Angry Birds Space Pig Dipper Bonus Level S-15 Walkthrough

Angry Birds Space Pig Dipper bonus level S-15 is unlocked by 3-starring levels 6-11 through 6-20 of Pig Dipper. One strategy is to send the Egg between the anchor and water on the western planet. Trigger the wormhole below the central anchor. Slowly, the boats will fall into gravitational fields and explosions. If all three boats are cleared with one shot, 3 stars should be yours! The score in the video below is 130,460.

Raft and Anchor Glitch

Current Version Status: v1.5.2 on iOS still allows the glitch to operate properly.

Below is a video demonstrating the “Raft and Anchor” glitch, first noted by @annach and taken a whole new level by @kinkykiwi (just check out her score!). While the video below does not yield many points, it’s a proof of concept that if the raft survives for a decent amount of time, high scores are possible. For reference in the paragraph below, I call the three boats B1 (north), B2 (east), and B3 (south). The “Raft” is attached to B1.

The glitch is a bit rare, but repeatable to some standard. Fling the Egg through the water south of the first planet, triggering the wormhole as soon as it touches the TNT. The key to the glitch occurring is having the raft shoot hard eastward, hitting an invisible wall it seems and slowly falling to the northern planetoid. The most notable way that this happens is when the anchor of B2 pulls the anchor of B1 while drifting into the northern gravitational field. Points accrue by the anchors slowly pushing on the raft. In the video below, I believe points accrue too fast, causing the raft to structurally fail very quickly. With a bit of “Kiwi Luck”, much higher scores are possible.

We encourage you to adjust the viewing settings of the video below. Since the action occurs behind the scores in the top-right corner, viewing the video in full screen and adjusting the resolution to its highest setting (720p HD) is advised. You may need to view the video directly on YouTube to change some of these settings.

Disclaimer: Any score in excess of 160,000 will require definitive proof, at least a comment and a screenshot, but possibly more at administrative request. Any score not meeting these requirements will be removed and, if abused repeatedly, the user will be blocked from the leaderboard. Any score in excess of 170,000 qualifies for the Anchors Away badge (subject to above requirements). For a list of such users and their original scores, see our list here.

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Comments (626)

Rank: Sling God with 45600 points
By annach (@annach)Score: 170,000

Something weird happend when I played this bonus level. After the first egg, two anchors and a pig on a little piece of wood landed on a small planet (asteroid) in the upper right corner. They were going around again and again, and the points were accumulating as this continued. I waited for about 20 minutes hoping the pig will die and the level will finish, but it wouldn’t finish and the score was going higher and higher. Finally, I lost my patience and sent the second egg to that asteroid. Luckily, it killed the pig and the level ended with 160K. If I had more patience and waited for several hours, I could get a very huge score. I hope my score is considered to be legit, as this was not any worse than leaving the device overnight to get a zero-birder (that had been done on some levels in the past and considered legit).

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 170,000

@golda8, I also was experiencing the same dilemma as you. Luckily the pig on a board with two anchors died after about three minutes. This removed the internal conflict I was enduring. Ironically I had just read your post and had the same thing occur on my fifth fling. It must not be too hard to duplicate. Makes me wonder about some of the scores above 140K that will show up now.

P.S. I only had 135K when my pig died.

This is a glitch Rovio needs to fix FAST!!!!!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 170,000

P.S.S. Meant to say scores above 150K, not 140K. Soooo sorry.

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

I’m not sure if either of you played the Angry Birds Friends Winter Tournament (on facebook) but there what I thought was a major glitch also. There were cannons that shot snow balls. If things fell just right, the cannons would just shoot snow balls and rack up points. This happened on many levels over several weeks. It looks like this may be something similar. I haven’t seen it yet, but I am also below ave so I will be playing it more to improve my score.

If this is truely a glitch, look to see an update in a few days.

By Liam

Yeah, and that Facebook winter thing with the cannons had another score continuation trick. If the cannons were still accumulating points after all the pigs were gone, holding a bird back on the sling let it go on and on until something finally stopped scoring. I’ve not seen that in any other AB levels.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17065 points
By GypsyBird (@gypsybird)Score: 170,000

That can happen on any of these fast moving levels @annach. I don’t think that is a game glitch as in the well known ‘unstable/collapsing’ levels. That was just one of those lucky things where the anchors kept moving around the mini-asteroid above. I had the little piggie on the piece of wood land up on the top too but alas, no anchors went with him so he just sat there laughing until the next egg knocked up more debris and wiped off his grin.

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

i have been trying to get the glitch all day and every 5 tries it happens but it always stopped just under my high score of 141K, well about 2 hrs ago i got the glitch working and so far i am at 190K !! Think i am gonna let it run all night and see what i wake up to but i only have a small cluster of 3 snowballs left and have no idea how i am gonna kill the pig if he is still there in the morning ???

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

Haven’t been able to get the glitch yet (iPad). Would love some more details on how you get it.

Rank: Sling God with 45600 points
By annach (@annach)Score: 170,000

I have no idea how to get it on purpose. It just happend. I was sending the egg similarly to the video, but I let it sink and detonate on it own. I was playing this way for a number of times, and then the pig and the anchors just happend to land in this particular way and started rotating. I wasn’t able to reproduce it again.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

@mvnla2 – I have gotten it to begin a few times now, aided by the second walkthrough video. Score always stopped lower than my non glitch best. I can do it in a few different ways, the easiest is as demonstrated in the video, goal is to “crack the whip” with the raft shooting to the edge of the screen, then dropping slowly to the planet. I have done this on both the upper and lower right planets, the downside to the lower planet is that if counting stops with pig still alive, I have not found a way to get anything down there to take him out. On the upper planet if this happens, you can get an egg there directly by just missing the upper edge of the rock with the anchor hanging off it, or by “S” ing through the gravitation of the two middle planets, starting by going below the first one and staying out of the water all the way around.

The other way I have triggered the glitch is with the traditional “over top the first planet approach” settling on the upper TNT. This time the TNT on the upper boat went off, sending the raft to the top of the screen, inside the upper gravitational field, then drifted down to the planet.

Good luck with this one!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@kinkykiwi — Wow!
@burbman and all — So do I add this to the self-destruction and unstable levels list?
I’m thinking this belongs more in unstable levels, although it’s unlike anything else there (I think).

By quilly

142360 going the opposite way. No spinning pig.

Rank: Champion with 3820 points
By metoo3 (@metoo3)Score: 144,300

144300 I don’t know if I should be happy I tried on my own before coming here. I sent the egg around just like video only I never touched it…it finally sank to the bottom and sent all the boats flying to the other two planets. Good Luck if you try this.

By Liam

I sent the egg about half way through the first water field, nestled it against the bottom TNT in the second water field, and triggered the ability. Sometimes it gets the big iceteroid and it in turn destroys some other things. 146520, not a top score, but I’ll live with it.

Every time I get one of the pigs being rolled around by the anchors, it only counts by 10. I don’t have the patience to wait to see if it gets one of the really large scores. Maybe when I have a good book to read.

By Liam

Forgot to add, it flings the pile(s) of stone upwards into the boats and other obstacles, and then gravity does it’s thing.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

I found this to be the easiest strat for me to get above average. You really need to get the big asteroid. I found it best to be a little lower than half-way in the first water field, and to trigger as soon as it touches bottom TNT.

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

well it just finished the level so it ran for just over 3 1/2 hours and the final score was 372020 !!! Think that’s gonna boost my GC ratings :-)
@amslimfordy can I add it to the leader boards ?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Hrm, can you send me a PM so we can discuss this?

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

I think I Sent you a message n requested friendship also , not to sure how it works n talking of work I’m up in 5 hrs so I may not answer untill after work tomoz

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

Apparently the decision is no glitch scores on the leaderboard? (based on @kinkykiwi‘s reported score)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

I’m currently investigating whether this was a system glitch with kiwi’s device or if it exists universally.

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

I did this on my iPhone 4s so the stars in the background that i use for markers may be a little different.

the screen shot shows markers of what needs to happen. (Image here)

Starting from the left i am numbering the in air- boats with anchors B1-B2-B3

The first thing i did was to fling an egg to the south side of the first water planet with the anchor hanging into the top of it.

when i zoom right out i have a bright star just under the tip of the green bushy plant and i plan for my egg to zoom past it about 1/2mm under said star. as soon as the egg lands behind the TNT I tap the screen to make it explode.( red marker )

I am not to sure what went where at this point but what i do remember is …

B3 ( green marker) got pushed into the water planet on the right hand side bottom of screen.

B2 ( blue marker right side ) got pelted with a load of pebbles from 2nd water planet and started to make its way into the top right hand corner planet.

The anchor of B1 ( blue marker left side) also got pelted with a few pebbles and this pushed the anchor to get in the path of the anchor of B2, which turns the pig end of boat B1 to face 12 O’clock

B2 is now being pulled into the planet and is gathering up speed.The tip of B1 is now entering the planet and is starting its descend quite quickly.

The anchor of B1 snap’s the chain which is holding the little pig afloat on the life raft( left side of B1)
Said raft flies and i mean really flies the the pink marker on the right hand side of top planet But it hits a entity that really slows the descent of the pig on life raft.
At the same time a triangle of wood does the same thing but it lands on the pink marker on the left hand side of the planet.

this allows the 2 anchors that are spinning around the planetoid of the planet to slow right down to a snail’s pace and when the wood and life raft land they stand a better chance of being pushed around and gaining points rather than being squashed.

thats all i can remember but i hope it helps

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By ManofKent (@manofkent)Score: 149,410

Go round the bottom of the first planet, bounce of an ice asteroid, destroying one ship and flinging the other two into outerspace. Much easier than the video and more consistent.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

I agree, this approach gives generally higher scores than the video method.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

Okay, after I posted that, I tried a little experiment. alternating flinging the egg over, and under the first planet and allowing it to self detonate 25 times each way. My aiming point on the upper side was about midpoint between the hanging anchor and the water’s surface, and on the lower side it was the bright star about midway between the edge of the gravity and the water.

Results surprised me a bit, I cleared the level 8 out of 25 tries to the upper side with a high score of 142k, and an average of 134k. On the lower side, I cleared the level 12 out of the 25 tries, with a high score of 140k, and an average of 132. In none of the attempts did I experience the “glitch”.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

I have added a third option to my experiment, aim below the first planet, to enter the water at about 7:30, and trigger when it settles nest to the lower TNT on the second planet. Cleared level 13 of 25 tries, with a high score of 145k, and an average of 137k.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340


As a few members have noted (first by @annach, taken to a whole new level by @kinkykiwi), there is a little bit of a glitch in this level. That said, I have a video of the glitch occurring that will be uploaded soon. My score is terrible, but it’s a proof of concept that if the raft and pig survive for long enough, your score can keep climbing.

Also, thanks to a lot (and I mean A LOT) of evidence from kinkykiwi, her score is deemed permissible on the leaderboard.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

@amslimfordy Your site, your rules. But I am a bit disappointed. I think it would be more fair to cap the score. Same with other levels where a glitch can give you over 10k extra points. All the more so because these glitches are generally only temporary. Danger zone level 4 comes to mind.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

There are different kinds of glitches. When a random 10k is added to your score for no reason, that’s not fair. Or the Jellybean glitch, which is a system error that causes a level-wide explosion.

But this is a part of the level itself — like the Fruity Buffet Glitch, or the Santa Hat Glitch, or even self-destructing levels like Airfield Chase 10-15. We allow all of these scores.

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By arseel (@arseel)Score: 170,000

As I write this, I have the glitch going on 137,000 and counting). Does the glitch eventually end itself, or do I have to end it? If I do end it myself, is there a shot that will get that last piggie? Thanks for any help.

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

@arseel Don’t end it !!! Plug in your charger and just let it run. The pig will die when it’s ready or if you have to you can fire a second egg over the anchor planet to the top planet and vortex the pig :-) Good luck !!

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By arseel (@arseel)Score: 170,000

Thank you, kinkykiwi. iPad is on the charger and I’m going to the movies.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16460 points
By PJng (@pjng)Score: 170,000

I see it! and I have something to do end up with 208k, wait about 2 hours. I write detail tomorrow.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@PJng @Arseel I hope you haven’t been intimidated into not entering your glitch scores. Would be interesting to see just how high they can go.

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By arseel (@arseel)Score: 170,000

I was up to 950,000 and decided to end it. I blew the last 2 shots and didn’t kill the pig.

Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 148,210

I was quite skeptical about the huge scores on this level, but they are adequately documented and repeated to show they are in fact “legitimate”. Unfortunately, their magnitude threatens the integrity of game scores, and far more than any power-up. There have been other levels where glitches allowed for unusual scores (original Christmas levels with “magic pixels”), but their impact was limited, and not potentially infinite like the level 22 glitch is.

I would like to make the following suggestions / recommendations on how to deal with this level.

Rovio: Fix the bug and zero out the player’s score on this level. Also consider capping the score at a reasonable number, say 160,000, to allow for great normal scores and clip any glitch scores off.

ABN: Isolate this level from the totals until Rovio issues a fix. Also alert users to this glitch and request users only post non-glitch scores. Also consider capping the scores.

Players: Play this level as desired, don’t let the go wild if you do encounter the glitch. Kill it and move on. (Personally, I haven’t encountered it yet, but I will kill it if I do to preserve my non-glitch score.)

Comments, critiques and alternatives are welcome.

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

Did anyone think that maybe rovio actually put a real easter egg in this level and it is not a so called “glitch”?? what i do know is that most of the time Im not very vocal on this site But when i do hit the right spot in a level i always make an effort to share my secret and then help and praise any one who takes advantage of it.
Its a shame that some nesters have almost driven @amslimfordy from this amazing site when all he did was his job to make sure that this was a legit score!! and then backed me up.

so what now…….? well im choosing slim over my top score because the nest wont be the same if he is driven out ( no offence to Bird leader, Sal and everyone else who has a POSITIVE effect here ) Im reverting back to my previous score……. AND hope that some of you up there take a look in the mirror because in the end I got the score and you DIDNT !!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

@kinkykiwi , my apologies for any perceived animosity. I do not begrudge you that fantastic score and you were absolutely right to post it. I would have, too, or died giggling trying.

And apologies to @amslimfordy , for the getting on your nerves. That was obviously not my intention.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

@burpie, Appreciate you taking the high road here. We all have to remember this is a game…which is meant to be fun. Think of it like Vegas. Not everyone wins the jackpot like @kinkykiwi, but most people have fun trying.

@amslimfordy, @sal9, and @fujitoast are like family, so anything that frustrates them turns me in the Hulk, but much much uglier. Keep things nice, have fun, and we will (ABN) put items on our to-do list that might help us improve things down the road (e.g. like the ability to flag levels that contain a glitch or the like…not that this is one).

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

@arseel‘s screenshot: 919,760
@mvnla2‘s screenshot: 451,140
@kinkykiwi‘s screenshot: 372,020
@pjng‘s screenshot: 208,240
@hemmy1971‘s screenshot: 187,960
@annach‘s screenshot: 160,690

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

Just noticed my score on leaderboard has been increased to 451K! Thanks!
OK, so now I am
18 in Space, 2 in Pig Dipper, 2 in S-15

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

@mvnla2 they are some serous stats !!!! great job and …..
WoW WoW WoW!!! @arseel when you said ” up to 950,000 and decided to end it. I blew the last 2 shots and didn’t kill the pig” i had no idea that you nailed the shot !! That has to be a angry birds world record ??? does anyone know of a single level score that beats that ??
I may have to retry the level when i get time but i fear my glitch mojo has moved on :-)

Wonder if the whine factor will help me here?

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By Dennis1978 (@dennis1978)Score: 151,920

did anyone repeat it? i’m traying for days but i won’t get it even ones. Or the boot is getting kilt or it’s not counting. thanks for any tips. Denbird

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

I got mine by following Angry Advisor’s second strat (see above). Don’t give up too soon; it starts slow and builds up. See my comment to Lamia, also above.
I figure if I can get it, anyone can, but…

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16955 points
By GreenImperial (@greenimperial)Score: 170,000

I managed to activate this for a score of 419090.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Well done! I updated your score as per our policy below.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

I had over 1,7 million points before I unplugged device without trying to finish level.
Here is picture

Rank: Slinger with 1105 points
By Hemmy1971 (@hemmy1971)Score: 170,000


Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

Did you say “1.7 million” with your pinky to your mouth?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@burpie I have a screenshot made about half an hour before I unplugged iPad, it was actually over 1,8 million. I am not sure if I was so stupid not to try finish level. Anyway, I feel a bit sorry for missed opportunity.
I started at 10 p.m. last night, before I went to bed at 11 p.m it was over 380k, I left iPad in my room. At 2a.m. I checked it was over 850k. I plugged it off and left it in an other room because pig’s snooring started to make me nervous.
I woke up at 7.30 and made that screen shot. Well, yes, I guess I am stupid indeed.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

Actually there is no need to feel sorry for missed opportunity, I tried to reach tahe spot where my two pigs left and there is no way tah anyone could do it, at least not me, who is lousy player.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

@cosmo2503 I don’t see how you could have reached the pigs there either. There’s no way to send an egg there directly and you can’t bump or pull an egg with another egg.

Your only alternative was to sit it out until…
a) the level ended by itself with 2+ million
b) the score counter exploded and your phone started to spit feathers
c) the phone died of old age

It’s best not to think too long about possibility a.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@burpie I bet my iPad would die of old age before this level was finished :-)
I’d rather play levels that I am below average or some other game then holding this level open all day long since it finished itself. It might be worth of insanely high scores to leave it opened overnight if that glitch happen.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17065 points
By GypsyBird (@gypsybird)Score: 170,000

LMAO @burpie! The correct answer would be C in that case! Super human little piggies on S-15. And that is definitely something to ponder – how long would it run if the pigs never popped? Infinity and beyond?

Rank: Fling King with 4690 points
By goavs4 (@goavs4)

Well, I like @cosmo2503 was wondering about an upper limit on the level. Maybe Rovio was smart and capped individual levels at 1 million to avoid issues like this? No such luck I got the glitch and let it run to over 1 million and it was still going. I intentionally flubbed the shots to fail the level but achieving it again is easily done, but what is the point? Do I let it run for a week (7 million+) a month (30 million+) a year (365 million+)?

What are the point of leaderboards if I can just play a single level and let it run and be in “1st place”?

In gamecenter, the top hacked scores there are the largest single value of a BIGINT variable in an SQL database 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Assuming you get 10 points per second here, and the same limit applies to this level score, you could achieve a “legitimate” highest possible score in 292 billion years.

Can we please just be reasonable and cap this level at a top possible legitimate score of 160K or something as suggested above? I can only assume Rovio will fix this glitch in a future release so those with scores near or over 1 million will be that much above anyone coming after who wants to come and play this game for fun, and they will never even be able to sniff a top 50 score no matter how hard they try (unless they revert the game version, get however many millions is the top score on this level at that point, etc…)

The point of playing is to have fun, compete with each other and ABN is a really great community with lots of fun people and everyone helping each other to be better, get past tough levels and enjoy playing the game. This is the equivalent of a game hack (of course I am not saying it is but the result is identical) so why let the super scores stand?

Please @amslimfordy @birdleader and whomever else, I am not trying to create any more drama here then there has already been, I just don’t know exactly what the point is of allowing this to continue when it so impacts the game? I know others agree with me as they have said so in this thread, this is NOT like other glitches, those are annoying because they get fixed and you have to find the 10-20-30K elsewhere, here it’s basically “dial in your own score” with no limit except for how long your phone/ipad/pc can run for and takes all of the fun out of playing and competing in the game, which I know is the whole point of ABN in the first place!

I think we as a community can come together and agree on this without emotion/drama/gnashing of teeth and know what is fair and equitable for everyone. Thanks! Jason (goavs4)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16460 points
By PJng (@pjng)Score: 170,000

@amslimfordy, this website system allow to entering such a huge number?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

I don’t know what the bit-limit is on the site. Sorry.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

A little research says that our Leaderboard would technically allow 2^64 – 1.

For comparative reference, if you see DarkGamingLord (or similar hackers) on GameCenter, the score you see is 2^63 – 1, which is GameCenter’s maximum. So our leaderboard allows an additional power of 2 since it is unsigned.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

I just had an opportunity to shoot a pig who was stuck on the lower planet. There were no glitch points accumulating, so I figured I would take a shot at it, just in case I ever need to to finish the level. I shot the second egg to the very extreme edge of the lower side gravity on the first planet, It performed an S curve and came out to the northwest of the second planet, I activated it close enough to the large ice ball to send it down to the lower planet, where it blasted into several pieces and popped the pig down there in the process. Not sure how repeatable this is, as I have only tried this one time. Figured I would throw it out there though, in case anyone else has need to use it.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@burbman that is one option I was considered. That is pretty thought shot and I am sure that in case that I could get over 1,7 million points I would miss it not only because I am badf flinger but also because my hands would be shaking.

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

@lesleyg * clapping hands and shouting “bravo”* couldn’t have said it better myself :-) good luck n when your finished please pass the glitch mojo back to me :-(

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Per a discussion with the Commander in Beak, Sir @BirdLeader:

In light of @cosmo2503‘s — let’s call it success — exploiting the glitch to the tune of 1.8M+ before purposely failing the level, the following tweaks are being made. A cap of 170,000 points will be made on the Leaderboard. Any score in excess of 160,000 points will require a screenshot (at minimum) as proof and will otherwise be removed.

Additionally, any score in excess of 170,000 (with screenshot) will be awarded a badge! The badge will be created soon and the existing five members (@arseel @mvnla2 @kinkykiwi @pjng @hemmy1971) will be the initial membership.

Finally, to clean up this page a little, we will likely go through and remove a few of the threads. We will keep strategies and the like, but general conversation as pertains to the scoring issues will likely be removed. We greatly appreciate all of your feedback and input on this matter and hope it will be an adequate solution for all.

Cc: @Sal9

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Congrats to all the aforementioned flingers on earning the new “Anchors Away” badge.

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

Thankyou @birdleader @amslimfordy for a wonderful badge and a more than adequate solution for this crazy madness lol i have an idea for the badge…. because this is probable a ” easter egg” from rovio ,could it be a picture of a golden egg with a silver anchor in the middle of it OR a pic of a golden egg with the pig on a raft in the middle of the egg ?
Also did we ever get an official word from rovio on wether it was a coding glitch, easter egg, or did they not even know this could happen? im just curious :-)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

I don’t think it’s an Easter Egg.

You can see the icon here:

Rank: Champion with 3825 points
By kinkykiwi (@kinkykiwi)Score: 170,010

i hit the link n it took me to the badges page but i dont see it on my mac or phone :-( i do see the name of it n the members but thats it :-( can i have a clue pls ? lol

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

It’s the anchor. (Try a hard refresh. On Mac I think this is Command+R)

Rank: Out of this World with 2960 points
By stockdan (@damien-s)Score: 170,000

Here’s a screenshot of my score:
I will enter my best score without glitch in the leaderbord.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

No issues. I have updated your score. Well done!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

@birdleader @amslimfordy , Thank you, sirs, for fixing Rovio’s mistake.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

At least one good thing about running level overnight is that I got smash maniac achievement, which I guess is legit.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That’s awesome @cosmo2503!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

Is there any way to keep a consolidated record of the glitch scores? Would be interesting to see how high they actually can go. I don’t think cosmo’s counts, since her pigs were on the lower right planet, she didn’t finish the level, and no one has claimed to know how to pop them.
BTW — Thanks for the badge, I think it is a good solution. 900K might have been OK, but if people really started getting >1M, it would really mess up the leaderboards.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

@mvnla2 – I think this would be a valid use of a forum topic.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

I have a list of “high scoring” above. I may extend this to a Google Doc like I did the Underdog badge.

I decided I would. Link added to the end of the post, and accessible at

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

Thanks! Will be interesting to see how high it can actually go.
Has Rovio made any response in relation to this? I think I read that you asked them, right?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Haven’t done much pushing on that front yet.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 170,000

UPDATE: So here’s how mine played out…I know they don’t officially count anymore but I thought this might be some more useful infomation…For what ever reason, it took 11 HOURS to get 721640!!! As I said above, I started at 12:05 AM and this morning around 11:00AM, the pig finally popped! I was suprised it took so much longer then others have posted. I was thankful I didn’t have to throw the second egg as I was afraid I’d miss, lol ;-) Here’s my screenshot @amslimfordy:

So now should I put in 170K in the leaderboard or am I suppose to wait for the admins to approve it and then you guys will enter it in? I think you you guys came up with a solution that everyone can live with. It is crazy that 1.8 million point scores were obtainable!!!! This would indeed create havoc on the leaderboards! There has been a lot of valid points made here…
And now we can be thankful for a shiney new badge!!!
Thanks again for everyone’s input and for caring to keep everyone happy @admins ;-)))


@amslimfordy – I wanted to ask you a question, or make a suggestion if I may…since you are keeping track of everyone’s glitch score and we will all be tied at 170K, perhaps you could keep the order on the leaderboard to go in order of the glitch scores? For exmaple list arseel first ( as he already is) and my new score would put me second, Stockdan would be third, mvnla2 forth, etc, etc? Perhaps this would be a good idea?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

1) Added you to the list! Badge awarded!

2) Currently, the sorting for ties is random (to the best of my knowledge). Also, when we implement a legitimate tying code to the leaderboard (pseudo code has been written and I believe is in the process of being adapted), I suspect it would be even MORE difficult to override such coding so as to manually sort any ties.

However, this is by no means my area of expertise. I’m not a coder (though my shining achievement to date is writing the aforementioned pseudo code for ties). I’ll forward this thread to @BirdLeader and see what he has to say. But I worry that such logic may defy our existing and developing logic.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 170,000

Thanks @amslimfordy!!!!

I didn’t realize it would be a difficult task, then again, I know nothing about these sort of things…as if you guys didn’t have enough to do ;-) btw, nice job on your achievement with the pseudo code for ties…yet more proof that the “high IQ” badge was well earned!

I’m not quite sure what you meant by “defy our existing and developing logic” .?.I just thought it would be nice because then the high scores we set out to get would be a little more rewarding…but then again we were awarded a shiney new badge – YEAH!!! Thanks again ;-)))

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

@lesleyg This really is a great suggestion, but I would consider this level an edge case (i.e. it doesn’t happen very often). While we are trying to implement a solution for ties–as suggested by @amslimfordy–I doubt we’ll do much in this particular case. That said, you never know. :)

Nonetheless, thanks for the suggestion. Always happy to hear them!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 170,000

Thank you @birdleader!!! I completely understand…this is probably the ONLY level where this has come in to play. I mean all the other levels where we are tied, is because that’s the most points you can get. It would be too much work, code-time for just one level…but “IF-THEN-ELSE” becomes the “CASE” (that was my attempt at pseduocode humor, lol:-)))Then it would be nice for my ranking on this level to be #2 instead of #6. With that said, it’s really NOT a big deal. Thanks again for my new Badge and to you and the other admins for always being fair and trying to make sure everyone is happy. You guys Rock!!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

It took me 3 evenings to get the glitch to stick, but eventually it did.

ABSp: 1.40
OS: Android ICS
Hardware: HTC One X
Score: I ended the level myself after 400k+

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@burpie, interesting how background is different on iPad and your smartphone. When I fully zoom out this level I can9t see south planetiod fully (it is partly hidden). I haven’t play levels 11-20 on phone so I can’t compare it with my phone background, i guess it is same as yours.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

Yes, not only do Android devices include 25% more universe, they also surf the interwebs faster and the alarm clock has a built-in coffee maker. They’re great.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Roflmao @burpie don’t you love that fresh coffee in the morning:) …
Btw I’ve started trying for the glitch on my Android..I’ve had it start finally only to sit at 10k with no movement at all for a good 5 minutes..i am currently searching comments to see if this is ‘normal..’ For what is this abnormal level…lol

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

Glad to see a fellow Andriod user was able to get the glitch. I’m also running Andriod ICS, but have not gotten the glitch to stick yet. Only have been playing about 3 hours. For a while there I was wondering if this was an iOS only “feature”. Looks like I can’t update Space until I get my badge.

BTW, not to be a “Debbie Downer” but you stated “I ended the level myself after 400k+”, which I take to mean that the level did not end on its own. If that is correct, then I really hate to say this, but I don’t think you should get the badge. Like all other levels, it’s not the score you have while the level is active, its the score displayed on the level completion screen that counts.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

Yes, @sparty83 , agreed. In what was easily my dumbest moment of the morning, I ended the level by putting the phone in my pocket. So here we go again.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@cosmos2503 lol i have “x smart phone” not that”smart” i can’t see those planets either…

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Nope i just don’t have the Patience @Kimmiecv lol @mvnla2 can be compared to Job as far as my Patience goes..i can see an anchor rotating around the bottommost right planet..round and round and round..haven’t increased in points at all 108370 and there it sits..

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 170,000

After a whole night @Kathy?! Aww forget it! That’s crazy for such small points!! I agree every one of them that got the glitch to work has far more patience than you or I!! LOL

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

O.k @burpie I’ll try the Patience thing as i already have the other qualities you
Problem Is i can’t activated it:( everytime i think i have my score just sits there..i can hear the pig grunting.but score not moving..

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

@kathy , but patience is a cardinal virtue! There’s prudence, justice, patience and, eh, good looks.

The glitch is supposed to rack up points slowly but steadily. It might take a minute or two for the raft to make contact with an anchor, but from then on you should see your score increase by about 10 points per second.

Standard procedure is that the level still blows up pretty soon at around 115,000 points, but once in a blue moon it doesn’t. If you get up to 145,000 points you’re golden for the badge. Just don’t finish the level yourself before 155,000 points (because you forfeit 10,000 bonus points for using an egg.)

Keep in mind that this Anchor badge whould be displyed under your Truffle Shuffle smiley, like he had a big tattoo on his chest. You HAVE to get one ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Actually @burpie i haves a question….iF i do get it to do i finish it, Just let it time out itself?

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

@kathy that’s your safest bet. If that takes to long, you can send an egg to do the job. The top planet is pretty easy to reach. If you need to hit the bottom planet, @burbman mentioned a trick shot in this thread.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@Burbman i don’t think i am able to get this..maybe cuz of my phone..Ripsy has the same phone so i well ask him..but what makes me think this is because..i have duplicated exactly the shot..the b2 anchor pulling the other b1 boat Up the exact same thing shown in videos and workd descriptions i have had the points increase by q 10 consistently then BAM wooting birds cheering..:( ty for you’re help..very much appreciated but i really don’t think my phone is capable out this glitch:(

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@Burbman yay i think i got it is running reel slow 10 points sw
lowley hope i didn’t screw it Up by coming!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

Yay! Good luck to you! I can get the glitch to start on my iphone but it has always ended lower than my best regular score so far. Hope you wake to a big score @Kathy!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Ty@Burbman my anxiety its high right now lol pretty sad over a glitch level..1 hour from 112k to 119k I’ll sleep better when it gets above my regular I’ll probably fall asleep listening too b the pig snore haha..good night ty for your help:)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

@kathy – the level *should* complete itself eventually when the glitch occurs. If it does not, (or you can’t wait any longer) The way to finish the level will depend on which little planet the little pig is hanging out on. The upper planet is easier, as all you need to do is fire an egg so that it just misses the rock with the anchor hanging off it to the upper side, and it should go to the little planet and self detonate, popping the pig there. The lower planet is trickier, but can be done, if remaining debris is adequate. The shot involves getting an egg close enough to one of the iceteroids to direct it to the lower planet, without being so close that it blasts into pieces when the egg is activated.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

Wow! @Burbman — I didn’t know you could pop the pig on the lower planet.
I would certainly suggest practicing the second shot whenever you get the chance, since you don’t want to miss it when you score is high.
BTW — I am not known for extreme patience, or good luck, but watching everyone’s struggles here, I think I must have collected all the L-factors from every game and level to get the badge. I think you all have tried many more times than I did.
As I’ve said before, I found Angry Advisor’s 2nd strat to be easier, but that might just have been the super L factor.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Thanks @Burbman my pig its circling the to planet..but points aren’t accumulating..:(
Guess the anchors aren’t going..I’ll try again ty@catsnbirds :)

Rank: Sling God with 37510 points
By catsnbirds (@catsnbirds)Score: 170,000

@kathy I’ve had it take over 15 minutes for the raft to work around to the anchor and begin accumulating points. (Obsessive, addicted? Surely that does not refer to me.) Unfortunately, I haven’t been under the blue moon that @burpie refers too. My best score of 45K is without the glitch. But the newest Rio undate isn’t out yet, so back I go to Pig Dipper!
Also, I understand from this thread that the level will either end by itself, or you can launch an egg just to the north of the north planet to take out the raft pig. Unless your pig is going around the bottom planet. Then the level either ends by itself or you are out of luck. Here I go again!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Ooohhh so frustrating it started accumulating 10 points at a time after first rush..then hit 115k and wooohhoohoo the Birdies said :(
My fear is that this glitch will be fixed and I’ll never get it,:(
I think whoever works on achieving this consistently whether or not they accomplish it should receive the badge..or a secondary smaller anchor for giving it a real honest try..:( maybe if they try for a Certain amount of time which could be keepen track of by daily updates or something:(

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

I don’t think that’s fair.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Ohh @Amslimfordy it would be it would be totally not fair to do what i suggested i agree 100% and probably the only selfish thought I’ve ever had about scoring on ABN… It would be totally unfair for those who have had the glitch work and the Patience to work on it for days and I’m sorry i even said it…Just frustration is all;) @ all is good:) what you’ve worked out as far as capping it off was the best solution and a fair unbiased way to handle it..sorry for my comment:(

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@Amslimfordy i managed to get the glitch running and it worked i have a screenshot but i don’t know how to get it here?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

Hi @kathy, are you still trying to get glith that’s working? I think it’s time for my third luck. I left iPad plugged in at home, score about 450k at the moment I left, points acumulating regulary 10 per second.
Before this happened I wonder that you and me might get “unlucky loosers” badge because both missed it due to our bad luck, yours with closing game while taking screenshot and mine due to that stupid 16 hours game pause, only becouse Rio notify me to get my daily PUs which I would never use.
What do you think, would @amslimfordy give us mentioned badge and consolidation for our “pain”.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Ooh @cosmos2503 i have given up for now working on DZ hope to get it before it expires..i do have a screenshot however..and i know you let it run forever..i think you definitely deserve the real badge just for that sake..
I dont think @Amslimfordy would consider unlucky losers badge it would bee Nice though..:( i don’t think i deserve that because my mistake was more of an uninformed stupidity mistake..i got this new phone..and just learned how to make screenshots so in my excitement not realizing i needed i snapped lol
You on the other hand definitely deserve something for your nobilty
In purposley stopping at a ridiculously high the name of saving leaderboard from corruption:)

Rank: Sling God with 45600 points
By annach (@annach)Score: 170,000

OK, I got the glitch again, and this time I did not end it, but let it run until the pig popped by itself giving me a score of 389430. This time I played this level by the method shown on the second video, that is by sending the egg south of the first planet and activating it by the closest TNT. It took quite a number of attempts until the glitch worked. Many times it started, but ended too soon, in less than a minute, until finally it stayed. The way it worked this time was very different from the first time when I got this glitch by accident. Before, I had two anchors next to each other and pushing the pig so that they moved around fast enough that the movement was visible. This time, the pig landed between two anchors and at first glance it was motionless. I was about to restart the level, when I saw the score change by 10 points, so I decided to wait. The score was climbing, but very slowly, and rotation was very slow, almost invisible. When the glitch started, the pig was in the 6 o’clock position of the asteroid, and when I looked half an hour later, it was in about 7 o’clock position. It was that slow! But it was working, so I left my iPad overnight. It started around 9 pm, and by 6 am the level ended on its own. Here are the screenshots:

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Well done, @annach! Badge awarded! list updated! score updated!

Rank: Sling God with 46245 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 170,000

After trying this on off for a couple of days it finally worked. It played out pretty much exactly like the glitch video, with the 2 anchors seeming to tangle together then the pig & raft did the long slow drop, & the score started increasing after only a few seconds. The pig was doing a faster movement than annach mentions above, I could see it moving, probably once around every few minutes or so. It started around 7:45pm, I checked it periodically & somewhere between 10 & 10:15pm the pig popped for 386k.
I had a lot of false starts, with the pig popping after accumulating only a few thousand points.
@AMslimfordy screenshots are in my album. I haven’t entered a score as I wasn’t sure if I should enter 170k or you would take care of that. Thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 70310 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 170,000

This was really fun. Read all the comments tried all the techniques and set out on the quest to see if I could get the raft, the pig and the tow anchors to ride the upper planet. What a hoot…

Yesterday I did it but had to go to work. Took the iPad to work and one could guess, someone reset it. Learned a couple of things with the first experience: it seemed to load about 38-40K points per hour, the wood block pushed the two anchors and one of the end pieces of the wood raft was gone but the main body of the raft stayed in tact throughout the 4+ hours that it ran prior to being reset. The score was over 345k which was accumulated at a slow steady pace of about 10 points per second. My goal was to let it run till it self-destructed. That goal was not realized and this is where patience and persistence will eventually bring the rewards. So not to be discouraged, today is a new day to try again.

It took about 2 hours to get the raft with the pig to ride the planet and it did work again, yes!!!
This time it was different. I noticed that from the start at 4:01 am EST that one of the anchors, with part of the chain still attached, was pushing the raft. One of the wood tips was broken off the raft but the main body was still intact. The other anchor was on the other side of the planet. The score accelerated to the pace of 8k per minute. After a few minutes the raft and anchor contacted the other anchor and the score seemed to change, it slowed down. At 4:14 am EST the second anchor destroyed the raft and pig with a final score of 200,170.

I had good performance with landing the initial bird next to the lower tnt. With this technique it is very easy to quickly ascertain if the raft will be successful in landing on the planet.

@Amslimfordy The screenshot is in my ABN album. I have entered my score but will assume you will edit it.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@all who got glitch, it seems that glitch is happening to me at the worst possible moment. i am at work, game started at 12.30 p.m, I can stay until 5.30 the latest and eventually can come to pick up device at 8 p.m. after I make afterwork shopping (if firm security let me do that).
How long does it take the game to be over? Is 8 hours enough?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@cosmos2503 mine started at 11 pm woke Up at 6:30 am with over 350k so 8 hours is probably enough:) good luck:)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@kathy thank you for answer. I am not sure if it wiill be ended until I would be able to pick my iPad with me tonight. I guess I will have to run game on the way home. When I said it is the worst possible time for glitch I had in mind it is weekend. I wouldn’t mind to leave iPad in office during workingday’s nights but I couldn’t leave it here over weekend as I couldn’t survive whole two days without it.
Do you think I’d look like mad old lady playibng game while walking????
BTW @kathy, my nickname is cosmo2503 like cosmopolitan, not “cosmos” like “universe”.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 170,000

@cosmo2503 – That should be long enough, but mine took 11 hours! However, my score was 721640! It seems more common scores are 350K to 450K which should be done in about 6-9 hours. Others have reported less time, but mine took forever, lol ;-) If you have the glitch working at the top right planet, you could always throw the second egg over the first planet to land near the boulder and suck it into the pig up there,like others have mentioned but then you risk missing it! As long as you have a total of 170K points when you finish you’ll get the top spot tie and the badge. Yikes! I hope it ends at 4:30 for you! GL

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@lesleyg thanks. I think that I should leave it here overnight and come to pick it up tommorow. I will have to put big note to cleaning lady not to move device under any circumstances.
Luckily I have only half an hour from home to office.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 170,000

@cosmo2503 – that’s probably your best bet! Unless those security people will let you back in after shopping to get it ;-) Keep us posted!!!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@Cosmo2503 — You didn’t tell us the outcome? It took me only 4 hrs to get to 400+K. Sending a second bird to top planet is very risky, unless you have practiced it a lot, and have it down pat.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@mvnla2 I don’t know what outcome it will be. I left iPad running pluged in my office with note to anyone who may enter office during night not to touch or unplugged it. Last time i checked score it was on 135k.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

I just realized that I wouldn’t get any of my daily rewards. I didn’t open ABO today, I usually get ABS rewards after 10 p.m and ABR after 8 p.m. Glitch score would be more then enough to compensate all them.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@kathy congratulations. Mine is still running. If I may answer your question on submitting screenshot to your album, here is what I do. Send screenshot directly from your phone to your e-mail, save copy at PC and add pic to your album. Then you may add link to this thread.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Thank you @cosmo2503 sorry about the name mistake..anyway i arm an idiot when i took the screenshot the game was still running!! So it stopped when i snapped the pic:( i did 3 star the level prior to getting the glitch to work but i don’t think it counts:( does it still qualify or do you haves to actually 3 star it with the glitch, if that’s the case it could run indefinitely forever:( @Amslimfordy ?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

You must complete the level with a score in excess of 170,000 points.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@Kathy — OWWWCCCHHH! Any chance you can continue level? Normally, if you pause, you can continue by pressing small right arrow.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@Kathy, small right arrow is at top left of pause screen.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Thanks @mvnla2 nope games over what a dummy i am:(

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

Yeah, I was worried about taking screenshot while level still running for that very reason. But I just tried on iPad, and you can resume level where you left off after screenshot. So you might try for future reference. A screenshot after the level has been completed, or even restarted, that shows your high score will be sufficient.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Well @mvnla2 my screenshot captures the High score, but if i had to take a second shot i may have missed failing level OR if the game never ever timed out i suppose it still wouldn’t count, i tHink out needs to be the page that says level complete with the 3 stars and glitch score:( i Didn’t realIze that when i took the shot,i just assumed that if the game never ended how would anyone achieve that?

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 170,000

@kathy…Oh poor kathy!!! The level usually ends on it’s own. I don’t think anyone has reported a never ending game. According to everyone’s input, it can take anywhere from a few hours up 11+ (which is how long mine ran to reach 721K+) You can just try again and wait for it to be done to take the pic. If you are still having trouble with figuring out how to upload the pic once you have gotten it…you can email it to me and I can upload it here for you…let me know and GL…I’m sure you can get it started again…just be sure to let it finish before next pic, silly willy.

Rank: Fling King with 4690 points
By goavs4 (@goavs4)

Not true about the never ending level, myself and cosmo2503 both reported what seemed to be never ending levels (1.8 million for cosmo, just over 1 million for myself ) in both cases they were still going when we ended the levels. I got the glitch again and this time it did end itself at just over 822K ~10 hours total (the first million score took 18 hours) I suppose the 1 million score could have stopped at 1100000 or something but given that cosmo got to 1.8 million I am not sure there is a (reasonable) top end for this level.

Kudos to the admins for a great compromise, makes it fun to try to get the glitch without wreaking havoc on the leaderboards plus I am sure Rovio will fix this in a future release.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Well done, @goavs4! All applicable additions/changes made!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 170,000

Wow @goavs4 – that’s crazy!!! I see what you mean…I had briefly read cosmo’s post but I thought she had decided to end it because she had to do something and couldn’t make that shot to the south planet. I mean it probably would eventually end but that could take forever! That’s way too long for sure! I’m glad you got it again and didn’t have to end it after enduring 18 hours! I guess I should have said it USUALLY ends itself. Since the scores are capped now, the best scenario would be a two hour run for about 200K points, lol ;-)Nice job!!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

Oh @kathy dear, well if I may encourage you, I believe what Angry Advisor said, glitch is actually repeatable, now that you got it once you may have it again. But I am really sorry. Good luck!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@goavs4 t congratulations:) and thank you for the ray of hope, i was just imagining it going on..never ending lol when i saw cosmo2503 quit at 1.8 million iwas thinking it was to go on forever:)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

Quick question for those who have achieved the high scoring glitch. Are any of these scores from iPhone or iTouch (SD) iOS devices? I have probably triggered the glitch 25 – 30 times on my phone, but it usually pops the pig after only a few thousand points have accumulated. I know luck plays a huge part in this, but was just curious if the higher definition on the iPad app makes any difference?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Kiwi, Hemmy, and stockdan are iPhone users.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

Thanks, good to know!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@Burbman — You can always check devices listed on profiles, but I suppose that might not be accurate. I use iPad, as does Cosmo, AngryAdvisor, wrw01, annach; Kathy uses Android. Maybe you already checked — Pretty interesting.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 170,000

Just so everyone is aware, the “glitch” can occur on the southern planet also. I’ve had the raft pig end up on the south planet, and he begins to rotate around it VERY slowly, and pushes the anchor along in front of him. The points accrue 10 at a time, and again VERY slowly, but it does work. Unfortunately, I have not beat my non-glitch high score this way. Just wanted everyone to know so if you get the pig on the south planet you may consider letting it run.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 170,000

@playdbird I had made the same observations!!!!! My glitch scores have been lower then my non glitch – 145340

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 170,000

I’ve had at least four “South Planet Glitches” running, but they never score any higher than 140K.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 170,000

@playdbird I have about 6 south planet glitch, all resulting in a final total of 130 -138k range, same result for the top planet range wise. My score of 145430, was non- glitch, using @lesleysg (AA’s) first strat. My score of 147490, was obtained by sending the egg around the water edge north, were the anchor is hanging. It landed in the middle of the pile of rocks, between the two tnt’s, kaboom…. 147490, no glitch.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

O.k duh!! It cannot end until the pig rotating the planet dies correct? So if i just wait long enough i won’t have to shoot a second bird? @mvnla2

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Ooops sorry wrong thread..:( meant for above..

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

@cosmo2503‘s 1.8M (aborted)run was a South Planet Glitch. I don’t think it matters which planet you get it on, You just have to be really lucky to keep it going.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 170,000

@burbman those darn anchors keep getting in my way, and pop the pig, Lady Luck is not being as nice to me on this level as the one in DZ, when you and @laurence came up with the observation of self destruction!! ;)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Hey @sunshine :) good luck..I’ve got it running again did you see rose mess Up the whole first try?

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 170,000

@kathy you need to keep Rose away from all devices when you are working a project like this….I think @mvnla2 said it best..oowwwcccchhhhh!!!!! :(

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Lol @sunshine :) I’m sending rose away on vacation for the weekend or for however long it takes ..:)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 170,000

No luck for me so far….

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 170,000

Just because it’s running slowly, doesn’t mean it won’t keep going. I had a northern planet glitch that ran for 17.5 hours just to get a score of 173030. Must be a record for the slowest running glitch and for my patience. I killed it at what I thought was 170K but scored an additional 2.5K for the wood and maybe an anchor. It’s funny but I actually got nervous on the kill shot and almost missed.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Woo Hoo @cosmo2503 !! Does that mean you got the badge:) ty for your posts and encouragement:)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@kathy it seems that I am not very lucky with glitch. What happened to me is that Rio daily reward appeared at about 7 p.m. last night and stopped game until I started running it again today at 1 p.m. It is on only 160k and it is sooooo slowly acumulating those ponts that I am on the edge of my nerves. I think about stopping it and work on so many levels that I need to improve and actually to play game and have some fun. On the other hand I have game installed on my phone too and I can collect feathers and complete levels that i haven’t played.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@cosmo2503 my luck is not good either i was running fine last night and suddenly my game completely stopped , totally ended app. I feel the same i want to fling lol. I may do some flinging today and try running over night, but I’m also afraid the glitch will be fixed decisions …decisions..good luck

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 170,000

@rat9 and all I have one on the north planet, he has been there the longest (30 minutes), however, no points, but he and the anchors are rotating around the planet……
I’m plugged in for the night…
(Congrats on your new boxers! ;). )

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@sunshine good luck..i am at 120k and climbing :) hope you get it..don’t take screenshot till its finished..that’s what i did in my excitement when i woke Up this morning..:(

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 170,000

@sunshine Thank you very much and good luck.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 170,000

I didn’t know how to embed an image when I posted the above description. I have now expanded my limited knowledge. Hope I did’t dump something important like calculus to make room. Image

@AMslimfordy Great compromise on the glitch scoring debacle. Awarding a badge plus the additional 15-20K should be more than enough to satisfy the lucky while not destroying the leader board. Kudo’s and thank you.

Sorry for the attitude last week. I’m a disabled veteran in constant pain. I use AB to distract myself, but when the leader board integrity was threatened, it removed my desire to compete. Without AB my pain elevated and my ability to converse degraded. My sincere apologies.

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

Based on watching the above vid and my own experience, this appears to be a 2 part glitch.

Part 1: Getting the “Crack the Whip” of the left most raft so it slowly floats down to the upper right planet.

Part 2: Getting the raft to land in tact and not get instantly smashed by an anchor so the points rack up.

I have gotting Part 1 numerous times. I have not had the luck of getting Part 2. Although I think I had it once and messed up. My score slowly, over the course of an hour, went up to 120,500 and then stopped. It stayed that way for another hour. Nothing, no score increase no no movement of the anchors/pig on the raft. I figured that it had “run out of steam” and reset. Now I’m back to trying to get both parts of the glitch. I have played this level WAY too many times. If it weren’t for the few Android players (@Kathy and @burpie) I would swear that this is an iOS only glitch. Of the currently 12 players that have gotten the badge, only 1 is not iOS.

I really want to get this badge before any patch comes out or another update to one of the other games comes out.

Yes, it’s killing me that I have not gotten it yet considering how many hours I have put in.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 170,000

I really doubt there will be any “fix” as there is really nothing wrong with the game or programming. The level just has an anomaly in which the score can accrue to levels we’ve never seen before.

If there is any glitch it’s where the pig on the raft hits the invisible wall – there’s nothing there to hit, so that’s a bit strange.

I would not worry about Rovio correcting this anytime soon…maybe never.

Just my opinion.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@sparty83 i thought the same at first, that it wasn’t something Android users could get, but its true we can it was my own stupidity that i messed up the first time , the second time my app closed i agree with@cosmo2503 its definitely better to run overnight rather than waste days now that @playdbird has stated the confidence it probably Won’t be” fixed” i am going to wait till tonight, also even if it did get fixed it would have to be an updater i would think, so i have shut off automatic update in the play store…good luck!!:)

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

I also have auto updates turned off because of an eariler update that wiped out some peoples progress. I also found a nice android app No Screen Off which will disable the auto time out of your screen so it never turns off. Since it may take 12-18 hours, the phone needs to be plugged any way so I’m not worried about my phone shutting down due to lack of power or the screen timeout.

Still working on it. Man is it killing me.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@sparty83 i found that screen toggle to shut off the screen timeout also…this is a tough one..did you get DZ Addict? They are discontinuing the badge in march..

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

Yea, I saw they were discontinuing that. I got the DZ badge and PotJ badge. Hoping to get this before a fix or update.
Then my next badge that I want is the Underdog. I came close about a week ago, getting to number 2, but no luck.

Currently, I have the pig/raft and 2 anchors slowly rotating around the upper planet. The score has not increased for over an hour, but the level is still alive so I have hope. I’m willing to let it set overnight (like DZ4) if I have to.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Good luck with underdog @sparty83 sounds Like your on the track here..i wouldn’t keep leaving it to post..last night i did that and my app stopped completely
Is the potj badge a glitch also it’s it in danger?

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

Phone sitting right here. I keep checking it. About 3 hours in, and no score increase, but pig and anchors still slowly rotating around upper planet.

I think the DZ badge is being retired because it’s the one year anniversary of Space coming out, not because of any glitch.

Guessing they will retire PotJ at one year also.

I feel bad for people who come late to the party, but there does have to be a limit of some sort. They admins are busy enough without having to award badges for years.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Pretty much our rationale, @sparty83. Haven’t thought about PotJ yet but that’s a ways away.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

So when is a year up for potj @sparty83 so its not a glitch? Just a year anniversary..i haven’t even started star is kinda sad for the newbies
I was and still am pretty bummed out because of the Santa hat and the special feather award..:(

Rank: Champion with 3640 points
By CmdrBond (@cmdrbond)Score: 170,000

I managed to download a copy of an early version of Seasons so I could play the exploding hat levels. Unfortunately I have yet to find away to add these scores into my up to date version (on another phone).

There is no badge that I am aware of for the Santa hats, but I am a completionist ;)

As for the feather badge, I am a lowly Android user so that was never an option for me anyway :(

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

@cmdrbond – to transfer the scores, I first had to download my highscore lua files from my primary device to the secondary one with the santa hat levels. (I used iExplorer), then I put away my primary device until I played all of the glitch levels. Once I had completed playing with the glitch, I transferred my highscore files back to my primary device. Best of luck to you!

Rank: Champion with 3640 points
By CmdrBond (@cmdrbond)Score: 170,000


Thanks, but I am not sure that will be possible.

First of all I will need to root my primary device to access the highscores files – damn you jelly bean.

Secondly, what happens about the levels that have not been released?

I will gladly give it a go once I can get my save files (preferably without root access). but until then I am concentrating on other things.

Also, has the encryption changed at all on the seasons save files? If it has this may not work at all.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 148,850

@cmndrbond – not so sure about Android, but in iOS, the “yet to be released” level scores just hang out in the older version of the game until brought back to the present, and the data files seem to be fully compatible backward and forward. No change in encryption. I would refer to Slim’s backup tutorial to see how you might be able to backup those highscore files.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

I lost whole night and day and ruined everything with this glitch. Kind that i had was too slow and neverending. I got about 6000 points in one hour. My pig landed not at 6 o’clock it was more at 7 o’clock, pig pushed anchors clockwise slowely. After too many hours going I wanted to zoom in level and acidentaly shot egg. I ended level proposely thinking i will have more luck other time, I am going to play this only in night hours to have a chance to leave device plugged during night without losing time.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

Got it. 1.2 million.
This was my second run. It took 3 evenings to get the first one going – flubbed that after 400+k, and another 2.5 evenings to start this one. I let this one run for 24 hours and then completed it with a second bird.
ABSp 1.4.0, Android ICS, HTC One X.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

I thought I included a link in my post but I don’t see it. The screenshot is in my ABN album.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

WTG @burpie :) actUally your link came through in my notification funny it’s not here..I’m going to try again tonight seems 3rd times a charm:) nice job..and i hope my app doesn’t time out like it did last night..

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340


Btw, the reason why you could not see the link is ecause there was no text between the tags. That is, you need to type <a href=”examplelink”>Some text here</a>. Without the “Some text here” the link sort of dies.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

Thank you.

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

Congrats burpie, nice to see an android get it.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

Congrats @Burpie — A completed score over 1M! WTG!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

Thanks @mvnla2. Of course @cosmo2503 and @goavs4 led the way and demonstrated that the level can continue past 1 million. Otherwise I wouldn’t have dared to let it run so long. Lets see if anyone has the guts and patience to let their device run for a week to break 10 million :-)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 170,000

@burpie congratulations on such graet score.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6675 points
By TheBirdBrain (@thebirdbrain)Score: 170,000

Big big warning to those who are doing this level for the badge. DO NOT waste that 2nd egg otherwise there is a strong chance you will have to restart. I flung the 2nd egg on accident while making sure my phone wouldn’t time out and it came back to bite me. After 3 hours of waiting for the score to get high enough I flung the third egg and the level failed on me before the egg could destroy the last pig. This was all trying to get the pig on the north planet so I have no idea if it will time out on you if you are trying to get the south planet pig with the last egg.

I did make a few observations for those it might help with. If the score is skyrocketing quick there is a big chance the pig will die quick. Ideally you want the score to go up in 10s every 2-3 seconds. If the score is only going up in 10s every 15 seconds then just restart because it will take way too long to get the badge score.

I also found it easier to start the cycle by flinging the first pig along the north water so that it lands in the middle of all the stones. I found a lot of the times the other way would end up sending the top boats together to the north planet which gives you no chance at the glitch.

I wish luck to anyone trying to do this and hopefully you don’t end up losing lots of hours by accidentally wasting your 2nd egg.

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 170,000

There is a free app, No Screen Off that will override your screen shutting off. In essesance, your screen will never shut off automatically, but you can turn it off by using the on/off button. Thats what I used when trying to get DZ4 that needed to run over night.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6675 points
By TheBirdBrain (@thebirdbrain)Score: 170,000

Got it on the second try. It actually racked up the score quicker than my previous attempt so if the score goes up by 10 every second that doesn’t mean the pig will die quickly. Thankfully it didn’t take long after the previous attempt. It took about an hour to get the score high enough to be eligible for the anchor badge. Good luck to the fellow nesters on pursuing this one.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Awesome @TheBirdBrain wtg!! And thanks for the detailed tips:) I’m going in soon:)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6675 points
By TheBirdBrain (@thebirdbrain)Score: 170,000

Thanks Kathy. I hope you get it quickly since I know you’ve been trying so hard to get it

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Thanks @TheBirdBrain :) i hope so too good luck in future levels:)

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