Angry Birds Epic Maelstrom Walkthrough

Angry Birds Epic Maelstrom is the swirling vortex in the middle of the lagoon. Unfortunately, Poseidon Pig has over 32,000 health and a 500-damage offensive attack with healing backlash. At this time, we haven’t come anywhere close to beating this level. Instead, the far easier and safer path in Limestone Lagoon is to Shipwreck Reef.

Note: In the initial release, this level was mistakenly named Limestone Lagoon Level 6. Unfortunately, there was another level with the same name. This error was corrected in v1.0.2.

If you have a different strategy for completing this level feel free to leave a comment below. Be sure to check out the rest of our Angry Birds Epic walkthroughs here as well as join the conversation in the Epic Forum.

Comments (108)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Three Star approach

The Lineup:
Sea Dog w/ Scissors Set, LVL 33, Mastery 7, 734/1896
Skulkers w/ Artillery Strike Set, LVL 33, Mastery 7, 800/1499
Wizard w/ Twin Lightning Set, LVL 33, Mastery 7, 618/1460

Watch Video to get +10% Attack and Health for one battle
I have Golden Chili

Opponent beginning health 41,925

Round 1
Rage Chili Chuck – Health down to 36,904
Bomb Attack – 35,595
Feed Two birds Burning Veggie Cake to Refill
Rage Chili Blues – 33,307+stunned

Round 2
Chuck attack – 31,642
Bomb attack – 30,329
1x Veggie Cake to fill
Rage Chili Blues – 28,041+stunned

Round 3
Chuck attack – 27,022
Bomb attack – 25,204
1x Veggie Cake to fill
Rage Chili Blues – 23,444+stunned

Round 4
Bomb attack – 22,434
Chuck attack – 21,415
1x veggie cake to fill
Rage Chili Blues – 19,655+stunned

Round 5
Chuck attack – 18,976
Bomb attack – 17,158
1x VC to fill
RC Blues – 15,398+stunned

Round 6
Chuck attack – 14,379
Bomb attack – 12,561
RC Blues – 10,801+stunned

Round 7
Bomb attack – 9,791
Chuck attack – 8,772
1x VC
RC Blues – 7,012+stunned

Round 8
Blues attack – 6,220
Bomb attack – 4,907
1x VC
RC Chuck – Battle over

Score – 30,000 for full health birds + 18,000 for pig = 48,000 Three Stars

Total cost – 30 seconds for video+9 Veggie Cakes

Rank: Fling King with 4080 points
By Jim151 (@jim151)

Well, that’s an impressive lineup. I’ll have to wait several months to get those set items plus the premium headgear ( I have 0 of the 8) plus the mastery upgrades.

It’s more than a bit ridiculous that it requires literally the most powerful lineup the game currently can generate plus a whole bunch of potions to get 3 stars.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Can probably be done in fewer rounds if I ran Rage Chili each turn on Chuck, and used Paladin instead of Bomb. I will try in a little bit.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Yup, six rounds score 49,499 that way

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By AngryAldoz (@)

Easiest way to defeat Poseidon Pig is by using the Mighty Eagle. Use the eagle lunch just at the beginning of the battle and in a sigle stroke you destroy Poseidon Pig. You get 28499 points from the Pig and 30000 from the birds for a total of 58499.
I’ve got the eagle lunch for free from the latest upgrade of the game (v 1.1.0) so no gold money spent.
With that I am now at 786 stars.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Well, yes, there’s always THAT strategy. *smile*

I’m saving my Eagle lunches for tough bosses in the Chronicle Caves, if they decide to add any more. Those boss battles are generally as hard or harder than Maelstrom, and I ended up being able to three-star Maelstrom by using the Cupcake Trap/Lightning Shield dealie-o that someone else came up with (plus the 10% buff from viewing a movie and purning all the veggie cakes I could). Got over 47,000 and that was enough for three stars.

Good to know the Eagle snacks work on battles like this, though — I had assumed they might lock out the use of them on “boss” battles…


By errorr

:DD i beated this with druid lvl 4 mastery , cannoneer lvl 3 , paladin lvl 5. Im lvl 26 and ofc few legendaries but no sets … and also without any cakes or veggies.. best combo

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@Burbman — I don’t have Skulkers, so used Tricksters instead. Except for blues, all my birds had higher strength and health than yours. Blues had higher health, but lower strength. What I don’t understand is that I could not get the rage chili filled on every round with just one hot veggie cake. Does the chili fill up faster with skulkers because of the added damage?
Anyway, I only got 2 stars.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@burbman — Finally got 3* with Wizard, Sea Dog, and Rogues. Took 2 hot veggie cakes every other round, alternating with 1.
Not sure how Paladin, Wizard, and Skulkers worked? My Sea Dog does more damage than the Paladin.

By Trent S.

I found a strategy that needs no potions or gold. Use princess, knight, and rouges.

Turn 1: Heal w/princess, cupcake trap to knight, knights shields.
Turn 2: Heal with princess, attack with knight and rouges

Chili goes to blue birds at ALL times

Rank: Fling King with 4080 points
By Jim151 (@jim151)

My birds can dish out nearly 3,000 per turn. I won the round in 14 turns, took no damage, and got 37,500 points and 2 stars. Something must have changed in a recent update to make this level impossible to get 3 stars.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I got three stars after the latest update (because I wanted that 786th star!). Not sure how many rounds it took, but I ended up with 47K. Someone mentions the three-star cutoff earlier in the thread…

I’m level 33, all mastery level 5 at the time I 3-starred it.


By kristian

I did this at level 17. Easy fight, use rogues, knight and princess and use cupcake trap to nullify healing and slowly grind down with poison. Rotate characters and then use chili heal, as princess heal is not enough to nullify damage.

By Claire

This just worked for me for 2 stars! Thanks!
Level 18 with Knight, Princess and Rogues in a pattern.
I used one juice, but I don’t think I had to. It was slow, but very do-able.

Rank: DaBomb with 390 points
By Jon (@epicjon)

Worked perfect for me at lvl 17 too. Took a while for sure. Chest had a lousy 3 LC haha.

Rank: DaBomb with 280 points
By MasterClifford01 (@masterclifford1)

It’s easy to do that, I beat it on level 16 but I couldn’t get 3 stars.

By Anonymous

I’ve got a strategy for this level. I should use Knight (tanking; a good shield), Mage/Archmage (defensive ability) and Princess (obviously, healing :)). When the battle begins, use Chuck’s and Red’s abilities on Red and hit the pig with Matilda. It should now attack Red. After that, every turn you should check if Red has his own and Chuck’s shield. Heal Red with Matilda. When Rage Chili is full and Red has two abilities at the moment, give the Chili to Chuck.
Now I’m on 19 XP level. That piggy damages my Red for 225 (5×45) HP per turn* (remember: shield must be used!), and Matilda heals for 236 HP. Chuck’s shield damages Poseidon for 223 HP/hit, totally 223×5=1115 HP/round. So, the enemy is damaged more than 1115-225=890 HP per attack (Red attacks too). So, you should beat him in ~40 turns (less than 10 minutes). I’ve got 2 stars from this strategy (using no potions). Maybe if your level is bigger than mine, you could get 3 stars. Anyway, good luck! :)
*My birds’ useful parameters:
Knight, level 4, 1044 HP, defense: Steel Wall.
Archmage, level 4, 223 HP/hit, attack: (I don’t know exact English name, something like ‘Foolish Staff’).
Princess, level 5, 236 HP/use.

Rank: Deputized with 110 points
By Jurij Putjato (@jurij-putjato)

i have 3* it today. paladin lvl8, rogues lvl6, archmage lvl6. Used ultra hot veggie cake(fill +50%) at the start of the battle, full pepper goes to chuck and right after he use pepper, use another ultra hot cake(i have used 4 or 5). Rogues&archmage use their def ability on paladin, then reaply when it fades away.

By Wolfdoggpr

Paladin, Princess and Cannoneer. Hit with Princess, cast devotion on the character that’s going to get hit and cast Counter on Paladin. Just hit with all characters until devotion and counter wear off and cast them again. Watch out for low health and make sure to get Chuck to 100% before finishing him off. Use the rage on either Bomb or Matilda. Should work regardless of the level, since Cannoneer and devotion are reducing the opponent’s attack. Bonus if you can lnock him out with Chuck or Matilda’s weapon.

Rank: Out of this World with 2720 points
By WHou2000 (@wendy12)

/This is not a walkthrough, this is some sort of glitch in the level I found:
Last week when I played this level it appears that Poseidon Pig had 1940 of health, but today noticed that he has more than it says here: Instead of 32000 of health that says here in the page he had 41925 of health.

By Dushesson

I win with 2 stars at 37 level. I use Wizzard Druid and Rogues.

By ramblack

If you don’t want to spend money on the game, you can use red (samurai), chuck (lightning master? The one with shock shield) and the three birds (spies)

Takes almost 20 minutes this way though. Each round use each birds support ability, rotate so you can keep abilities on each bird.

By Tyler

One star completion at as low as xp level 15 can be done with this.

Blue rogues, red samurai, and Matilda druid. All of them must have over 540 health and the druid should heal 125+. Simply put cupcake trap on red and shield him. Then, 2 turns later, do the same to blues and finally Matilda. Cycle until you win. Heal every round with Matilda.

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By Elias Danger Zwillenberg (@elias-danger-zwillenberg)

I just 3 starred this level with the following stats and starts

Paladin / princess / chuck w/ energize

Very simple strategy: energize red, protect him with his own support and hit with Matilda to force poseidon pig to attack him. Round 2 heal red and swing with red and chuck. Repeat until chili is full then use chili on chuck, healing when needed with potion (which you won’t need if you are wise with swings) to keep the attacks focused on your energized / protected bird.

Bonus from energize is it knocks PP out about 2 out 0f every five turns. I suppose you could use blues instead of princess and bank on zeal…

By kurt

First of all, you need something that reduces the impact to Marlstorms attack. Secondly, you need a source of healing and most importantlt, something to prevent him healing himself after each attack. Therefore I would suggest:

By tricksters you are able to focus his attack on your bird eith highrst health and he recieves 100% of dealth damage, thus his healing is rendered useless. By samurai, you can protect the bird as he recieves half the damage. Finally bard allows you to heal while providing good damage and chance to stun. For rage ability, always use the tricksters as it stuns.

Gl and cheers!

By Moo

No potions/veggie cake needed.

2 Stars

Paladin lvl 5, Power: 59
Princess lvl 5, Power: 49
Cannoneer lvl 4, Power: 57

(Probably only works if Paladin’s health is a lot higher than t’other two’s)

Use Princess to make Poseidon Pig attack Paladin.
Use Paladin’s devotion on itself to reduce the damage it takes.
Use Cannoneer’s counter on Paladin and its attack to reduce attack strength from P.Pig.
Paladin’s countering will top-up its health but ensure its health is always above the other two’s by topping-up with Princess so that Royal Order doesn’t make P.Pig attack t’other birds.

Use Rage chilli on Paladin to speed up damage taken by P.Pig.

Chest winnings = 3 golden coins, 2 glass vials & 2 skulls.

2 stars

P.S. I wish I could take credit for having thought of this but I discovered it by accident, on what I assumed would be a kamikaze mission. I didn’t even look at my line-up as I started and figured out I could actually win in-situ.

By Lolman

As long as you can heal off the damage with shield, you’ll win with knight, rouges/Mage and of course, Princess

By Zixuan

Easiest method(No potions, no lucky coin stuff)
Might take 30 minutes+ if low level.
You can do this immediately after you get your princess and wizard.
Helpful set items
Knight: Steel Force&Wall
Princess: Honey Jar&Spoon
First use princess to focus poseidon’s fire on red, protect him and energise him. Poseidon will be most likely stunned, so heal with matilda anyway and attack with both other birds. Keep up the protect and energise and keep healing red. Use rage chili on chuck always.

By Geoff

Lvl 17 Samurai (5 Mastery)
Lvl 17 Druid (5 Mastery)
Lvl 17 Rogues (4 Mastery)

Basically a DoT and heal strategy. Druid and Rogues DoT on first round, Samurai in defensive formation protecting Druid as primary. Second round Rogues put Cupcake trap on Samurai. Any chills go to rogues for stun which gives Samurai a whack at the MOB but otherwise, Samurai is there to absorb damage. Druid is on DoT/heal duty and Rogues on DoT/divert/chili duty, Samurai on Protect duty with himself as primary unless MOB is stunned. Rinse and repeat till he’s defeated. Took about 15-20 mins and two cherry juice.

By Geoff

Lvl 17 Samurai (5 Mastery)
Lvl 17 Cleric (4 Mastery)
Lvl 17 Mage (5 Mastery)

Cleric forces attack on Red and heals
Mage places Shock Shield on Red and does additional damage (chili goes to Chuck)
Red takes damage, deals damage through shock shield and lightning bird, and gets healed by Matilda.

No potions needed and he was defeated in about 5 mins.

By Geoff

Oops, meant Princess instead of Cleric…

Rank: Hardened with 630 points
By abcdefg (@abcdefg)

When I was lvl 18, I cleared the level with Knight, Princess, and Wizard. First I used shield on Knight and Chuck supportive on Knight. Then I used Princess to attack Posiedon Pig and that make him attack Knight. Since Chuck supportive abbility was on Red Posiedon Pig had a 60 percent chance to be stunned. I kept healing Red with Princess and I cleared the level in 10 min. Now at lvl 30, I can do it in 5 minutes.

By ZappyTerrence72

I use:
Knight (Red)
Mage (Chuck)
Princess (Matilda)

At the start, use Matilda to force Poseidon Pig to attack Red, and use Chuck’s Shock Shield on Red. Use Red’s Protect ability on himself. After the first hit, use Matilda at the start of every turn to heal Red. Another method to do this battle is using the Wizard instead of the Mage and using Energize instead of Shock Shield. Hope this helped!

Rank: DaBomb with 280 points
By MasterClifford01 (@masterclifford1)

It is very easy to beat this pig cause there are many strategy to beat this pig but its very hard to get 3 star. This time I have lvl 18 birds without any legendary set items. I already easily beat that pig (hp 33000 and damage 86×5) but I couldn’t get 3 stars on that level. Please give me a strategy to beat that pig 3 stars by reply the comment.

Warning: Do not give me a bird class that the price is 100++ lucky coins.

Rank: DaBomb with 280 points
By MasterClifford01 (@masterclifford1)

I already try when I’m still level 16 using birds below:

1. Guardian – Princess – Cannoneer
2. Knight – Mage – Princess
3. Knight – Wizard – Princess
4. Even more strategies without class 100++ lucky coins

But I never get 3 stars on this level.

Rank: DaBomb with 280 points
By MasterClifford01 (@masterclifford1)

Most commend above that says they are level 18 below are useless. They only won 2 stars at this battle.

By Justin

My birds just need to spend snoutlings.
My strategy is always knock the Poseidon Pig out of cold.

By Piggymobile

I beat Poseidon pig with LV 17 Birds:

Red’s samurai: (1231 HP) Mastery 5 (No defending needed)
Matilda’s Druid: (851 HP) Mastery 4 (always heal and occasionally attack for extra hits)
Blues’ Marksmen (nine-fifty-something HP) Mastery 5 (This is not a premium class, it is behind the friendship gate at the slingshot woods for 500. Always attack Poseidon as it can be effective for the Druid’s low damage and can double Red’s if his is over 90 p/attack)

By Piggymobile

And also only use Rage chilli on the Blues as it deals 700 dmg, stuns the pig and lets Matilda heal for emergencies if you haven’t used her before the blues. I only used 1 snow apple rank two for extra help for red. No other potions needed. (should’ve used my experience potion too).

Rank: Hardened with 670 points
By Chuck_Bird (@aufar-ramadhan)

Watch my video here:

My Strategy :
-Elite Paladin Mastery lvl 3 – DMG 612 HP 1598
-Elite Skulkers Mastery lvl 3 – DMG 593 HP 1702
-Elite Thunderbird Mastery lvl 3 – DMG 332 SPA 299 HP 904
Star level 39
Have a golden chili.
Watch video for strategy.
You can also 3 Star with Priestess, Samurai, and Thunderbird, Lightning Bird, Mage, or Rogues(for third bird) for a cheaper strategy.

Rank: Hardened with 670 points
By Chuck_Bird (@aufar-ramadhan)

That video shows that the pig gave me 18k score.
I’ve tried it out again, with these birds :
Same birds as above but all in M4.
I’ve enchanted my paladin’s weapon from E2 to E3
Now I’m level 44.
I got 6 rounds and the pig got 5.
It gave me 20999 score and my birds are all in full health.
So, 50999 points 3 stars.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5100 points
By Mechanic Pig (@christian-cosgrove)

Simple! Just use Mighty Eagle’s Favourite Dish!

By hans

I recommend Princess, Knight and Mage class. I beat it on level 15.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5100 points
By Mechanic Pig (@christian-cosgrove)

Lvl 16 strategy.
Samurai Lvl 5 mastery
Cleric Lvl 5 mastery
Rogues Lvl 3 mastery

Round 1
Rogues force Poseidon pig to attack red, red shields himself, Matilda attacks.

Round 2
Rogues attack, red shields himself, Matilda attacks.

Round 3
Rogue force Poseidon Pig to attack Matilda, red shields Matilda, Matilda attacks.

Round 4
Same as round 2, but red shields Matilda.

Round 5
Rogues force Poseidon pig to attack themself, red shields Rogues, Matilda attacks.

If your rage chilli is not full by the time you get here, repeat Round 1 and 2 until it is full.

Round 6
Rage chilli Matilda, Rogues force Poseidon pig to attack red, red shields himself.

Now, repeat Round 2-6 until you beat him.

2 Stars Walkthrough, No potions, No princess.

Use potions if you want to get 3 stars.

Warning: DO NOT USE KNIGHT. I know what you’re thinking, because knight has better defense. But it lasts longer and you will have to attack him and it will force him to attack red FOR 3 TURNS which will lead to him getting defeated and you will totally lose so DO NOT USE KNIGHT.

By Demic7734

this cleared it at level 16

Blue’s rogue ability forces him to attack paladin and take all the damage he does, so no HP gain for him. Maintain your DoT and lure.
Bomb uses and maintains supportive ability on Red, Uses attack to apply a damage debuff.
Red shields himself and attacks for sustain.

it took me awhile but he didn’t like this troll comp.

By I like salmon

Use mighty eagle fav dish lol

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