Angry Birds Epic Floating House Dungeon Walkthrough

Angry Birds Epic Floating Hoghouse ImageAngry Birds Epic Floating House Dungeon is unlocked after passing the second level of Banjo Bayou. It is an extremely difficult, 5-wave battle with a twist: You must use one of your friends’ birds in addition to two of your own. Alternatively, you can use Piggy McCool as a default friend, or pay to use one of the Mighty Eagle’s more-elite birds.

We returned back to this level a bit later on, at Level 14. With significantly stronger and healthier birds, the level becomes a bit more manageable. We found that Matilda and the Blues work well together, and Piggy McCool can be rather supportive.

If you have a different strategy for completing this level feel free to leave a comment below. Be sure to check out the rest of our Angry Birds Epic walkthroughs here as well as join the conversation in the Epic Forum.

Comments (14)

Rank: Sling God with 36550 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

I used just Red and the Blues without Piggy Mc Cool and I made it in 3 mn.. The fastest and easiest Dungeon so far.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@joeyba — How were your birds equipped, and what level were you at?

Rank: Sling God with 36550 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

@mvnla2 I wish I can remember, it’s been like 2 months..
I was below level 20 it’s sure

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

I’ve been using this on auto-play to rack up snoutlings, and haven’t been playing a lot of attention as it plays. Just saw a wealthy rogue run off out of the corner of my eye. Gaah! I’m only getting through the first 1.x waves on auto-play. I knew there was a good chance of a wealthy rogue, but hadn’t seen one previously in the 1st 2 waves. Auto-play needs to be turned off if you see one.
In 11 tries on auto-play, I got 276 snoutlings, or 25 on average per attempt (with no wealthy rogues). The numbers per attempt have ranged from 15 to 32. It takes about 3 or 4 minutes per attempt, depending on how long you survive.
I’m at level 18, playing with Vet. Druid, Vet Spies, and Piggy McCool (level 16). The opponents are level 18 now. Did not check level first time through, when I did complete the level, but they have obviously increased in health and damage.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

Opponents are stronger than on initial attempt (when I completed dungeon), but they don’t seem to be increasing with each attempt using replay.
Wave 1: Shaman 1706, Zombie 1092, Pigmy shooters 1024
Wave 2: Witch Dr. 2048, Forest Pigmies 1160, Stinky 649
For the record, with these opponents I haven’t been able to get past wave 2 even without auto-play.

Rank: Shooter with 800 points
By Danke_ (@danke)

@mvnla2 first time you discover a dungeon the enemies inside will have their max level capped at the birds’ level at the time the dungeon has been found, beating it removes the max level cap, and thus the enemies’ll level up to your current level. I. e: you discovered X dungeon at level N, The enemies’ max level’ll be capped at level N. In meantime, you level up to level Z and try the dungeon, the enemies are still level N, you beat the dungeon and try again, the enemies’ll be level Z (from this moment the enemies’ll level up as the player levels up. It’s only dungeon dependent, beating a dungeon won’t reset the max level cap for all of the dungeons, only that specific dungeon’ll reset)
Also, for beating the floating Hoghouse I highly recommend the use of a dispeller, I. e: tricksters due to the heavy healling abilities of the enemies, mixed with heavy healing effects and brute force, this may become a bit easier.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@Danke — Thanks! I wish I’d known about setting the level of the enemies when I started out. Because so many of the walkthroughs started with saying that this level is really hard, and we came back at a much higher level, and/or showed birds with a much higher level than I was at the time, I didn’t even try them, especially since they required a friend’s bird or McCool. Just played all dungeons that I hadn’t previously played with only 2 birds, but the pigs’ levels are obviously much higher.

Rank: Shooter with 800 points
By Danke_ (@danke)

@mvnla2 the levels automatically lock the max level cap, so don’t worry about them. It seems that Haunted Ship it’s great for farming, unless they gang up on a bird and screw up your schedule. Wizard, Trickster and Druid are a great combo for that one! Cheers!

Rank: Shooter with 800 points
By Danke_ (@danke)

Fun fact: The Chronicle Cave it’s affected by the same rule, not sure if it resets at the final of the cave, I still got 2 levels remaining until I can test this one. Also, feel free to add me on your list if you need a bit of help through the caves.

By Dave

I am a Level 31 on WP.

Red (Elite Samurai)
Chuck (Elite RainBird)
Blues (Elite Rogues)

Some pigs avoid damage above a certain level and some below which can make this a very tricky level. Use Red with the chili to bash the tough guys (Ronin or Shogun, and sometimes Inferno) while Chuck and Blues take care of the ninjas. Depending on your level these birds may be able to attack all, or most, pigs. Use Chuck to heal and Red to protect if Ronin or Shogun at about to strike.

By barefootmonkey

I actually got it on the first try, manual play. Only two stars though. I’m at lvl 12. I used the Druid and The Tricksters with Piggy McCool. Druid was equipped with 3-star Wok o’ Whonk and 3-star Purple Handbag, and The Blues with a 1-star Straw Bow and 3-star Orange Card. So, not a different strategy but rather mentioning this is doable at a lower level too. Now I’m wondering whether I’d been better off -not- winning so I can play the dungeon over and over again to get snoutlings at a decent difficulty.

By ? ??

Try to get a set weapon. Mine for Matilda is Timeless Song(L28). Problem is, I’m currently at L36! I blame events and snoutling grinding.

Rank: DaBomb with 460 points
By Sonlite (@j2000bigelow)

Rainbird (Twin Lightning set), Cap’n (Sugar Rush set), and McCool.

Rank: DaBomb with 460 points
By Sonlite (@j2000bigelow)

Cap’n (Sugar Rush set), Tricksters (Artillery Strike set), and McCool. I had to use a few potions when Sugar Rush wasn’t healing and rage Chili wasn’t full, but got 3* for the first time for Floating Hoghouse.

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