Angry Birds Golden Egg #1 Walkthrough

To unlock Golden Egg #1 pause any level and press the “?” (help) button in the bottom left hand corner. The Golden Egg will be on the White Bird instruction screen. Note, you have to have unlocked the White Bird before the White Bird instruction screen will appear. Update: With the introduction of animated instruction screens in v2.1.0, the Golden Egg is now dropped by the White Bird.

* Two part video: Part 1 shows you the location of the Golden Egg & part 2 contains the walkthrough on how to unlock the star.

Bug alert! Golden Egg 1 Missing from Mac/PC (click for more info)

Bug fixed! In the v2.0.2 update for Mac and PC, the Golden Egg has returned to the White Bird instruction screen.

Version 2022:

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Comments (110)

By Kolton S

I would like to know what the recod for this level is for mobile devices

By Kolton S


Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 88,170

Not to be totally crazy or anything, but I just got the top score. I was able to send 2 balls out into the rest of the structure, and they collided and exploded, damaging a large portion of the left structure. I don’t even know how or why, but I know it may be very hard to beat.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 88,170

Here is the image. This is 100% legitimate, I swear. It was a crazy fluke.
Top Score Golden Egg 1

By Dillon reeves

Right one time I hit the TNT and it sent the blue bird on the triangle and the rock fell on the TNT and hit the beach ball and the beach ball stayed with the pig and I lost

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 62,000

@sal9 very suspicious score here of 100.000 by @tran-man.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 37,400

All cleared @angrychicken Thanks!

By mark

he scored 19985 here

By Ana Sofia Seely

Matilda has the Golden Egg in her butt!

Rank: Deputized with 115 points
By aryavritindia (@aryavritindia)

Its really a awesome experience to win 1st golden egg.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 61,860

@mighty-red-1 What is meant by ‘the white bird instruction screen’ and how do i unlock white bird and where? jeesh i feel like a newbie lol.. never could figure this GE business!!

Rank: Explosive with 2355 points
By CakeyFA (@cakeyfa)

38k-42k seems the normal good score

100k? what did you explode the whole level or something?

Rank: Explosive with 2355 points
By CakeyFA (@cakeyfa)

mkay what is the deal with this one. I keep playing and all scores are between 36k-38k. Is there something in the way you hit the TNT? Coz over 40k looks hopeless right now, yet over 800 (!!!) people have apparently managed to get it. I don’t believe they all just kept shooting for hours and hours for a fluke to happen.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 87,440

Sometimes the Red balls start breaking the walls apart, level gives huge points when this happens.

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