Angry Birds Rio Melon Walkthrough Level 17 (6-2)

This video shows you how to get the hidden melon in level 17 (6-2). The tuft of grass below the slingshot is labeled. Break that, then the melon will bounce up and down on the inner tube. The timing is tough, but aiming for the inner tube is easiest I think.

Comments (21)

By Jessica

What the heck? WHERE IS THE WALKTHROUGH FOR 6-1? It goes from 5-15 to 6-2! Grrr!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The walkthrough is here. You’re looking in the watermelon walkthroughs, not the three-star walkthroughs.

By Jessica

O geez

By Carrie Haddican

Where are the watermelon games? My game stops at bananas.

By Carrie Haddican

never mind, I just found my answer. I play on an android phone so it will be released sometime later than others it seems. That’s kind of good. Since I got hooked on angry birds I don’t have a life. I’ve got three stars on all levels of the original as well as all eggs. I’ve got three stars on all seasons games, Rio, everything on every game. So you see if I have all of this you can see how I have no life, I’m always flying something thru the air to knock down, wipe out, etc. anything standing in the way of perfect scores. Maybe I’ll get things done around the house now!

By Irwin Fletcher

Oh, I’ve never saw the crate fall before so that’s interesting. All I’ve seen is the melon (looks rather like a ball) bouncing on the ringed-floatie. I have gotten 14 of the melons without the help of the videos, just looking for the 15th with help from here.


I can’t find #15. I have gone through all walkthroughs and still can’t find it. Any help.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

From what we’ve seen the one people miss most often is 5-2. There is this comment by AMslimfordy might help as well.

By Tom

an easier way of doing this is to only pull the blue back like a millimeter and it will barely go forward and roll down the hill and take out the grass and when the crate falls it will fall on the blue bird which came to rest at the tube and bounce off at an angle and you won’t have to hit it.

By yunior89


By cguev4

so I did this and didn’t time the bird well enough for it to hit the falling crate. when I re-did this level and hit the crate no melon. did I screw it up by not hitting it the first time?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I don’t think so. I actually missed the first time I tried it and got it the second try. Try restarting your device and trying again. Let us know if you end up with all 15 watermelons or if you get stuck at 14/15.

By bouncer

I did this a while ago and when the crate broke, the melon came out and is now bouncing up and down on the inner tube! It’s been doing this for ages now… hilarious! Hope it eventually stops….

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It wont. You have to break it manually

Rank: DaBomb with 445 points
By SlyMongoose (@slymongoose)

Yes, hilarious! But frustrating. You’d think by knocking the far left wooden structure you could get it to fall to the left and strew debris over the innertube to halt the bouncing, but no. That didn’t work for me.

By Matt Eyraud

I found that it’s easier to drop a bomb on the crate right on take off. Then it just takes a shot or two at the bouncing melon. Hope that helps!

Rank: Sling God with 70315 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Used the white bird to release the melon then the red bird to hit the bouncy melon.

By Savi

if you get the grass with the blue bird you can wait for the melon to start coming down n fling the white bird over it n just drop the egg on it. :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)

If you get the egg on the tube it will bounce up and down like the melon and eventually collide.

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)

Yes, that one is the last Melon I need. Faster to rich with WB.

By linda waddington

I have tried to get that melon and over and over all l get is an empty .crate. where is that melon. I’m starting to think l did not get a melon in my crate. ..or l have been how do l get the melon ? I came across the crate by chance.

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