• Lisko uploaded a new picture: 972479_102007679972… 11 years, 3 months ago

    Lucifer the cat

    • He’s stunning! @lisko No wonder you fell in love with him! Fantastic name as well! You’re just about to join a whole heap of kitty lovers in the BP……me included :) I have to say though that I think your little monster will love Lucifer more than Lucifer loves little monster ;( in my experience cats don’t particularly like knee highs LOL!!

      • Haha, we had four cats at one point, but then I got allergic so we got new homes for all of them just to be sure. Now I’ve found out that I wasn’t allergic to the longhaired ones, cause there not as much dandruff in their skin. So we decided to take a longhaired one cause I can handle him without any allergic symptoms.
        Our son is very polite when it comes to animals, we’ve been teaching him that when a cat/dog/whatever is sleeping, he can’t go to touch them, and all the animals we’ve been dealing with, have been treating Juuso the same way :D He knows how to be with animals, tough I’m pretty sure that when Lucifer moves here, The Little Monster will be so thrilled that he just can’t keep his hands off the cat xD

        Here’s a pic of our previous cats: 271101_2073635353378_50452_n.jpg

        • And yes, all the four cats went to sleep by themselves, we didn’t force them into the same chair xD