Angry Birds Seasons Back to School Golden Egg #37 Walkthrough

Golden Egg #37 is located on level 1-13 of Angry Birds Seasons Back to School. There are two steps required to obtain this Golden Egg. First fire Terence low so he bounces off the base of the structure and bounces back into the textbook hanging from the rope. After you destroy the textbook a stone barrier will pop up on the left hand side of the screen behind the slingshot. Now to get the golden egg gently lob big brother so he slowly rolls down, hits the stone barrier, and bounces back into the egg.

To obtain the star on the level thread the yellow bird through the apple-lined gaps and into the TNT on the right hand side. This should set off a wave of destruction and earn you your star.

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Comments (20)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 123,310

I had no idea about the textbook being part of the process, I just fired Terence backwards in a low angle and barely got it! :P

Rank: Master Slinger with 5715 points
By reactive1 (@reactive1)Score: 108,120

I did the same.

Rank: Debriefed with 1260 points
By Majestic Flinger (@ice-bird99)

i thought that it worked pretty the same as that achievement cake so i first hited the book and then the egg

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)

I tried forever to get it without the book, but used the book and got it on my first try

Rank: Debriefed with 1260 points
By Majestic Flinger (@ice-bird99)

Thats kind a irronic

By Angriest Bird

To earn the star, I shot the bird upwards to cross the level and reach the far right TNT. Everything came down except the left TNT and the apples in the leftmost rock.

As for getting the egg, I did destroy the book, but I did not see any wall. I just kept trying shooting Terence to the ground until I got that oh so lucky bounce.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

I think this egg is bugged. Sometimes the yellow bird starts flipping over and over and lagging in midair.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 123,440

I haven’t seen anything or heard any reports of issues here. Try restarting your device.

By cheezfri

Spacemaster, did you unplug your device, replug it in and reboot 3 times? :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5505 points
By treblig.ds (@treblig-ds)Score: 120,350

I’ve had the same issues with this level. I’m on an iPhone and it’s real gliche here. Not only does the yellow bird tumble but it also seems the stall in midair. I’ve restarted to no avail. :(

By cheezfri

I didn’t realize you could hit the textbooks first. I did it the hard way. Took many tries and he kept bouncing off the end of the platform or way too far to the left. But eventually I got exactly the right angle and he hit the egg dead on!

On the golden egg level itself, I tried getting that dang bird through the apples but I just couldn’t. It would slow down too much and even when I zoomed out I couldn’t see too well. So I figured maybe the apples were a red herring, so to speak, so I aimed the bird nearly straight up & arced it really really high and just to the right a bit and it came straight down on the TNT area.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 122,180

I didn’t know about the notebook either. I sent “T” backwards as softly as possible and after a slight bounce or two he landed close behind the sling. Then I sent the second Big “T” as softly as possible again to bounce off him and get the egg.

As for the egg level itself…another Great egg level. I think they’re getting more creative and better as they come. 122180 so far ;-)

By Dillon reeves

I like the path, but it’s hard.

By Gemlover8

Thanks for the help. I had not watched the video. I got the last egg I needed to complete Seasons. I was doing it basically the same way, but the vid helped.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15205 points
By angry angel (@burn)

i spiked terrance straight downward as hard as possible, usually terrance #1 hits terrance #3 whose waiting in line…. but terrance #2 and #3 each have a decent shot of landing on the egg if you can JUST miss the corner of the platform…. terrance should bounce high enuf so that the next terrance hopping onto the sling shot goes under him…. i don’t think i saw this strategy so i’m going to mark it as new….. feel free to change it if i am wrong, thx :)

Rank: Sling God with 57290 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 126,070

If it wasn’t for this walkthrough video, I never would have figured out to get the Egg!! Kudo’s to the gents at ABN!

Eve the Golden Egg level is a bit frustrating!! t least it’s interesting and different!

Rank: Sling God with 70325 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 146,070

I agree that without the video I would have still been trying to get the golden egg for this level. This level was fun to fling and watch the different destruction sequences . A couple of times the right side wood landed near the center and produced more points with the final explosion.. One time the final explosion occurred and nothing flew out of the pit.

Rank: Sling God with 36815 points
By Hoy49 (@hoy49)Score: 151,050

Came back to better my scores after reading the post by @hunnybunny . All I did was shot through the apples and wait. This is one that did get easier.

Rank: Sling God with 33505 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 124,200

Thanks @hoy49 for acknowledging me and the rest of the crew that keep “Seasons just got Easier” going.

And congrats on that score…

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 144,330

Yeah, It took me forever to get the moonshot right going for the right TNT. It took me three tries to go through the piles and improve my score by nearly 10K.

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