Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 2 – Week 3 – Jun 4th

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #2 Week 3 (this tournament began the week of June, 4th 2012). Aim the first yellow bird high and try to take out as much of the top structure as possible while clipping the line that is holding up the boulder (exploding the TNT will increase your points). Now mop things up with white bird. Note, popping the golden balloon doesn’t yield any sort of bonus or Golden Egg. The score in the video is 75,430.

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (16)

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 94,850

Alternative, non power up strategy leading to 83k+ scores:7

1st bird, same as video, i.e. high yellow bird to top structure destroying as much as possible, and also knocking debris down on both sides.

2nd bird, lower than in video, dropping bomb just in front of first structure so the bird flies into the structure doing the damage and popping the pig.

3rd bird, launched slightly above horizontal to go over the lower fixed platform and accelerate into the tnt. This will take care of the pig below, and give you the extra damage points. :)

Also, I’ve uploaded a video of this method here if you want to check it out :)

By Matt

Score – 85,770

Shoot the first yellow bird over the lower structure and cut the rope to drop the rock. It should roll onto the pig below the TNT. Aim the white bird higher, dropping the bomb onto the lower left structure and sending the bird into the higher one. This should result in debris dropping down the right side and taking care of everything else there.

By ankit saboo

try a different combination of birds
cut the rope through which rock is hanging
the rock will role through the slope and then destroy the lowermost pig and the yellow bird will destroy the tower below the balloon(with rock)
then shoot the white bird upward and throw the egg down in such a way that the lowermost pig dies and the upper material move on right side(your right)
then the materials will fall down, also bursting the balloon.the rock will fall down and destroy the iron bar above tnt and the tnt blasts giving a maximum score of 90000
mine score is 88,860

By Americo Domingos

What? My maximun is 98.240…eheheh

Rank: Slinger with 1075 points
By vista (@myvista-com)Score: 95,030

1st yellow bird through the lower horizontal wooden plank, speeding through it to tnt, Try till you blow the tnt.
2nd white bird to take out middle top structure to finish.

Rank: Slinger with 1065 points
By banalac (@banalac)Score: 95,000

I made 95.000. Only 1st yellow bird used like in the video. The falling debris detonated the TNT and that killed all the pigs. It was a lucky shot!

By DanP

I tried this method to see if it would work. It is a bit luck, but it only took me about 10 tries… Had to use Birdquake to polish off the lower left pig, but came up with 101,080.

Rank: Slinger with 1075 points
By striderjl (@striderjl)

94,200. I Used the yellow bird to fly through the small wooden bricks and hitting the far top tower down. Then I throw the white bird throwing the egg over the first pig in the triangle structure, then with the bounce it hits the top structure and luckily with all the ‘garbage’ it destroy the tnt. Hard to get but after a few tries you get it

Rank: DaBomb with 340 points
By General80 (@general80)Score: 99,470

Goal here is to detonate the TNT with 1st bird and then to use the second bird to launch in that way that stone on the top structure flies and hits the balloon thus dropping the big stone.
Sometimes you just might to give it a little extra shake since the pigs on the left tend to stay alive.
But otherwise…that’s how I’ve been doing it :D

Rank: Flinger with 85 points
By DrAbby (@drabhishek)Score: 100,160

i got a score of 100,160. the strategy is a bit different, i flew the yellow bird through the pile of wood and that hit the TNT. then focus the white bird for the top section and as soon it reaches 3/4 there shoot it so that the pig below gets hit and the top section is destroyed also.

By eggomaniac

as Above in the Vid by General, correct??? [and Vista, above] good on 100K, I kept getting 96K. Now, I found very sweet spot and release point that is very, very rptble. [instead of into the TNT, flies over that pig into the far right structure, the falling tower kicks out the board above the TNT, blasting the bottom Left pig too. same results as General’s vid, Above, only the 2 Top Pigs left for WB] I found it way more rpltble than the lower shot into the TNT] and added 2K

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 99,640

Ideally, you want to shoot the YB forward through the all the wood pieces and into the TNT, sending the wooden cube sitting on the stone plank above the TNT flying into the rope holding the boulder. The second bird needs to be shot at a 45 degree angle, and release the egg so it sends the WB flying into the wooden plank on the upper structure with the stone cube resting on it, because you want that stone cube to arc over that top structure and into the balloon holding the other boulder. In order to achieve a high score, both boulder must be released and the TNT detonated.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)

Follow the mouse position here:

I find this repeatable 75% of the time. Got 103K with this method, though I think one could get 105K with it.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1930 points
By Gstah (@blinddwag)Score: 95,920

Thanks Sheikhoo! :)

By Becca

I took the first yellow bird and aimed it towards the big bird on the top platform. At the right moment, I clicked sending him forward fast. If done just right (after many, many tries), it will send the yellow bird, rocks and boards toward the balloon tethered to a rock causing everything to crash down below it. The debris will cause the platform on the far right (below it) to collapse pushing the boards to the right setting off the TNT/dynamite and killing the little bird below and sending debris to the left to kill the bird on the far left. All in one shot using only one bird. Score: 91,720

Rank: DaBomb with 340 points
By Becca (@beccainutah)Score: 99,880

*Oops, I meant aim towards the big pig on the top platform.

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