Angry Birds Birdday Party Available for Mac and PC! Holiday Sale for PC!

Great news for Mac and PC users, as Rovio has released the latest update of Angry Birds just in time for the holidays! The Birdday Party (as in, Birthday Party) update launched on iOS devices on December 11th, the second birthday of the app, and features 15 new birthday-themed levels and a new Golden Egg.

First, if you were on the fence about getting the PC app, now is the time to do it. Rovio announced in their newsletter that from December 23rd through the 25th, all three Angry Birds apps are on sale for $0.99 USD each at the Angry Birds shop.

Next, the Mac and PC update includes many of the same new features listed in the mobile release, so be sure to check that out for more details.

Notice to Mac users: It seems that many Mac users are missing the datafile which includes the “expanded Orange Bird” imagery. We contacted Rovio, and they said they have already submitted a patch update to Apple. v2.0.1 has landed as a “stability fix” for Mac! This seems to solve the “Orange Bird Inflation” issue, but some users are still reporting super-sensative trackpads.

Notice to Mac and PC users: v2.0.2 has been released. This fixes the Golden Egg 1 bug, the trackpad sensitivity issue, the scores ending in 9 bug, and a few other small things.

Now, updates unique to Mac and PC.

  • Mac and PC do not seem to have the new “Rovio Channel” pause screen.
  • The Episode Selection screen has received a cool new makeover. But as Sal9 reports, the background of the Level Selection screen on Mac is a bit buggy. (We will be sure to tell Rovio about this.)
  • The Golden Egg page has been changed to match mobile devices. No more do Mac/PC users have to deal with the massive one-page layout of Golden Eggs! (Complete Golden Egg Guide with imagery.)
  • The three “Facebook Levels” of Ham ’em High have been added, which we have video walkthroughs for here. While this may not seem like that big of a deal, I think it’s safe to assume they will be added to Seasons as well, which means 1 more Golden Egg in Easter. Even more significantly, it means Mac and PC users can compete on an even keel on our leaderboards!
  • Note: You may have lost the star on a Golden Egg or two. Simply re-defeating that level should get you the star back.

Bug Fixes!!

  • Bug 19 has been fixed: You may obtain the star on the Big Brother Soundboard multiple times now.
  • Bug 15 has been fixed: The Rio Football Golden Egg is now labeled as GE-22 instead of GE-20.
  • Bug 22 seems to be fixed: The Rio Golden Egg (13-12) should be attainable by all now. Many users have reported the Egg simply appearing on the Golden Egg page, as though they had obtained it before. If you have more information, please let us know.

Special thanks to Laurence, sal9, and iamMighty for helping me with the details.

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Category: Updates

Comments (281)

By pandygirl

I launch one bird just to loose the next bird in line. I don’t even have to touch the trackpad and a bird will launch. Can’t get the three stars if you loose all the birds when you use the power on the yellow bird or try to use the bomb on the white bird. Just installed the update to fix the orange bird and the trackpad is way too sensitive.

By BombBird1971

I still have that problem, too! I keep checking the AppStore for Updates to fix it, but no such luck. I installed v2.0.1. two days ago, but it only fixed the globe-bird issue.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I have informed Rovio of this continued issue, and I’m sure they will see the AppStore reviews

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By BombBird1971 (@bombbird1971)

Nuthin’ yet…

By Arush Sharma

can any one of u tell me how to backup our angry birds progress for PC?? My angry birds progress is lost when i updated to 2.0.. i know many of the users are facing this problems. So i now realize that i should backup rio and seasons too.. Somewhere in this site earlier, i saw the instructions regarding the backup issue but now i cannot find it…

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

You want to backup two files: highscores.lua and settings.lua.
You’ll find them in:
+Win XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Application Data\Rovio


By Arush Sharma

ok thanks for the reply..

Rank: Fling King with 4315 points
By eherrera32 (@eherrera32)

I just noticed, if you pause the game and click the “?” mark, it explains at the end how to use the Mighty Eagle. I’m referring to the Pc version by the way. Could it mean we could be seeing it in the near future?

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Can you give us a screenshot of it?

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By nascarboy (@nascarboy)

I can’t find it.

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Do you have Angry Birds Original 2.0.0?

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Hey slim, you should add on this post in a new category:

New bugs:
1. Golden Egg #1 is missing.
2. Scores ending in 9 occasionally on level completion screen

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By nascarboy (@nascarboy)

There already up there.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

We have the bug list for that, I suppose. Plus we are a bit removed from this post at this point.

Rank: Sling God with 37350 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hey Austin, you don’t have to say “hey slim” before your comments anymore.

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

LOL! Okay, sorry. :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)

Can you believe there were 6.5 million downloads on Christmas day?

By linden

That is really cool

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)


By SuperMad_BlueBird

Now on PC I can’t zoom out in the game and there’s no home button on pause menu.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Use the scroll wheel. And you can go to the level screen then back one

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

ABo v2.0.2 released for PC.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

Why? Sorry i forgot

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Waiting to hear from some users. Most likely repairs the GE-1 bug, but I’m not positive.

By Arush Sharma

yes GE 1 has been fixed… i think it is now bug free..

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Yes I just checked it as well. Thanks for the help.

By Arush Sharma

the update 2.0 was having only one bug in which GE-1 egg was missing??

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Actually, there is one more. Scores ending 9 on the level completion screen is another bug.

For mac users, there seems to still be an issue with the mac trackpad sensitivity.

By Arush Sharma

9th level of which episode?

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

What I meant was, “Scores ending in 9” on the level completion screen. It happens occasionally when, for example, let’s say my score was 110,930, well it would show that on the level, but when taken to the level completion screen, it would show 110,939 instead of 110,930. Get it? :)

But upon restarting the level it would fix itself.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

There were a few issues with the Birdday Party release, which you can see in the bug list.

Golden Egg 1 Missing: Fixed on PC, still bugged for Mac
Scores Ending in 9: Still bugged on all platforms (perhaps fixed on PC now, will have to play and see)
Mac Trackpad Sensitivity: Still bugged

By Arush Sharma

@ austin: ya i got it. thanks

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

No problem. :)

By BombBird1971

Rovio still hasn’t fixed the trackpad-sensitivity bug on the Mac version. What is taking so long??

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

They are very aware of the issue. Obviously, it’s a more difficult problem than you think it is.

By BombBird1971

“The waiting is the hardest part.” Tom Petty

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I find twiddling my thumbs helps. Or reading a good book. Can I suggest Gouvea: p-adic Numbers? That’s my current one.

By BirdyGirl

Recently updated a PC version of Angry Birds from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2.
What is the difference between these two versions?
Thank you.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Bug fixes.

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Slim, what exactly did they fix in Angry Birds Original v2.0.2.1 for PC?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Is v2.0.2.1 for PC?

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Yes, but you have to go to Angry Birds in order to get because i couldn’t get right from the game.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Same here maybe from now onwards you can only update the game via the site?
This seems to fix the registration issue maybe?

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Probably. Because apparently it’s so minor, when I click the “I” in the game on the Main Menu, it doesn’t even show v2.0.2.1. It just shows v2.0.2 still. It might also fix the brown cake score issue too but doughtful too because it would mean adding .1 into v2.0.2.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Sorry, not sure.

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

This may be a bit of a silly question, but I’m new to PC. How else do you download it if it doesn’t give you the link in the game? Thanks

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

It asks you to update in-game only.

“New Update Available. Download Now?”

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

I quote Austin above – “you have to go to Angry Birds in order to get because i couldn’t get right from the game”. What I’m asking is what does the procedure involve that Austin used?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Simple. It only involves you to go the site to download AngryBirds, and it updates your game and keeps your progress intact.

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

Oh, OK, so you just re-download the demo, and it just updates the settings file leaving the highscores intact?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Yup exactly.

By BirdyGirl


What’s new here? Sure,you heard of ABSpace release on March 22.
Any updates on the release date,who knows?


Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

More news about it today at 10 am eastern time.

By BirdyGirl

Thank you,Sal9.
Do you mean official website to learn it?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

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