Angry Birds Golden Eggs Walkthrough | All 35 Eggs

Welcome to the most complete Angry Birds Golden Eggs guide on the web. By following this guide you can unlock all 35 Golden Eggs and enjoy some fun — and sometimes challenging — new levels! Using this guide is simple, just match the number on the image below to the instructions further down the page. Remember there is a video walkthrough for each Golden Egg that shows its location (how to unlock it) and how to obtain the star. For a complete list of the update history click here.

Angry Birds Golden Eggs Selection Screens with Numbers All 35

Golden Egg #1

Golden Egg #1

Pause any level and press the "?" (help) button in the bottom left hand corner. The Golden Egg will be on the White Bird instruction screen. Note, you have to have unlocked the White Bird before the White Bird instruction screen will appear.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #2

Golden Egg #2Mighty Hoax Level 5-19 (Rocket Ship)

The Golden Egg is located on the right side off the screen directly above the rocket ship. If you zoom out and throw a Yellow Bird in that direction you will see it when the screen moves up a little. You can reach it with either a Yellow Bird or with the White Bird. If you opt to use the White Bird drop a bomb to the right of the wood sticking up on the first tower and the bird will take off and hit the Golden Egg (probably easier to use the Yellow Bird).

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #3

Golden Egg #3Poached Egg Level 2-2

Just destroy the beach ball.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #4

Golden Egg #4

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Poached Eggs.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #5

Golden Egg #5

On the main screen press the "i" (credits) button and watch the credits all the way to the end and the Golden Egg will appear under the White Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #6

Golden Egg #6Poached Eggs Level 1-8

Tap the treasure chest (I had to tap several times).
PC & Mac users: To open the treasure chest, depress the caps-lock key then click and hold the left mouse button over the treasure chest and then type open.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #7

Golden Egg #7

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mighty Hoax.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #8

Golden Egg #8Mine and Dine Level Selection Screen

v3.3.0 and higher: Currently obtained on the headlamp of the smaller pig in the Mine and Dine Level Selection Screen.

v3.2.0 and lower: Originally obtained on the episode select screen double-tap the sun below the levels (bottom center).

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #9

Golden Egg #9Mighty Hoax Level 4-7

Zoom out and Golden Egg will be on top of the cliff on the right. Aim and hit it with the Yellow Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #10

Golden Egg #10Danger Above Level 6-14

Break yellow balloon under the treehouse. You can bounce the Yellow Bird off the tree or use the Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #11

Golden Egg #11Danger Above Level Selection Screen

Once on the Danger Above Level Selection Screen, drag the screen to the left until you can't go any further. You'll see the Golden Egg hidden on the right past the last group of levels.
PC & Mac users: You have to click inside the window and then drag.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #12

Golden Egg #12

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Danger Above.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #13

Golden Egg #13Danger Above Level 8-15

The Golden Egg is under the slingshot platform. To get it just bounce a Yellow Bird off the trampoline on the bottom right across from the Golden Egg or use Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #14

Golden Egg #14The Big Setup Level 9-14

Zoom out and if you look closely you will see the Golden Egg on the bottom right hiding under a hard hat. Use a Boomerang Bird to hit it.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #15

Golden Egg #15The Big Setup Level 10-3

Smash the duck underneath the bridge.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #16

Golden Egg #16The Big Setup Level 11-15

Zoom out to see the whole level and you will see the Golden Egg to the left below the slingshot. Hit it with the Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #17

Golden Egg #17

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of The Big Setup.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #18

Golden Egg #18Ham 'Em High level 12-12

Destroy the trophy in the middle of the level that sits between the two piles of jewels. This one is not easy to get!

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #19

Golden Egg #19Ham 'Em High level 13-10

First zoom out. Now launch a white bird and at the right time tap the screen to launch him up in the air to hit the Golden Egg.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #20

Golden Egg #20Ham 'Em High level 14-4

First zoom all the way out and you'll see the Golden Egg on the top of the cliff to the far right. Launch a yellow bird at a high trajectory and tap him at just the right time to arch him up and over to the Golden Egg. Note, on PC/Mac this was formerly Golden Egg #22.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #21

Golden Egg #21

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Ham 'Em High, including all the three Facebook levels.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Super Bowl / Rio #22

Super Bowl / Rio #22Ham 'Em High level 13-12

Zoom out then shoot a white bird backwards and drop an egg bomb on the back side of the hill. We were the first ones to find this secret Golden Egg. We have a much more detailed walkthrough and post about this level here. Note, on PC/Mac this was formerly Golden Egg #20.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #23

Golden Egg #23Mine And Dine level 15-12

Zoom out and you'll see the Golden Egg sitting on top of ridge. Aim a yellow bird at a high trajectory (click for screenshot) and time the speed burst to get the Golden Egg. You can also get it with a white bird, though it might be a little trickier.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #24

Golden Egg #24Mine And Dine level 16-9

Zoom out and the you'll find Golden Egg is sitting on top of the cave on the right. You can use your first yellow bird to take out the stone structure above the slingshot. This makes for a slightly easier shot, but you don't have to do this. Aim the second yellow bird and hit the speed burst at the right time to nail the Golden Egg. Timing is tricky, so it may take a couple times. When in doubt, just watch the video walkthrough.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #25

Golden Egg #25

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mine and Dine.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #26

Golden Egg #26Mine And Dine level 17-12

Zoom out and you'll see a treasure chest sitting up high on top of the second rock ledge. Burn your red and white birds and then shoot a yellow bird at a very high arch so it clears the front ledge. Time the speed burst so it clears the first and second ledge and nicks the top left corner of the treasure chest.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #27

Golden Egg #27Birdday Party Cake 2 Level 6

Zoom out and you'll see the Golden Egg sitting up on a ledge on the top right hand side of the level. Burn the Blue Birds and nail it with your Yellow Speedster.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #28

Golden Egg #28Birdday Party Cake 3 Level 14

The Golden Egg is not visible, but it is certainly in this level. To reveal the Egg, destroy the TNT cake on the left side of the structure. In doing so, the Egg will appear behind the slingshot platform. Use the last Boomerang bird, flung backwards, to reach it.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #29

Golden Egg #29Red's Mighty Feathers level 24-8

The Golden Egg is not visible, but rather hidden in the motor suspended high above the level. It's a very tricky shot to reach, but the Yellow bird is your best bet for cutting the rope holding the motor.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #30

Golden Egg #30

Obtain 3 stars on all classic levels of Red's Mighty Feathers -- namely 24-1 through 24-15. You do not need to 3-star the Egg Defender Levels.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #31

Golden Egg #31Short Fuse level 26-15

The Golden Egg is not visible, but rather hidden under the slingshot platform. Use the Boomerang bird to enter the cave and obtain the Egg.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #32

Golden Egg #32BirdDay 5 Level 30-15

The Golden Egg is high above the level, out of sight unless you zoom out. A well-shot Yellow bird can reach it, if you dare.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #32

Golden Egg #32BirdDay 5 Level 30-15

The Golden Egg is high above the level, out of sight unless you zoom out. A well-shot Yellow bird can reach it, if you dare.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Special RED Golden Egg (#33 - iOS Only)

Special RED Golden Egg (#33 - iOS Only)

This special Golden Egg level was added in support of (RED)'s fight to end AIDS. The level is unlocked by simply tapping the Golden Egg that appears at the bottom of the episode selection screen.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #34

Golden Egg #34Golden League Sticker

The Golden League sticker Golden Egg is found hidden in the Golden League sticker in the Angry Birds Mighty League.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #35

Golden Egg #35BirdDay 7 Stickers

The BirdDay 7 Golden Egg is found hidden in one of the BirdDay 7 stickers in the Angry Birds Mighty League.

Video & Star Walkthrough
King Pig Level

King Pig Level

In the v2.2.0, a new "Golden Egg"-like level called the "King Pig Level" was released for iPad (other platforms in v2.3.0). This level is unlocked by obtaining three stars on all levels up to and including Birdday Party. For more information, read more in the v2.2.0 release post.

More Information Here

Update Log

12/11/16 – Added 35th Golden Egg from BirdDay 7
12/11/14 – Added 32nd Golden Egg from BirdDay 5 (v5.0.1)
11/23/14 – Added Red’s Special Golden Egg (v4.3.1)
03/04/14 – Adjusted chapter numbers (v4.1.0)
11/26/13 – Added 31st Golden Egg from Short Fuse (v3.4.0)
09/16/13 – Added 29th & 30th Golden Eggs from Red’s Mighty Feathers (v3.3.0)
12/11/12 – Added 28th Golden Egg found in Birdday Party (v3.0.0)
08/02/12 – Updated for the “King Pig Level” (v2.2.0)
12/23/11 – Updated for Birdday Party (v2.0.0) release on Mac and PC
12/11/11 – Added 27th Golden Egg found in Birdday Party (v2.0.0)
08/25/11 – Added 25th & 26th Golden Eggs from in Mine And Dine (v1.6.3)
07/25/11 – Added 24th Golden Egg found in Mine And Dine (v1.6.2)
06/16/11 – Added 23rd Golden Egg found in Mine And Dine (v1.6.0)
03/17/11 – Added 20th & 21st Golden Eggs (v1.5.3)
02/06/11 – Added Super Bowl Golden Egg!
02/04/11 – Added 19th Golden Egg (v1.5.1)

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Category: Golden Eggs, Guides, Walkthroughs

Comments (1,104)

By Ryan

#11 – Danger Above level 8: On the “Level 8” screen, drag the screen to the far right and the egg will appear on the right.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks! It is now fixed.

By tarco

you mean to the LEFT…

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

There seems to be some confusion here. If you watch the above video this egg is at 2:09. You indeed to scroll to the right (which means you move your finger to the left) and the egg is on the right. I can confirm that this is how I was able to get this G-Egg.

By Tabibu

A quelle date sort la prochaine mise a jour svp.. Je l’attend..! Merci d’avance..

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Rovio is saying the next update is coming any day (as of 8/16)!

By Miles

Awesome site, thanks for the tip about the music in my video. I will change it right away…

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks, Miles. To some the music is probably great. :) To me it just seems a little much for a Golden Egg walkthrough! Why don’t you download the MP3 from this post and use it?

By Miles

The new version of my video can be found here: “”

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I’ve updated the tutorial with the new video. Thanks for taking the time!

By tymias

This website is the best and it helps find the eggs.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)


By Miles

New, updated video with the 15th egg:

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks Miles! Readers, please note this is the same video that’s embedded above.

By Nick

dude you are the best thumbs up!!

By Confused Bird

So… #14 is it still there under the hat I haven’t been able to get that one but I have all 15, are there 16 now?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

As far as I know there are a total of 15 golden eggs right now. Are you sure you didn’t already crush it accidentally? If I were you I would compare your golden egg screen to the one on the homepage of this site to see if they all line up.

By David

Got 15stars 3stars on all levels just waiting on level 11to be available it just says coming soon when is it due need it know please

By Remi3241

i would just like to thank Birdleader for atleast acknowledging that I wrote the golden egg guide. There are many on facebook just copying it and posting it as their own. Great site you have here btw. Take care.

By Holly

What is the sequence for #12 I’m lost Thanks!

By Rich

Holly and I seem to be having the same problem. I can’t see the egg and have tried throwing a yellow bird as far to the right as possible. Have also tried the poop bird (that’s what I call it) and no yellow egg. HELP — Thanks

By Abby

hitting the first rocket helps.

By Rich

Scratch my previous question. The egg popped up after I dropped the bomb after the first tower. Thanks for that hint. I do have a question about what to do with egg #4. Is there a sequence of events that causes that egg to obtain a star? Again thanks.

By Henning Andersen

There is a 16th egg in the 11-15 level.
If you zoom out to see the whole level it is left below the slingshot.
You can get it with the boomerangbird.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Nice. We’ll get the walkthrough video updated.

By veryangrybird

1. Today’s update failed, have had to reinstall and start again – very very angry

2. After installing I only have 8 golden egg spaces – where are the other 7?????????? – very very very angry

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That sucks! I believe the other egg slots don’t show up until you find them.

By veryangrybird

I hope you’re right. Thank you

By ChaMP

I get Golden egg #17 after complete all 3 stars in all theme
but How to get the egg star =[]=

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Awesome! Can you post a screenshot of the 16th Golden Egg level as well?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Don’t know yet. If you figure it out please let us know!

By Lizzy

Tap the shadows to reveal all the pigs .. Tap the red bird to start the music, then move the bird along the screen in time with the lights that flash on the columns & that should give you the star :)

By ash

i have completed 16 golden eggs (got the stars) how do you do the 17th one? for getting 3 stars on all the stage 4 one…. its the center egg on the second page of eggs…. its a musical one… anyone figured it out?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

If you figure it out please post the solution!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks! Could you upload a screen of the Golden Egg selection level that shows all the eggs?

By Lizzy

Got three stara on all levels and the two last eggs. BUT HOW TO STAR #17??

By Niklas

To get the star in the 17th golden egg just mark all the piga and touch the red bird to start the song. Than move the bird all the way to the right

By bevzy

hello i got all the golden eggs already but how u get stars on 4 5 6 7 12 and 17 golden eggs pls hope some1 could reply thanks

By Lizzy

Tap the shadows to reveal all the pigs .. Tap the red bird to start the music, then move the bird along the screen in time with the lights that flash on the columns & that should give you the star :)

Found this on the facebookpage and IT WORKS!! 3 stars on all levels and all 17 golden eggs =)

By lustich

to get star #17
fill in all spots + highest speed

By bevzy

thanks appreciate it got 3 stars on all levels n 17 golden eggs yahooo :)

By Maxx

when would there be a video for 3 stars for theme 11

By Rich

Still trying to get a star on egg #4. How is this done? Thanks

By tonebalone

Which one is number 4? Might be able to help

By Rich

It’s the egg you receive after getting 3 stars in Poached Eggs. The big egg right in the middle of the screen. Thanks

By El Prepsi

golden egg #4. On the iPad, i had three stars all over, but did not get the golden egg. After getting more points, I suddenly got the golden egg reward. It is now difficult to reproduce, and it night have been fixed, but a suggestion to those who did not automatically get the golden egg after three stars.

By El Prepsi

PS. Might be egg number 5. Long time ago.

Nightrose 3
Thank you

By Mike

I have got all golden eggs and won them except # 17, I have it but I can’t win it

could u help me

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