Angry Birds 2 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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We have received so many questions related to Angry Birds 2 that we’ve compiled a comprehensive FAQ to help provide a one-stop shop for answers. As always, if we missed a question leave a comment below and we’ll get it added. Also, don’t hesitate to head on over the Angry Birds 2 forum to ask question or look for answers. There is a ton of helpful information there. Below the FAQ you’ll also find some helpful videos.

  • Q. Is an internet connection required?
  • Yes, sort of. It’s required only when you launch the game for the first time (officially stated by Rovio). Internet is also required for an initial download after updating to a newer version.
  • What’s the max number of lives you can obtain?
  • Typically, it’s 5, but for some people it could be 10 as a result of testing the game. If you’re lucky, you can increase the lives from 5 to 6 via a special offer.
  • Is the card (bird) order always the same?
  • Nope, it changes every time you start a level.
  • What do Strike, Birdie and Headpop mean?
  • Strike means you completed a room of a level with just one bird, and that grants a bonus of 25K points. Birdie means you completed a room with two birds, and that grants a bonus of 10K points. Headpop is awarded when you hit a pig directly with a bird. Be advised that the bonus points might be lower in the first levels.
  • Do the changing levels have any impact on the score?
  • Supposedly not. Rovio officially stated that you can pretty much achieve the same score regardless of the structure layouts. Personally, the layouts have made significant difference for me.
  • Is my Angry Birds 2 progress saved?
  • It depends. For Android, if you connect to Facebook your progress will be saved there. For iOS players, your progress is saved through Game Center.
  • What is the Arena (video below)?
  • The Angry Birds 2 Arena is a daily tournament in which you compete against 14 other players across the world. Arena levels are endless, with the objective to win bird feathers and advance through the leagues (from Vanilla to Diamond). The higher your score, the higher your rank, and the higher your rank, the more feathers you’ll win. Be advised that an internet connection is required to participate in the Arena. The Arena is unlocked after completing Level 25. A first look video is below.
  • What do the feathers grant?
  • With feathers, you can increase your birds’ ranks (level up). Higher ranking birds are more powerful, causing more destruction, which means you can obtain more points and earn extra cards quicker.
  • What are the red and blue presents found in levels?
  • If you collect a red present, after completing the level you’ll receive either a spell or some bird feathers from that present. If you collect a blue present, after completing the level you’ll be able to send that present to a friend (if you’ve connected the game to Facebook).
  • What does the Golden Pig do?
  • Popping a Golden Pig immediately fills up the Destruct-O-Meter, which earns you an extra card.
  • How to achieve a large number of points?
  • Try to do Strike or at least Birdie shots while also trying to destroy as much material of the structures as you can. It’s not enough to just pop the piggies.
  • Well, there you have it! Now it’s your turn to tell us what we missed by leaving a comment below. If the question is applicable we’ll add it to the FAQ for all to see.

    The following videos were created during the soft-launch of Angry Birds Under Pigstruction; however, most of the information is still applicable.

    First Look at Angry Birds 2 Arena

    Angry Birds 2 Pig Inflater Spell

    Angry Birds 2 First Look

    A HUGE thanks to @mighty-red-1 for compiling this Angry Birds 2 FAQ. We all owe him a debt of gratitude.

Comments (416)

By Holly Katana

Can you change your Facebook profile you logged into on the game into another Facebook profile? And how would I do that?

By Lonnie

If you are dealt a free card and it’s a spell, is that a spell from your OWN earned spells and subtracted if used or is that a card I can use without losing my saved spell cards?

By Michelle Goettling

No it is a free one

By Rizky

How to level up another bird?

By Chris G Hanson

How do achieve golden birds? Im on level 152 says I need 3 golden birds to continue.

By Penuel Odiaka

I believe that feathers you can win in the game upgrade your birds from regular to bronze to silver to gold, and so on. Level 4 birds, golden birds, give 4x the score in the Destruct-O-Meter. That might just be why 3 golden birds are required for you to continue… you probably have a low chance of completing newer levels if you don’t have golden birds to quadruple your score. Hope this helps!

By Nomorerovio

The game is a scam. I’ve spent around $50 on gems.
Now I only play for free.

I’d accumulated over 300 gems, for free, playing over many
Many months on a daily basis.

Suddenly, without using any gems, rovio downgraded
My gem count to 42. Absolute insult for daily gaming.

I’m now deleting app- not interested in any rovio product.

By frryx

help me pls, i’m stuck at lvl 26, my birds aren’t bronze, how can i lvl up my birds?

By scott

Rovio just made a manditory update, for haloween 2016, i go to update the ap, and i get a not enough space notice. I have 2.4gb free on my internal storage.
How much space does this update require when it installs? The download is only 114mb.
If it helps i am using a samsung galaxy 4 tab t230nu.

Thank you for any help
[email protected]

By Buck Birdson

This game crashes every time I play… downloads, I make one move and before the bird hits its target…..CRASH!!! I have over 45 lives in the arena I can’t play……I have fallen in league statis because this. I have spent over $100 playing this game. There is no way to progress beyond level 466. I’m fed up.

By Jason

It crashes for me as well. You have to make sure that programs running in the background are shut down. I make it a habit to shut them down before I load the game but sometimes it still crashes just not as much.

Rank: Deputized with 165 points
By rosiespro (@rosiespro)

Nearly winning in arena level 6 need to watch video for free bird. It’s all frozen. Have no choice but reboot and loose everything grrrr.

By Regina

I’ve had the same problem and I have lost my arena position. I also noticed today that I’m not offered the watching video to improve score. And I was wondering if you knew why it stopped offering that option? Which is always helpful when I need a little points to win. I am very unhappy that I don’t have the option to improve score and I have to waste gems. Do you know or does anyone know why this happens? Is it when you progress? Get higher rankings? Thanks!

By Radha

Same happened with me. I reinstalled the game, that solved the problem. Don’t forget after reinstall you login with your Facebook account, your progress is saved, except the arena, starts from 1, also the daily challenge I finished before reinstall and after that it was there again.

By Irina

What do the hats do?

By Hans Verwey

What do the Gold Stars in Angry Birds 11 do. Can they be traded or sold

By Allison

How do I get rid of the upgrade to the diamond level sling?

By nick fury

How do I play against my Facebook friends on Angry birds 2? I want to beat my girlfriend in the Arena ha ha.

By Jason

How do you get the new Bird cards? The ones with the winged feathers on the bottom of the card?

By Donna cudmore

How can I get back my jess I bought and didn’t receive [email protected]

By Janwhite

Why did my birds lose their power in the arena and why do you shrink them to nothing they are useless

By Lachlan

How do you claim your daily feathers?

By Michelle Goettling

I would like to know how you make your flock power higher in arena?

By Bill

By adding hats to them. For each completed set of hats, you get a higher powered slingshot and therefore your power increases. It also has to do with your individual bird levels. The higher the level, the better the flock power.

By stvnrdmn69

What happened to the gold borders on my spell cards. I don’t know how I got them but know they are gone.

By Bill

New system question. With the new leveling system used in the arena, how is the booster level determined? I see that the birds levels are determined by the card level, hat multiplier, and sling multiplier. But how can I increase the card level or booster levels?

By Lynn Kersh

I can’t get the stars to move over when I bet a level. My Grandson played and I don’t know if he put it on different level. How do I find out where I should be? Arena has me at 110 have gone back and played and beat but, still will not move to give me stars

By Michelle Goettling

you should have stars on beat levels keep going until u find the last one with stars….or you may need to Uninstall and reinstall just remember to sign into Facebook after reinstalling…

By Michelle Goettling

I am wondering how you raise your flock power….what helps ypu to ge TG higher flock power?

By Oholiabhawk

1. Collect feathers. Once a single bird collects enough feathers indicated on their meter, it will increase 1 step in power, adding to the overall flock power. This is your bird’s base power.
2. Collect black pearls and use them to buy hats. Or find hats in the Elevator and in chests. Each type of hat indicates its multiplier power, adding to you bird’s base power either 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, or 11 points.
3. Complete an entire hat set to upgrade your slingshot. Each time you complete a hat set (eg. all birds have the Party Hat), your sligshot increases 1 step in power, meaning each of your 7 birds increases by 1 step at the same time. So if your flock power was 30, then comple a hat set and upgrade your slingsot, your new flock power would be 37.

By Regina

Why can’t birds be carried over in levels? I earn birds and I get like 8 and beat that level and start again with the basic amount. It would be more fair.

Rank: Flinger with 45 points
By MonaK (@monak)

What is a gem letter and how do I claim it ?

Rank: Flinger with 45 points
By MonaK (@monak)

Where do I click on the daily challenge or do I have to be a certain level ?

By Louise

What is the purpose of the black pearl reward or the snowflake?

By Matt Madsen

Why in the arena does my opponent get points off my plays, sometimes more points than I get ???

By Oholiabhawk

In the arena, the 14 players that you are competing against in ranking are live real-time competitors. But the actual gameplay is not against a real-time player. It’s against a game that someone of similar status as you played in the past, saved in the massive database. The scores are a bird-for-bird comparison. Their score doesn’t change until you launch your next bird and you will see they lost one bird card, just like you. Your competitor does not get points off your plays. They may get a higher score because maybe they got a strike on that particular shot or they used a bird with a higher multiplier than yours. If you chose to use any spells for the round, you will see you have more cards than your competitor, assuming they did not select any spells.

By Brad W.

What do the hats do and how long do they last?

By Hirra

Position or rank list is nt visible in arena of angry birds 2 though having gud net connection n signals too.what’s wrong dude.m in diamond league but cudnt figure out my current rank

By Pat Foley

My name’s Loopy Fearsome in the game angry birds 2 and have recently lost 480 gems and 370 black pearls because of the new updates and I spent hard earned money and time on this game and I want you to return my items or my money honesty this is ridiculous!!!!! DO SOMETHING​!!!!!

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