• nacho18 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 10 years, 9 months ago

    We’ll I don’t know ; I just to be a member . I would like to know more about this group. Maybe you mvnla2 , can give me more information about it.

    • @Nacho18
      Group is just another category of the types of posting you can do on this site. Unlike the forums, which disappear into back pages if they don’t have recent posts, the groups remain easily accessible.
      This group was started to let people easily find out what time zone other members lived in. There are two components that can be seen by clicking on the blue links (text) above for Current Map and Sortable Table of People Listed on the Map. You are welcome to use these even if you are not a member of the group or on the map.
      The map has an individual dot for everyone who asks to be put on the map. All locations are approximate and/or made up at the member’s or my whim. No one under 21 is allowed to list their real city. Those who are over 21 may list their city, but do not have to. It’s preferable to have your prime location in your actual time zone and country. If 2 people end up at the same location on the map, either they or I choose specific made-up locations so they each can have their own dot.
      If you want a summer / winter / dream home, I will put a second dot where requested. For example Kimmiecv has a summer home in a haunted Scottish castle in additional to her actual location in California.
      Members under 21 get a made-up location. For example I put AngryBoy on the 13th green at the Augusta National Golf Course, which is in the state where he lives. Lots of people are on golf courses, because I play golf. : D
      Sorry for the delayed reply. I do not get e-mail notification of posts in this group unless you @mention me. I do try to check it every day or 2.