Angry Birds Epic v1.2.9 Update Adds New Set Item, Daily Rewards, and More

Angry Birds Epic New Set Items

The latest update to Angry Birds Epic (v1.2.9) has landed on iOS and Android via Google Play.

This update includes:

  • New Set Item for Red: Primal Power which will be available as reward in the daily login calendar!
  • New Daily Login Calendar: collect rewards every day of the month.
  • Golden Pig Hunt: find the Golden Pig on the map for new bonus battles.
  • Golden Pig Machine: price adjustment 5 rolls + 1 free for 15 coins, and 1 roll for 3 coins.
  • New Daily Dungeon: “HARD MODE” bigger challenge, bigger rewards! Available when you’ve completed all daily dungeons in normal mode.
  • No new Chronicle Caves, Potions or Achievements
  • Bug fixes and balancing tweaks

So what do you think? Leave a comment below and let us know


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Comments (117)

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By RizDub (@rizdub)

I like the daily rewards, but I miss the Golden Clouds. I also noticed that my Rainbow Bar seems to be lower than it was before I updated.

By the way, I took a quick peek through the data files and saw that ALL birds had one new set in their asset sheets (whether or not they’ll be available before the next update, I don’t know). I also found something that hints at a new event soon!

By Indyswaino

This update is a disaster. I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this but the game crashes EVERY time I log in on iOS. EVERY time! It is so incredibly frustrating. This update already needs a bug fix.

By Linus

I agree, It crash EVERY Single Time,But I think you should stay optimistic and Fix this.

By Jim

I agree.. EVERY time I log into the game it goes to the start screen and then crashes. I cannot do anything in the game..nothing works..just crashes..

By Scott

Same thing for me haven’t been able to play it since this update. Epic FAIL Rovio

By Joe

They have taken a pretty good game and turned it into an epic fail … shame on you rovio … fire the new programmer …. how are we suppose to find little tiny pigs on a cell screen? Didn’t think that one through did you?

By T

Hate the daily golden pig being gone. It was the one thing I looked forward to since it is a waste for me to go through the caves being max level. no chance in neck can I afford 30+ dollars to buy coins to get the headsets I was saving up for with coins. Poor move and about to delete the game.

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By adiasmana (@adiasmana)

Couldn’t agree more. The new golden cloud a.k.a golden pig is sucks to the max!

By Doug H

I agree golden clouds needs to come back everyday

Rank: Master Slinger with 6065 points
By kooop (@kooop)

Final reason to stop playing this game.

Rank: Deputized with 105 points
By REME (@reme)

The new update crashes every time I attempt to open it. I cannot play epic any more. Bad update.

By Hyun

I really hate this update. The screen is becoming ugly due to big size font. I also have lost a reason to log in, because the daily golden pig has been gone.

By ChiefD

IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY following the July update! Cannot play any aspect of the game without having it crash in the middle generating losses of coins, rewards, battles, etc. Game is not worth having installed unless a fix is properly generated ASAP. If this isn’t repaired shortly, I’m uninstalling it. Rovio is a few days away from losing all my business. Their update reputation gets worse and worse with each update.

By Dolfa

I can not log in to the game, it crashes every time

By Sand Witch

The July update is making my Angry Birds Epic game crash, every single time. How soon is this going to be fixed?

Rank: DaBomb with 280 points
By Matticus (@matticus)

Same here, I have a iphone 4s and it crashes EVERYTIME I try to play.

Cannot play anymore :(

By David

I’m on the same phone and also play on android.
They crash/lockup after update.

Rovio here’s a suggestion
Pull your head out of your ass and look before you release. How hard is it?

Rank: Flinger with 80 points
By Nancy E Taylor Lowery (@nancy-e-lowery)

I loaded your update for Epic and now it crashes everytime I try to load it on my iPad.

By John


Due to the new update Bomb, Red and Chuck disappeared.

Someone something solution ?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8360 points
By Angry Johnny (@angryjohnny)

Are you in the Bamboo Forest part of the game? Because the kidnapping of just those three pigs you mention is part of the game there.

By John

No, this fault occurred after all mission completed.

By Owen hayden

I Have same problem John , Red,bomb and Chuck disappeared in bamboo forest 1

By BoulderSteve

dissappointed! Gold coin progression soSlow it takes out my desire to play daily. Also, finding a little tiny golden pig for a single gold is ridiculous. Finally, Facebook login fails more often than it succeeds.

By Daedalus

Guys…. really???? the daily pig does not even show up anymore…. its not hidden , i killed it 1 time already and i have not seen it since. its been 2 days.

By Starman Jack

Yeah, I found the new “daily golden pig” once, and I’ve looked very very carefully & even with the little banner that shows up on login that tells you generally where the “daily golden pig” IS… he/she isn’t anywhere to be found…?!?!
Also, I did uninstall and reinstall AP, can login now, but will crash within 4 to 5 rounds in the Arena!
—BAD UPDATE!!!!!!!!

By mke

I lost set items with the new update. What the hell ? I had the golden hammers for Red, now they have been taken back and from what I can tell, I have to e a entrance them again. Not good.

By Ryan

This update is terrible. This game seems to freeze at the most in opprotune moments. Such as me striking the final blow on an opponent. Also, I just can’t find the golden pig anymore. Why did you think this was a good idea and when are you going to fix it. Seriously boycotting this game (which I had previously put a lot of money in to.) Ever hear if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

By John

No, it’s fault after the all mission completed

Rank: Well Traveled with 1635 points
By Alugia (@alugia)

The multi roll is glitchy. I spent 33 lucky coins during rainbow riot and a free roll 14 rolls and got NO SET ITEMS. I might be that it gives no set items or all set items.

By chadd

i am on day 7 of daily rewards for 20G and now it crashes as soon as the calender appears.

By Joe Miller

It works if you have ios 6. However, prince porkys holy hand grenade freezes every character if used on the undead. Weird right

By lizziwallentin

After the last Update I can`t play the game any longer…it crashes

By snake doctor

No golden cloud? Guess that means no more player. I was getting tired of playing and making. Slow progress. Now without golden clouds I’ll make no progress. Keep. Your game rovio I’m gone. With no one left playing who will see the bunch of ads you throw at people. Everyone should quit this game its off my phone as of now!!!!!!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1635 points
By Alugia (@alugia)

@sal9 @amslimfordy @birdleader
I have the August calendar and the primal axe is on it. It is in the link below:

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Amazing work @alugia Thanks for the info!

By Andreas

My son plays this game (used to play it) on my iphone 4s. With the Latest update it crashes straight from the beginning before even being able to play st all! And it crashes so everytime, so it is impossible to play it anymore (at least it will save me some money as he keeps using revive my birds and purchasing coins) :-) My gain, rovio’s loss

By L93

The game keeps crashing almost all the time, i can’t do anything! Any suggestions?

By Ralf

Since Update I can not start Epic, Game stands on Screen:

Load Balancer…….
(Lade Balancer in den Speicher)

What a mistake is this??
What can I do?

By Myron St.john

The new update I got 1.2.9 is corrupt… When I get into the game it shuts off after a few seconds… Did not have this problem before the download

By Eboogie

Angry birds epic 1.2.9 update failure. Shuts off at loading levels start up screen. Needs immediate bug fix!!! ASAP. Currently on iPad mini iOS 8.4. Was working perfectly fine before mandatory Update! I’ve seen updates for games go south, but nothing like this one, in which the game does not even start up. Sent a ticket to Rovio no responses yet. Also does anyone know if my progress will be lost? I didn’t link my account to Rovio but it’s somehow connected to my apple Game Center. A bit confused, thanks. Please Fix!!!!!

By Buggedupdate

Posting another update from the ticket I submitted to Rovio in regards to the version 1.2.9 angry birds epic update. Rovio stated “unfortunately we recently have just found out your device is not compatible with our new update”. I have an iPad mini generation 1 in case anyone else is wondering. Rovio stated my iPad mini is not equipped with enough memory to run the game and that the iPad mini only has 512k memory. They offered no real further help or accommodation after all this was said. After they force updated my game, after they failed to ensure the update had no bugs and after they failed to ensure or encode in the mandatory force update to only update those devices compatible with it. They still never offered me any real remorse or accommodation. The only real thing I want outside of this is my previous game play before this bugged update saved and linked to my Rovio account. As of right now I can’t access the game on my iPad mini and as a result lost all my hard earned angry birds data and time played. This would be irresponsible of Rovio to not take accountability and ownership to all the diehard angry bird loyal gamers out there who just lost their accounts, who lost all their data, time and money spent all because They “Rovio ” did not spend enough time on the update before releasing it. Sorry for the rant but the people deserve the truth. I challenge someone from the press to shine light on this issue. The handling of the whole situation feels dicey. Rovio I hope you do the right thing as a professional company you should treat your customers with respect because right now your treating us like dirt, like we don’t matter, like we haven’t been playing your games for the past several years.

By John

After 1.2.10 updade is not see my all bird.

By Davor

I had completed all daily dungeons, and hard mode was opened for me when this update was relesed. After last update hard mode of daily dungeons is locked. I tought hard mode will be opened for me when I complete normal mode again but it wasn’t.
What can I do to open hard mode of daily dungeons again?

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