Golden Egg #36, or better known as the “Big Notepad” is unlocked after you obtain 3 star all levels of Angry Birds Seasons Back to School. Once you’ve accomplished this goal, tap the notepad in the middle of the Golden Egg screen to open up the level below. This is another awesome Rube Goldberg-style level. To obtain the star, fling the pink bird into the pile of small boulders, tapping at the last second to capture them. Ideally some of them will fall into the gap to the right of the pile and detonate the TNT. With a bit of luck the Rube Goldberg will go off without a hitch and you’ll grab your star.
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It is crucial that you also detonate the top left TNT-box! Drag some of the stones and drop them on the box. Otherwise not all the pigs will be killed.
Yeah, I found that out. No problem, however. I just had to get the pink bird to pickup more stones.
Did the same with picking up more stones. It seems that if I activated pink prior to hitting the stones it picked them all up, destroy the top 3 tnt boxes and dropped a few to the left side on the umbrellas and apples. Very similar to the video for this level.
I really loved this Egg level because it takes some skill too! I got 87320 so far. I found hitting the stones hard in the center and actually pushing one or two off the cliff helps. One of them not in bubble pushed into the notebook to start that tnt detonation while picking up the rest. One dropped on top left tnt and another even dropped on the umbrellas. This was a perfect chain reaction ;-)
This is a tough nut to crack…another method I chose was to fire the bird just above the first TNT to the right, picking up the stone and the TNT. I got the stone to fall on the TNT to the right, blowing the TNT back to the left into the pile of rocks. Got just over 85K with this method. Both methods are tough though.
ABS GE 36 91,380
What strat did you use? I can’t seem to get above average score.
You can get a higher score if you hit the 3 TNTs, (top, beside book, bottom) To get the middle one, you have to make one of the stones go to the right while floating and will be blocked by the ‘roof’. If done correctly, when they stop floating, the stone should hit the book, and then the TNT. I got 92,200 thanks to that.
I can’t say that I did anything different or special other than toss Stella and hope for the best. I went from having 87K, to 91K, and then to 97K using the same throw. Go figure. Good luck!