Pigineering: Leaving on a Jet Plane

Air Travel Woes on Piggy Island

Breaking News – King Pig stranded whist on vacation!

Airports have been shut down all over Piggy Island following what appeared to be a freak lightning storm in space.

No bacon was consumed in the making of this video.

Though vehemently decried as “blatantly im-pork-sible” by scientists of the Pork Side, a simulation of the strange but deadly plane-destroying phenomenon was previously submitted to the Piggy Porkcasting Corporkration (it’s just like the BBC, only pigger).

Apparently stumped, the pigineering department admitted that piggy science is not all encompassing and that we should all go home and enjoy some cake instead.

In other news, some enterprising piglets have proposed a new and faster method of boarding airplanes, guaranteed to reduce check-in times by a factor of one hundred and ten percent. What do you think of this idea?


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