• Kathy posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 8 years, 4 months ago

    @sweetp I’d like to nominate @knichy for the truffle shuffle badge , He’s a funny funny guy lol, for proof see comments in the BP ! :D

    • Thanks for the nod, @kathy – I may be a funny guy but. Looks aren’t everything!

      • Hee hee your welcome @knichy :D

        • @kathy if you wanted to see something funny, I paid a bunch of neighborhood kids a few quarters to pick up gumballs and pine cones. Then they discovered my salad garden so I had at least a half dozen 4 – 8 year olds eating 5or 6 varieties of lettuce and spinach and loving it. I bet their moms wouldn’t believe it. But I reckon it’s the freshest salad they ever had!

          • 5that Is funny @knichy ?can’t help but ask Gumballs?

            • Pokey little balls that fall off of gum trees @kathy probably the most annoying tree by-product of them all. A little smaller than golf balls, hard to see but spikey and pokey and just all around nasty.

              • I’ve never seen a gum tree @knichy? Are you funning with me? You only live 2 States down from me seriously gum trees?

                • Uh, like, yeah @kathy, gum tree. It doesn’t like, grow him or nuthin, it’s just called a gum tree, in this case sweet gum. Wood is very twisty and difficult to split for firewood, and it’s seed pods are nasty little gumballs

      • Oops, sorry @kathy I didn’t see this until now. I was having too much fun over the weekend, I totally forgot about checking in on the Nest!