Angry Birds Rio Smugglers Plane Walkthrough Level 22 (12-7)

Smugglers’ Plane level 12-7 is very difficult. One strategy is to fire the first Blue bird into the far-right tower. If you are very lucky, the cage inside will break. Then lob the Orange bird so it lands between the first tower and the pink caged birds. If necessary, use the next Blue bird to clean up.

Hidden Mango Alert!

Here is another strategy by FujiToast!

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By Muhammad Asim Noor

After lots of hard work got the far right bird with the first blue bird by breaking the lowest small ice block feeling very lucky and the structure slips down and destroy the cage and free the bird and me from a tension, also break the low level cages, then I fire the orange bird in between first and second tower and got all others.

Such a relief. Got 95180 and 3 stars Hurrrrrraaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy

By boops

I found launching the first blue bird low release late causes one of the blue birds slide under the bottom glass brick and getting that yellow bird. Second bird high landing just right of cage with all the red birds. Third bird a direct hit to left most blue bird. This was an exasperating level, glad its over.

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 104,330

Revisiting after losing all progress, and after a few hundred restarts, I finally broke down and came to this walkthrough. I could not get that yellow bird on the right after a few hours of flinging so gave up and decided to try @fujitoast‘s strategy and what a surprise! Got lucky after launching OB and the remains of the left tower started to sway, then wait…wait…wait and it teetered over to the left for a 2-bird clear!

Thank you @fujitoast! Now I’m outta here and not looking back!

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 95,120

I did the same thing of using @fujitoast strategy in the second ABN video. Worked fine but had to use three birds. With the first bird zoomed out and activated it at the metal patch above the window. The top blue bird would break the bottom glass on the right structure and would more often get the far right yellow bird with falling debris. The challenge was placing the orange bird to the left of the remaining yellow bird and destroying both structures. Did it a few times but had the left side blue bird remaining. Challenging level to play!

Rank: Sling God with 36795 points
By Hoy49 (@hoy49)Score: 106,320

For the challenge today I used the method in the video as posted by @misterparon in 2012 and it still works. Thanks for the help.

By sue

I don’t know how I did it, but I got 92,470, which is apparently quite low. Have been trying to out-do all my high scores but just can’t be bothered with the difficulty of this one. I don’t see why, in all of the incarnations of angry birds, there is always 1 or 2 levels where you can destroy more with fewer birds and still not 3 star just because you haven’t been pixel-perfect.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 93,980

Another relatively current player! Not many of us coming back through. 92470 is not quite low on this exasperating level. just remember chasing the average drives it up, I’ve put 20K on top of my previous high and seen “averages” jump by 100 or more! depends on the level. And average is relative – a lot of flingers here are world class, so being average among them is an honor. I’m still stuck at 87, but willing to fling away for more, one of the last Smugglers Plane levels where I am still below “average”

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 93,980

you’ll also find that when you come here and whine, 10 minutes later you wind up breaking through and getting your score! 92450, < 1000 off of average, i'll live with it for now.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9385 points
By tns (@tns747)Score: 98,970

Finally got lucky and managed to get OB in the gap between the first two towers after managing to destroy that pesky yellow cage on the far right. Extremely frustrating level this one

Rank: Sling God with 24725 points
By explore07 (@explore07)Score: 112,700

High score same strat, hopefully text link works to picture and my score will not be deleted again

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 106,770

Here’s a video for 106k/2 using BlueStacks; tap spots I used are in the description. A bit off the top score but it works about 20% of the time. Lady Luck is a massive factor. RNG😂

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