Angry Birds Now Available on Windows PCs, Laptops, and Netbooks

Angry Birds AppUpAngry Birds is now available via Intel AppUp Center for Windows XP, Windows 7, and Moblin (mobile Linux) based netbooks, laptops, and PCs (note, it’s not really meant for PCs, but you can run it — I am just fine).

It’s out on the Mac now as well!

The cost will be $9.99/£5.99/€7.99, but for a limited time it is $4.99.

If you meet the above qualifications here is what you need to do to get started:

  1. Download the Intel AppUp application here (top right).
  2. Install and open the app.
  3. Search for Angry Birds.
  4. Click, “Buy App” (I had to do this several times to get it to work).
  5. You now have to sign in or create an account.
  6. Once you have an account click “Buy App” again and agree to the charge (note, you haven’t entered your credit card info yet).
  7. After you agree the payment screen will come up.  If you don’t already have a credit card stored click the link at the top.  That will open a browser where you can enter a credit card.
  8. After you submit your CC info you’ll see  a “Thank You” screen, which you can close
  9. You now have to click, “Buy App” again and “Confirm” your purchase.
  10. Now Angry Birds should begin downloading.
  11. Once it’s done downloading an installer will automatically launch and install Angry Birds.
  12. You can now “Launch” Angry Birds from within AppUp or look for an icon on your desktop!

A few other things you should consider:

  • Once you finally get Angry Birds installed it looks and plays very well — at least it does on my Windows 7 PC.  It’s sweet to see it running on my 1680 x 1050 monitor!  That said, it would be cool if there were a way to run it in a window, as opposed to running fullscreen 100% of the time.  Also, I’m not quite sure how to zoom out to see the whole level, but that’s okay for now (thanks to Brandon who pointed out that you can use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out).
  • Per the AppUp Center FAQ you don’t have to have an Intel Atom based processor to install AppUp.
  • My initial experience with AppUp was cumbersome: long loading times (this could be caused by the heavy load AB is causing on the servers), lots of steps to purchase the app, and multiple clicks to get stuff to load.  If I didn’t run this site I would have gave up.  I hope others have a better experience.
  • As far as I can tell there is no logout option within AppUp.  I had a hard time logging in, so I actually had to email AppUp support to get my account working so I could login.

If you need help with the controls check out our guide to controlling Angry Birds with a keyboard and mouse.

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Category: Guides

Comments (158)

By Bonxy

Im following your steps now to see if i can get this to work. Will post back. :D


Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Let me know!

By Bonxy

All complete. When i first double clicked the icon on my desktop i did get an Error.

“ADK runtime error” or something along them lines. Thought it was weird, double clicked again and it loaded.

The game looks brilliant itself from first glances. Nice, bright and clear and easy to navigate. Games seems to run very smooth with no errors so all looks good.

Hopefully rovio could take it further with lots of additions and make this really good.

Im going to go and destroy some pigs now.


By John Corfee

Hey guys, I’m getting an error. I have tried several things and Angry Birds still won’t run on my laptop. I bought and downloaded it but it’s giving me an error that says “Texture is too large: 2048 x 2048, maximum supported size: 1024 x 1024.” My screen resolution is 1366 x 768, I don’t know if that maybe the problem. Any ideas?

By Meena

hey, I have the error that u have been getting.
I have tweeted @RovioMobile and @angrybirdsnest on twitter to see what i can do and how to fix it…I’m just waiting now for their reply.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

My resolution is higher than 1366 x 768 and I am running it without a problem. That said, I might try opening up the config.lua file (C:\Program Files\Rovio\Angry Birds or C:\Program Files (x86)\Rovio\Angry Birds if you’re running a 64-bit version of Windows) and changing the resolution there. You can also change the value of “fullscreen” to “false” (without the quotes). This will force it to run in a window that can be resized.

Also, on Windows 7 you have to open the config.lua file as an administrator. To do that find Notepad in the Start Menu, but instead of left clicking on it, right click on it and select, “Run as Administrator”. Then click File > Open to open the file.

Beyond that, I’m not going to be much help, as it’s going to be a developer issue.

By Jamie Ouellette

Getting the same problem John, please post back if you figure it out. Rovio thinks the birds are angry…

By AnTiL

Same problem to me. Tried to edit the config.lua file, but nothing better happened. Maybe the birds were angry about Windows 7.

By Luiz

I’m getting the same error on my Acer netbook (Atom processor, 1366 x 768 video resolution, 1GB RAM and 256MB shared video memory).
I believe my Graphics Card (Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 500) does not support a 2048×2048 texture :(

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Have you tried editing the config.lua file in order to force it to run in a window?

By say waht

my netbook also has the GMA500 video card, running Windows 7. i tried to mess around with config.lua to run it under various resolutions and full screen/windows. i tried to use the newest driver ( i tried to update the driver to IEGD 10.3.1 (in this case there’s no texture error but the game crashed to desktop). i even tried to use 3D-Analyze to disable texture check. all of my attempts failed.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That sucks. Unless someone here can help or has a magic solution your last resort might be [email protected] or AppUp support — the latter might be quicker.

By John Corfee

Yeah, my netbook has all the same specs. Emails back from support, either intel or rovio, tell me to do the same stuff either to change the config.lua and update driver, both didn’t work for me.

By thanh do dinh

In my dell mini12 i have the same problem :'(

By thanh do dinh

GMA 500 sucks. i tried again and again but cant play this game :'( .
Change Config.lua, install new graphic driver, install net frame work 4, add angry birds to DEP, install everything, but it wont work :'( any idea

By Travis

Can AB be played with the mouse on non touchscreen computers?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That’s exactly what this is.

By Travis

…and on touchscreen computers just like on my Android phone?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yes, you can download it on most Android phones.

By Travis

I posted at 6:12 pm not 2:12 am.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks. I fixed this issue.

By Brandon

Just a heads up, if you want to run the app in a window or adjust the resolution, you can do so by editing the config.lua file in the Rovio directory (default is C:\Program Files\Rovio\Angry Birds or C:\Program Files (x86)\Rovio\Angry Birds if you’re running a 64-bit version of Windows).

By Brandon

Also, use the scroll-wheel on your mouse to zoom the level in and out.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Thanks for both of you posts. Very helpful!

By John Corfee

So, if my screen resolution is 1366×768 and I change it to that in the config.lua file, the game will work fine with out any errors?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Worked like a charm, thanks! Note to others, on Win 7 you have to open config.lua as an administrator in order to save your edits.

By RicardoWateva

Errr.. Have you guys ever tried to hit ALT-ENTER??? It works wonders… There’s no need to edit files…

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Also, as a reminder, I put up a control guide that has that tip (and a bunch of others) in it.

By Sachin Palewar

Hi, Nice post.

We are a developer with many apps already available on AppUp. I haven’t seen any app on AppUp so far having so much success. I mean 600 paid downloads in a single day may not be anything to compare with Ab’s iPhone or Android downloads but its really a grand record as far as AppUp downloads are concerned.

And I am sure if they entered any contest they will be winning it easily.

AB’s availability on AppUp is going to benefit AppUp tremendously by making it more popular and bring many new users to it.

I am happy with AB being available on AppUp and hope that all these news users will give us more opportunities on AppUp.

I would like to invite you and other readers of your blog to try our apps on AppUp. Well they are not near as illustrious as AB but they are free as of now and I am sure some of you will find some of our apps useful.

Just search for ‘palewar’ in AppUp software when you have it downloaded and running on your windows PC.

Will appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

By Ron

Won’t run on my laptop. Getting a “angrybirds.exe has stopped running” message right off the bat when I try to launch the app.

Have tried restarting my laptop, doesn’t help. Have tried reinstalling, also doesn’t help.

Running Win7 Home Premium (64-bit) on an i7-620M processor, with a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 graphics card. Screen Res is 1600×900.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Might have to submit this one to Rovio via [email protected] or through AppUp.

By Ron

Thanks, already done both. Did it over 12 hours ago. No response so far.

By nicka444

same issue almost same hardware. tried updating directx, ati card, lowering resolution, using windowed mode, etc. still crashing on startup ‘angrybirds.exe has stopped working’ very frustrating.

By Ron

Still haven’t heard a chirp out of Roxio.

I’ve been contacted a few times by Intel for more info, but no solution so far.

One Intel guy suggested that I try updating the video drivers, but I can’t test if that works, since I refuse to purchase Angry Birds again (you’re not eligible for a refund from AppUp if you purchase it a second time).

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Sorry to hear. Wish I could be more help, but tech support is not my forte. Have you tried changing your desktop resolution, say 1600 x 1024? Also, are launching AB through AppUp or by clicking the desktop icon? I’ve heard some people say it only works for them when launched through AppUp.

By Ron

Tried changing the resolution (both upwards and downwards) and didn’t help.

Also, had tried launching via Desktop and AppUp, same thing.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Check out this comment from nicka444 (it a ways down this page) and let me know if it works.

By Ron

Can’t, I don’t have AB anymore. Cancelled my purchase within the 24-hour timeframe allowed by AppUp.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I can’t blame you for that, I would have too.

By Matt Bell

Great news!

I got the runtime error running the angry birds app, but if i launch it from within appup it works fine. As does editing the config file for window rather than full screen.

Here we go again……

By lamppost59

I suppose these are the problems when porting a program to multiple platforms. I was lucky that I had zero problems installing and playing AB for Windows 7 (Home Premium 32-Bit) and it is fantastic to play at such high resolutions. That said, my experience with the Intel AppUp was that it was a tedious setup and cumbersome interface.


Has anyone had trouble getting the Golden Egg from the Treasure Chest in 1-8? I keep clicking and nothing happens. It took me just a couple of taps on my iPhone. Bug?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yep, same problem here. The one in the sun did work for me however.

By Gautam Hans

I edited config.lua . But it ain’t worked. all money in vain :(

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

When all else fails, email [email protected].

By Gaauwe

when i resized the config.lua to 1280×1024 (thats my resolution) it wil still say the error texture is to long: 2048 x 2048, maximum supported size: 1024×1024
can somebody help me

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Try setting: fullscreen = false

By Mubashir Rehman

I got the error “Texture is too large: 2048 x 2048, maximum supported size: 1024 x 1024″
I also Tried to edit the config.lua file, but same error .
i am using windows XP , ram 1 gb .

Help me out plz

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

In config.lua change fullscreen = false to see if that helps. If that doesn’t work email [email protected].

By Mile S.

I bought the game two days ago and it was doing fine, until an hour ago, when I tried to start it, but it says all the time: “The application was not authorized for use on this machine” (nothing was changed or touched on my PC in a meantime). I tried several times, tried to start it thru AppUp, even uninstall and install it again – no change. It is very frustrating! Please help!!!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That’s a new one. That may be an issue with AppUp, hence you might have to contact their support team.

By Lunch Meat

The IntelAppUp site provides the game for a free trial (a day, if I remember correctly), and then they charge you if you don’t opt out.

It may have to do with how IntelAppUp checks your credit. I got a voicemail from my credit card company concerning “suspicious activity” on my account. When I called the card people, the rep said that IntelAppUp had done a credit check on my account for a very small amount: $0.10. She said that some card security people consider that a form of phishing; a way for criminals to see if a stolen card number is still “live.”

So, call your card service number… The game looks insane at 1920 x 1200. Did you know the little red birds close their eyes when you launch them? I hadn’t noticed that on my Palm Pre+. Still not any easier…

By Minh Duc
come to intel and download update driver VGA for win7.
im done. ^^

By tony agpaoa

what will I change in config.lua?is it the width and the height and also the fullscreen?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I don’t thinking editing the width and height will have much effect. You can try setting: fullscreen = false.

By P.Alexandru

Hello.Please admin,you can help me with a problem?On my desktop pc,windows 7 x64,the game works fine.But,on my laptop,win7 64,when to enter in game,it’s say : .exe has stopped working.pls try again later. (i try admin mode,and compatibility mode).What can i do?Thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

We are discussing this a few threads above this one. No solution as of yet…

By P.Alexandru

Ok.Thx.When you will find a solution,please post it here.Thx a lot.

By Rit

Might be worth a try. Edit properties of the exe (right-click -> select properties). Then change the compatibility mode (click on compatibility tab). Enable the check box to run in compatibility mode and select windows xp. This works for most exes.

Good luck!

By nicka444

For anyone running a laptop with windows 7 64 with an ATI card you may need to install the ‘mobility catalyst’ & not just update your drivers. i was getting ‘angrybirds.exe has stopped working…blah blah’ for almost a whole day until i got my head out and downloaded it again. be warned though it can cause driver conflicts with a lot of games. i tried all that resolution, compatibility, and admin changes to no avail. but soon as catalyst was installed it worked like a charm.

By Ron

“be warned though it can cause driver conflicts with a lot of games.”

Sounds like the cure being worse than the disease?

AB is a cool game, but I’ll be pretty upset if Starcraft 2 doesn’t run anymore.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yes, be warned.

By michael

i keep getting “ADP Runtime error” no matter how i launch it (in appup or desktop. any thoughts?


Texture is too large: 2048 x 2048, maximum supported size: 1024 x 1024

Even me use fullscreen = false

I do not speak English and afraid to call use Google Translation

By Mike

how come theres no version for windows vista?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not sure. Sorry.

By Peterc

1. Vista-Angry Birds-will it run on Vista and XP without any issues?

2. Also is there a way to download this and install it on another machine? Like many people, I use my desktop at home and laptop when on the road. Do not want to pay twice. Would like a way to try this without buying it for a day….


By AngryBirdz

“Texture is too large: 2048 x 2048, maximum supported size: 1024 x 1024”
i got this error message recently on win7, but after i update my intel graphics driver it’s finally run…

By donh

I installed the nasty Intel AppUp in a virtual machine suspecting it is an app that would sink tentacles into my computer, and Intel AppUp is one of the worst. You cannot install Angry Birds as a standalone application – Intel AppUp is the only way you can install it and it gunks up your registry, screen and then e-mail with ads for other apps.

Hey Rovio – where is the clean standalone version?

By Ron

Rovio probably doesn’t have the infrastructure (i.e. merchant card processing and a secure website) to support direct sales.

Sales of AB, whether for iPhone/iPad or ‘Droid phones has been through an app store.

Intel is probably offering them a sweet deal to sell AB via AppUp, due to the traffic levels that AB will generate.

By revdude91

I keep getting the same damn resolution error
I even updated my monitors driver via win update
I use windows 7 32bit version
I messed with config.lua file changed the resolution to my own resolution ( even set config.lua to 800 x 600 and lowered my resolution to that too)
I even set full screen to false and only saw a white screen coming up and giving me the same error again
I even tried running it via compatibility modes , ran it as administrator , blah , blah , blah

but there was something I found out

I suspected that the size of some pics may have caused this issue
so I changed the size of some pics in the picture’s folder
the error got changed to “the texture is too large: 2048 x 1024. maximum support size 1024 x 1024”

note : the first part used to be “… too large : 2048 x 2048 …” before. ( 2nd 2048 changed to 1024)

I tried changing them bit more and bringing all dimensions down below 1024 x 1024 and this time that error wouldnt appear instead it stopped working at the beginning and windows asked to close the program.

does anyone have any idea what we can do about it? :|

By revdude91

I think I have finally figured out whaat seems to be the problem
I resized SPLASHES_SHEET_1.png and made it a bit smaller the error changed into
“the texture is too large: 2048 x “””1024″””. maximum support size 1024 x 1024″
which used to be
“the texture is too large: 2048 x “””2048″””. maximum support size 1024 x 1024″

but the thing is when I changed its width to 1024 and tried to run the game
this time windows said it has stopped working and asked if i wanted to close it
if I wait a bit the screen turns black for a short moment before termination

my opinion is the game considers that pic an entire pixel which its original dimensions are 1920 x 1080 ( the picture of the angry birds at the start of the game )
and when it wants to run the game and use the pic it says monitor doesnt support a pixel that big and wont start
but when you lower the size of the pic in comparison to 1024 x 1024 the game runs but crashes at the very first moment as it wants to use the mentioned picture but it’s changed !!

By revdude91

I finally fixed the problem ^_^
(Texture is too large: 2048 x 2048, maximum supported size: 1024 x 1024.)
when I checked available updates via windows update there was a 120MB update for my nVidia graphic card , I downloaded and installed it then restarted my pc
The game worked like a charmed!!
no changing of config.lua was needed anyway (for me at least) just updated my graphics card driver and it was good to go :)
also I installed a 17 KB update for my monitor via windows update

By Gautam

Everybody! Texture Problem is fixed. I agree with revdude91.

By Ron

LOL, it only took them a week, but this is what Rovio came back to me with. It’d be depressing, if it wasn’t so hilarious.



And thanks for contacting us. Please try Opening the game with the AppUp center running.

[sig removed]

By Ron

Hey, Moderator, why was the Sig removed? Fine if you remove the person’s name, but at least leave intact their title/position within the company!

By Kaz

Hi Everyone,
My Daughter has the same problem (Texture is too large: 2048 x 2048, maximum supported size: 1024 x 1024.)
AB works find on my computer and it is a lot of fun as being more mature age it was hard to see to play the game on her Iphone. I have a wide flat screen monitor and you can see everything even the birds smiling. (I also didn’t notice the pigs you missed when you failed a level that they had teeth missing haha!)
Anyhow, my daughters compter is the same as mine, so why is it not working on her computer?
One reason I thought maybe you could not download the paid game on another computer there is some sort of “stop” that Rovio has put on. If there is I don’t mind paying for the game again for my Daughter to play. (as whatever game I buy on BF and other sites, they are paid for once and you can then download them as many times as you like on to other computers, just need a password)
I don’t want to change anything on her computer as it can stuff up everything else as we had already tried a few things that didn’t work so we had to restore the computer back to before we changed things.
We are still waiting for a reply from Rovio.
I hope that this is sorted soon as it is school holidays here in Brisbane and with all the rain and floods there is nothing to do, so we are now fighting over my computer so she can play on the big screen,(mine you she has a the same monitor as mine, it would be good if AB would work on hers too!)

If anyone has anyother clues what we got do I would be more than happy.
kind regards

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hi Kaz – I think you win the award for the longest comment. :) Please check out this comment, which basically states that they fixed this problem by updating their graphics drivers through Windows Update.

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