Angry Birds Seasons Mooncake Festival Level 2-4 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Mooncake Festival level 2-4 is to loft the White bird to drop the bomb on the central hut and to ricochet the bird into the top-right tower. It may do very little damage to the tower, but it is still important. Fire Big Brother low into the left tower to level the entire thing. Use the next White birds to bomb any pigs remaining on the ground and to ricochet into the exposed wood of the right tower. The score in the video below is 96,300.

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Rank: Master Slinger with 5575 points
By bullets0000 (@bullet)Score: 94,150

1st bird (white): as in video. The pig in the middle of the temple was left, like in the video as well.
2nd bird (Big Bro): slightly higher than in the video. It tore through the first tower and squeezed the pig in the temple to death. (Dumb luck needed :P)
3rd bird (white): I had the bird hit the stone slab of the second tower. Took out that last pig.
4th bird (white): 10k.
Total score: 94150.

By Jeff

98,430 Shot one just like the video, but I took out all four pigs in the middle section with the first shot. Shot two I aimed higher with the red bird so it not only took out the first column and the two pigs but it had enough power to continue to the middle section and do more damage there. Last shot I focused on the white bird ricocheting up into the last column after dropping the bomb so it hit the wood right next to the rabbit. Got lucky and hit where I aimed.

By Jeff

Shot four was also just like the video! Should have said that in the original post.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 111,270

had the same technic, but my 3th bird knocked the right structure over to the right, so I had 1 birds left. I got 102600 this way.

Here is my video.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 98,950

@e-star not as good as you, but above average, thanks!!! :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 111,270

Hey @Sunshine Sorry I didn’t have time to respond, but you are most welcome my friend. Any improvement is a great thing and who knows, maybe you will come back and get the couple of k extra

Rank: Sling God with 70665 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 104,010

Thank you @E-Star for the video. Was able to use the same basic technique with the three birds. The extra points came from the second bird, Red Bird, with destruction in the middle of fall through the wood and also with the third bird, White Bird, when the entire structure fell off to the right. Helped improve the score from 85k to 104k.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 111,270

@wrw01 WoW that is an amazing improvement, great flinging my dear Pops! And like always, happy to help!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 104,870

Hi @e-star! I notice your score has improved up to 111k since your 102k video. Great flinging!

Do you have a new video to go along with your fantastic new score?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 111,270

@bonneypattycat Hmmm, strange… either I lost a video (pressing “cancel” or “delete” during recording) which would be unfortunate or I misplaced it. I hope for the latter option. I got this score september 2013, so I could check the backup hard drive containing ALL the videos (even the not used ones) and check if I missed it during editing, but at the moment that drive is unavailable. I hope to have it up and running again this weekend. So I will get back to you on this.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 111,270

*E* sticks her head out of a pile of videos, with one in her hand, with a big smile….*
Found it!!! :)
Sometimes the obsessive backing up of everything and all pays off!

Here is new video of the 111k score.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 104,870

Thanks @e-star, so glad you were able to locate this video! You make it look Sooo easy!

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)Score: 100,000

Thanks for the videos @E-Star

Rank: Sling God with 26685 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 103,540

I was stuck at 94, 910 for the longest time until I used @e-star‘s method and finally got an above average score! Thank you again for ending this looongg uphill climb for a better score, @e-star! I’ll see you at the BP and it’s on me, for whatever your thirsty flinger fingers desire. ;-)

By Zsgorf

100880, thanks Jeff… but I did it with 3 Birds only.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16460 points
By PJng (@pjng)Score: 93,100

First bird might got some bug, sometime after you release eye goes purple, can’t drop egg, and if you pull without release it will turn around.

Rank: Fling King with 4530 points
By AustinRHL (@austinrhl)Score: 104,680

My preferred strategy is a four-birder with massive destruction. The reason I like it is that in my opinion, there’s only one difficult shot, and you can still easily get above average even if you get that shot wrong. And very high scores are reachable if you get it right.

1. Send the first bird towards the thick vertical wooden block of the first tower, threading it just in between those little wooden bits that stick out so that you can detonate it at the very last instant and obliterate the whole tower. Damage can vary, but a good score is 29-30k with both 3000-point lanterns taken out, and I’ve gotten as high as 34k.

2. Send Terence into the side of the middle structure, collapsing its left side and popping the pig in the middle. This shot isn’t hugely important, but if you’ve already gotten the lantern at the base of the structure, you can do the best damage by going through the wood. Sometimes one or more pigs on the right side of the structure are popped as well, but it’s irrelevant – the next shot takes care of them.

3. Send the third bird at a ~45 degree angle so that the bomb drops on the remaining pigs (if any) on the right side of the middle structure. The carcass must then fly up and into the far structure, but the intent is not to knock it over. Instead, it has to take out the lantern and the small wood piece from which it hangs. For a really high score, you should have 80k+ at this point.

4. This is the crucial shot, and the hardest one to get right. It’s also situation-dependent. The goal is to clean up debris below while also knocking the far tower over rightwards. You need to drop the bomb on the highest-scoring debris pile leftover, which is usually a pile of small pieces on or next to the “hole” that has the ice balls at the bottom. So, choose the angle of the bird so that it can drop this bomb and send the carcass into the horizontal stone plank on which the last pig is sitting. Even when you get it right, the structure falls only ~30% of the time. You also have to cross your fingers and hope that the wooden piece attached to the ledge breaks in the collapse and allows the debris to rain down onto the ground, but when it does, the rewards are huge.

I haven’t yet been able to string together four good shots, so I’m currently at only 101k, but I know with absolute certainty that 105k is attainable this way, and I think the top score of 110k might be in reach if everything goes perfectly.

Rank: Fling King with 4530 points
By AustinRHL (@austinrhl)Score: 104,680

The easier version of this strategy is to aim the last shot so that the carcass goes through the wooden block near the bottom, causing the tower to fall left rather than right. The spent bird needs to stay around long enough to allow the stone plank to roll on it and fall, greatly aiding the score as it crushes damaged wood beneath.

I actually just got 104k this way, although it normally doesn’t score this high. This is the frustrating thing about this level – the glued-together planks in the towers really don’t like to fall or break nicely, so you can do everything right and simply not get the necessary damage. Fortunately, it also works the other way, and you can occasionally get really lucky like I did here.

Rank: Champion with 3090 points
By txteacher (@txteacher)Score: 89,070

I can clear the level with 3 birds, but even with the 10,000 points for the unused one, I don’t score over 80,000. This must be one of those levels where you need to use all birds to cause damage and rack up the points that way? Even with all 4 birds, I can’t get to 90,000. Wonder what I’m doing wrong…

Rank: Sling God with 24725 points
By realfish (@realfish)Score: 115,040

Came back to beat my old score via ABS Quests and lo and behold top score on this level — similar to @e-star‘s video. Lobbed 1st bird to take out all 4 pigs in middle and destroy the lantern and piece of wood it hangs on on the lower left side of the far right tower (had about 43000 points at this stage). Then set Terrance to horizontal stone plank on the left tower (had about 75000 at this point). Then sent 3rd bird to take out far right tower, whole tower collapsed to the right giving me 105,040, with 1 bird bonus final score was 115,040. Here is a screen shot of my high score. Keep on flinging everyone!

Rank: Sling God with 24725 points
By realfish (@realfish)Score: 115,040

Came back to beat my old score via ABS Quests and lo and behold top score on this level — similar to @e-star‘s video. Lobbed 1st bird to take out all 4 pigs in middle and destroy the lantern and piece of wood it hangs on on the lower left side of the far right tower (had about 43000 points at this stage). Then set Terrance to horizontal stone plank on the left tower (had about 75000 at this point). Then sent 3rd bird to take out far right tower, whole tower collapsed to the right giving me 105,040, with 1 bird bonus final score was 115,040. Here is a screen shot of my high score. Keep on flinging everyone!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,690

lol @realfish thanks for posting again with your screenshot , not necessary as your a respected flinger, but appreciated :)
Congratulations on the great score and the Shiny trophy!! and ty for the strat and including ‘should have scores after each bird, that really helps
to know when to restart!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,690

Woot 4k improvement after reading your post @realfish :D thanks!!

Rank: Sling God with 24725 points
By realfish (@realfish)Score: 115,040

you are welcome @kathy, glad to be of service!

Rank: Sling God with 33725 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 122,230

122230 with 3 birds.

The base strategy is the one described by Jeff and detailed in @e-star video.

I used to lob the second Matilda to drop the egg in the pit with the glass balls and with the obvious intent to topple the right structure.

Here is the trajectory and final result.

And the highscore screenshot.

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