• PaulAnthony63 posted an update 12 years, 1 month ago

    PaulAnthony63 is CONFUSED!!!

    • Why are you confused?

      • Hi Angry boy! HowZ it?? Awe…That is me most of the time you know…confused. So..tell me about you. What games do you play? How long ago did you find the Nest? I have quite a bit of fun in here. Asise from a few cheaters trying to blost their scores, the Walk-through pages are cool. I just became aware of the BP. It seems like you guys have a ton of fun in there. I’m slowly trying to make my way in there. Anyway…sorry for all the questions. So..I am BBQ’ing a Tri-Tip right now…so I gotta tend to that. I will be in and out the rest of the night. Thanks for the friend invite. Talk atcha later.