive aspect. Speaking of sneaky games, I recommend staying away from Candy Crush Saga – a free game that is currently the top grossing app in the Apple App Store. It’s a beautiful, well-done game that will suck the life and money from you faster than a One Direction concert. And it’s hooks into FaceCrook make Rovio Power-Ups look like yummy candy in comparison. You’ve been warned. Aloha.