Angry Birds Golden Eggs Walkthrough | All 35 Eggs

Welcome to the most complete Angry Birds Golden Eggs guide on the web. By following this guide you can unlock all 35 Golden Eggs and enjoy some fun — and sometimes challenging — new levels! Using this guide is simple, just match the number on the image below to the instructions further down the page. Remember there is a video walkthrough for each Golden Egg that shows its location (how to unlock it) and how to obtain the star. For a complete list of the update history click here.

Angry Birds Golden Eggs Selection Screens with Numbers All 35

Golden Egg #1

Golden Egg #1

Pause any level and press the "?" (help) button in the bottom left hand corner. The Golden Egg will be on the White Bird instruction screen. Note, you have to have unlocked the White Bird before the White Bird instruction screen will appear.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #2

Golden Egg #2Mighty Hoax Level 5-19 (Rocket Ship)

The Golden Egg is located on the right side off the screen directly above the rocket ship. If you zoom out and throw a Yellow Bird in that direction you will see it when the screen moves up a little. You can reach it with either a Yellow Bird or with the White Bird. If you opt to use the White Bird drop a bomb to the right of the wood sticking up on the first tower and the bird will take off and hit the Golden Egg (probably easier to use the Yellow Bird).

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #3

Golden Egg #3Poached Egg Level 2-2

Just destroy the beach ball.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #4

Golden Egg #4

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Poached Eggs.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #5

Golden Egg #5

On the main screen press the "i" (credits) button and watch the credits all the way to the end and the Golden Egg will appear under the White Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #6

Golden Egg #6Poached Eggs Level 1-8

Tap the treasure chest (I had to tap several times).
PC & Mac users: To open the treasure chest, depress the caps-lock key then click and hold the left mouse button over the treasure chest and then type open.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #7

Golden Egg #7

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mighty Hoax.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #8

Golden Egg #8Mine and Dine Level Selection Screen

v3.3.0 and higher: Currently obtained on the headlamp of the smaller pig in the Mine and Dine Level Selection Screen.

v3.2.0 and lower: Originally obtained on the episode select screen double-tap the sun below the levels (bottom center).

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #9

Golden Egg #9Mighty Hoax Level 4-7

Zoom out and Golden Egg will be on top of the cliff on the right. Aim and hit it with the Yellow Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #10

Golden Egg #10Danger Above Level 6-14

Break yellow balloon under the treehouse. You can bounce the Yellow Bird off the tree or use the Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #11

Golden Egg #11Danger Above Level Selection Screen

Once on the Danger Above Level Selection Screen, drag the screen to the left until you can't go any further. You'll see the Golden Egg hidden on the right past the last group of levels.
PC & Mac users: You have to click inside the window and then drag.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #12

Golden Egg #12

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Danger Above.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #13

Golden Egg #13Danger Above Level 8-15

The Golden Egg is under the slingshot platform. To get it just bounce a Yellow Bird off the trampoline on the bottom right across from the Golden Egg or use Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #14

Golden Egg #14The Big Setup Level 9-14

Zoom out and if you look closely you will see the Golden Egg on the bottom right hiding under a hard hat. Use a Boomerang Bird to hit it.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #15

Golden Egg #15The Big Setup Level 10-3

Smash the duck underneath the bridge.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #16

Golden Egg #16The Big Setup Level 11-15

Zoom out to see the whole level and you will see the Golden Egg to the left below the slingshot. Hit it with the Boomerang Bird.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #17

Golden Egg #17

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of The Big Setup.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #18

Golden Egg #18Ham 'Em High level 12-12

Destroy the trophy in the middle of the level that sits between the two piles of jewels. This one is not easy to get!

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #19

Golden Egg #19Ham 'Em High level 13-10

First zoom out. Now launch a white bird and at the right time tap the screen to launch him up in the air to hit the Golden Egg.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #20

Golden Egg #20Ham 'Em High level 14-4

First zoom all the way out and you'll see the Golden Egg on the top of the cliff to the far right. Launch a yellow bird at a high trajectory and tap him at just the right time to arch him up and over to the Golden Egg. Note, on PC/Mac this was formerly Golden Egg #22.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #21

Golden Egg #21

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Ham 'Em High, including all the three Facebook levels.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Super Bowl / Rio #22

Super Bowl / Rio #22Ham 'Em High level 13-12

Zoom out then shoot a white bird backwards and drop an egg bomb on the back side of the hill. We were the first ones to find this secret Golden Egg. We have a much more detailed walkthrough and post about this level here. Note, on PC/Mac this was formerly Golden Egg #20.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #23

Golden Egg #23Mine And Dine level 15-12

Zoom out and you'll see the Golden Egg sitting on top of ridge. Aim a yellow bird at a high trajectory (click for screenshot) and time the speed burst to get the Golden Egg. You can also get it with a white bird, though it might be a little trickier.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #24

Golden Egg #24Mine And Dine level 16-9

Zoom out and the you'll find Golden Egg is sitting on top of the cave on the right. You can use your first yellow bird to take out the stone structure above the slingshot. This makes for a slightly easier shot, but you don't have to do this. Aim the second yellow bird and hit the speed burst at the right time to nail the Golden Egg. Timing is tricky, so it may take a couple times. When in doubt, just watch the video walkthrough.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #25

Golden Egg #25

Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mine and Dine.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #26

Golden Egg #26Mine And Dine level 17-12

Zoom out and you'll see a treasure chest sitting up high on top of the second rock ledge. Burn your red and white birds and then shoot a yellow bird at a very high arch so it clears the front ledge. Time the speed burst so it clears the first and second ledge and nicks the top left corner of the treasure chest.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #27

Golden Egg #27Birdday Party Cake 2 Level 6

Zoom out and you'll see the Golden Egg sitting up on a ledge on the top right hand side of the level. Burn the Blue Birds and nail it with your Yellow Speedster.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #28

Golden Egg #28Birdday Party Cake 3 Level 14

The Golden Egg is not visible, but it is certainly in this level. To reveal the Egg, destroy the TNT cake on the left side of the structure. In doing so, the Egg will appear behind the slingshot platform. Use the last Boomerang bird, flung backwards, to reach it.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #29

Golden Egg #29Red's Mighty Feathers level 24-8

The Golden Egg is not visible, but rather hidden in the motor suspended high above the level. It's a very tricky shot to reach, but the Yellow bird is your best bet for cutting the rope holding the motor.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #30

Golden Egg #30

Obtain 3 stars on all classic levels of Red's Mighty Feathers -- namely 24-1 through 24-15. You do not need to 3-star the Egg Defender Levels.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #31

Golden Egg #31Short Fuse level 26-15

The Golden Egg is not visible, but rather hidden under the slingshot platform. Use the Boomerang bird to enter the cave and obtain the Egg.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #32

Golden Egg #32BirdDay 5 Level 30-15

The Golden Egg is high above the level, out of sight unless you zoom out. A well-shot Yellow bird can reach it, if you dare.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #32

Golden Egg #32BirdDay 5 Level 30-15

The Golden Egg is high above the level, out of sight unless you zoom out. A well-shot Yellow bird can reach it, if you dare.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Special RED Golden Egg (#33 - iOS Only)

Special RED Golden Egg (#33 - iOS Only)

This special Golden Egg level was added in support of (RED)'s fight to end AIDS. The level is unlocked by simply tapping the Golden Egg that appears at the bottom of the episode selection screen.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #34

Golden Egg #34Golden League Sticker

The Golden League sticker Golden Egg is found hidden in the Golden League sticker in the Angry Birds Mighty League.

Video & Star Walkthrough
Golden Egg #35

Golden Egg #35BirdDay 7 Stickers

The BirdDay 7 Golden Egg is found hidden in one of the BirdDay 7 stickers in the Angry Birds Mighty League.

Video & Star Walkthrough
King Pig Level

King Pig Level

In the v2.2.0, a new "Golden Egg"-like level called the "King Pig Level" was released for iPad (other platforms in v2.3.0). This level is unlocked by obtaining three stars on all levels up to and including Birdday Party. For more information, read more in the v2.2.0 release post.

More Information Here

Update Log

12/11/16 – Added 35th Golden Egg from BirdDay 7
12/11/14 – Added 32nd Golden Egg from BirdDay 5 (v5.0.1)
11/23/14 – Added Red’s Special Golden Egg (v4.3.1)
03/04/14 – Adjusted chapter numbers (v4.1.0)
11/26/13 – Added 31st Golden Egg from Short Fuse (v3.4.0)
09/16/13 – Added 29th & 30th Golden Eggs from Red’s Mighty Feathers (v3.3.0)
12/11/12 – Added 28th Golden Egg found in Birdday Party (v3.0.0)
08/02/12 – Updated for the “King Pig Level” (v2.2.0)
12/23/11 – Updated for Birdday Party (v2.0.0) release on Mac and PC
12/11/11 – Added 27th Golden Egg found in Birdday Party (v2.0.0)
08/25/11 – Added 25th & 26th Golden Eggs from in Mine And Dine (v1.6.3)
07/25/11 – Added 24th Golden Egg found in Mine And Dine (v1.6.2)
06/16/11 – Added 23rd Golden Egg found in Mine And Dine (v1.6.0)
03/17/11 – Added 20th & 21st Golden Eggs (v1.5.3)
02/06/11 – Added Super Bowl Golden Egg!
02/04/11 – Added 19th Golden Egg (v1.5.1)

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Category: Golden Eggs, Guides, Walkthroughs

Comments (1,104)

By Robert

For the 1-8 Golden Egg, since the P key is bound to Pause, you click and hold the LMB over the treasure chest and THEN type ‘open’.

By Gaz

What exactly do you do on Golden Egg levels 4, 7, 12 and 17? They just seem to be music levels and I cannot get the stars on top of the egg. What am I not doing?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Check out our Star Walkthrough.

By Bandwidth Bandito

Finally finished the final level for all three stars (6-13) this level had me stumped but it ended up being a fairly simple solution. So since I am on Android I can’t complete the final golden egg which is broken (and that is no yolk!) until the next update. So is there a secret handshake I need to learn? Guess it will be highest score next Oh Dear!! Great walkthrough, can’t wait for ham em high on Android. Hooray for ANGRY BIRDS!!!!!!!

By Huge

I’m Stuck on 6-13 … Please help!!!

By Lukie

I shot the first yellow bird up on the wood at the right.
U should destroy the block of wood in front of the stone
ball and the one beneath it. This makes the ball go down,
and if shot right, it will take out the bird on the right as well.

By jonathan

I also dont have a second page for golden eggs?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Have you found the 16th, 17th, and 18th eggs yet?

By Helloworld12345

for today’s super bowl, (feb 6), could someone tell me how to get the secret level when the commercial airs?


Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

We already found it yesterday. Check out this post on how to get it.

By viedy d'silent

how to get the mighty eagle in angry birds version 1? i’ve finished all levels..i wanna play use mighty eagle.please answer.thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You need to be on an iOS device.

By Rafael Rodriguez

no you need to buy in the app store and lasts your entire life but if you use it you have to wait on ehour to use it again…unless you’ve already passed the level.

By Matthew

how come on my iOS device some of the golden eggs are not there

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You have to find them all first!

By Laura

what do you need to do with the egg on 2 where the bird is at the bottom and there are three rows above? If you tap on them they light up, but thats it. What to do? Thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Check out the star walkthrough.

By mercenary macaw

By far, this is the most comprehensive, easy-to-use Angry Birds site. If ya gotta have an addiction, it’s always key to have a reliable enabler!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thank you!

By Jessica

Does anyone know why I don’t have egg 19 and the Rio egg?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Did you update to v1.5.1? If so, you have to find the eggs first.

By Joe

I have all eggs but #19! when I go into level 13-10 all I can see is the chain hanging with no egg. Why is that?

By AngryJohnny

Heya, there seems to be a #21 golden egg.
They are talking about it on this french site :

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yeah, I’ve seen this and a 22nd. I haven’t posted them though as they only seem to appear on the Android for those who have a applied cheats. It could also be that they received an update before everyone else. Notice it has a “Bing” search option, which isn’t available for the rest of us either. Once this is out we’ll get’er posted.

By trb148

On my icon to start playing birds on my pod there is a 1 just like when I have a update on the update icon, can anyone tell me what this is for

By JosephBBBB

It is for to tell you the mighty eagle is back and ready for use.

By Nur aisyah

What is mean by super bowl? And I can’t get golden eggs by double tapping the sun below the ‘Danger Above’ in Angry Birds. It doesnt work at all

By Amy

I can’t find the Ham ‘Em level on my game. I cannot get Golden Eggs 18 & 19. I have 3 stars on levels 1-4. help??

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Assuming you’re on an Android, WebOS, or iOS device you’ll need to update first.

By Amy

That did it. I did update last week but I guess it didn’t take.. Thx!!

By grtandnoob

how i play on pc or mac?????

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

To get set up on the Mac you need to be running the latest version of Snow Leopard (10.6.3), as it includes the Mac App store. See our post here. As for Windows 7 and XP you have to go through Intel AppUp. For that, check out this post.

By grtandnoob


why do i not have hogs and kisses or the other big levls after hogs and kisses

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Do you have Angry Birds Seasons or just Angry Birds Original? Hogs and Kisses, Trick or Treat and Seasons Greedings are all levels in Angry Birds Seasons.

Ok thnk i got it

By `Colin botterman

Will Ham Em High be released for P.C. any time soon?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not sure, but I imagine you won’t have to wait too much longer.

By Eagle Owl

I have all 20 golden eggs with stars, but nothing happened. How do I get the Mighty Eagle that everyone keeps talking about? I am running on android.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

It’s not available on the Android…yet.

By T-man

It is actuallly available on Android, but mine is Android 2.1, and I found it in the market.

By Mecker

Where in market did you find it?

By Colin Botterman

I have the PC version, I have completed all three stars and have got 17 golden eggs. Are there any others that I have missed????

By dh

how can i get the star for egg 12 and 4??

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Check out our Complete Golden Egg Star walkthrough.


How many golden eggs are there in the complete game till date?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

There are currently 20 if you include the rio football/egg.

By Xcix

I have all stars on all levels, all eggs, and all mighty eagles complete to 100%, any idea when the new levels will come out? And is there anything I’m missing?

By matty

i heard they come out in march

By lexi

I have all stars on danger above, but it only shows 132/135 am i missing something??? I went through each level and doubled checked i have all stars. wtf. i want the 12th egg!!!

By Chris

Ham’n high level 14 is it out yet on I-pad?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not yet. Should be any day.

By meilyr jones

when are the next levels for ham em high coming out?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Rumor is 2-3 weeks.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Vini1234 (@vini1234)

Does anyone know when ham em high is coming out for symbian^3?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Sorry, I have no idea.

By Gail Shupp

How do you get golden egg #6 for the iPad? Thanks!!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

The instructions here apply to the iPad as well. If the Golden Egg doesn’t pop up, make sure you don’t already have it.


Bonjour, dans la serie “Ham ‘Em High” j ai complete le niveau 12 et 13 (3 etoiles) et j’ai le niveau 14 verrouillé avec un encart au milieu de l ecran “coming soon!” comment puis je debloquer les tableaux du niveau 14. Merci

By jose martinez

I have all 20 golden eggs but I can’t open the 14 level ….. and I have 3stars in all games? ???? Please help

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

If you’re referring to Chapter 14 of Ham ‘Em High, it’s not out yet.

By Pig Killer

why on my ipod can i only get 7 eggs and theres no update

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