• Optimus_Pig has received the Helping Hand badge! 9 years, 4 months ago

    • Optimus_Pig Congraturatations on the helping hand badge:)

      • Thank you! I didn’t even notice this until you mentioned it, lol.

        Is there a thread somewhere that shows everyone who received new badges??

        • @Optimus_Pig yw :)
          Not sure if you joined this badge and Rank grouo .if not you can join and at the top you can subscribe to ‘weekly or daily digest and you will get a notice in your email of the daily or weekly awards of badges and rank. Hope i explained that correctly. if not maybe @sweetp can explain better:)

          • o.k maybe better See the gold bar on the top of the page? under the ‘Community ‘ tab click on that and you’ll see a drop down menu then click all groups ‘ it will bring you to a selection page choose ‘Badge and rank Nominate and congratulate ‘ click that and it will bring you to the main page where you can choose ‘join ‘ then im sure you’ll figure it from there.;)

    • Welcome to the B&R Group @optimuspig! Congrats on your Helping Hand badge. Well-deserved.
      Thanks @Kathy for helping him out!