Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Battle of Naboo Level P3-14 Walkthrough

One non-character swap strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars II Battle of Naboo level P3-14 is to release all four TNT using Count Dooku’s boomerang lightsaber. The score in the video below is 90,530.

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Comments (29)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11235 points
By cali_mom (@cali_mom)Score: 91,730

Exactly the same as the video…. Thank you! I was having a really difficult time figuring this one out.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9470 points
By Myselfiandme (@myselfiandme)Score: 92,930

Same as @cali_mom

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8565 points
By lvmh (@lvmh)Score: 91,810

Likewisw, thank you! And even with the video, it took me a while to manage the zigzagging of Dooku’s saber.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 92,090

89K is 2 stars, so if 90K is three, you can confirm 90K.
Getting the leftmost TNT cut was the hardest for me.

Rank: DaBomb with 270 points
By HMJinLA (@hmjinla)Score: 91,710

Same strat as video, 91,710. had a hell of a time getting the boomerang to not hit the TNT box under the main tower. Key turned out to be releasing it quicker after launching Count Dooku, and aiming above & behind the leftmost TNT box.

By gorn

TYVM! I had same problem, constantly hitting 2nd from R tnt. Sooo frustrating this level. :^/

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8935 points
By Dawn (@dawn-nelson)Score: 92,730

I found it easier to touch front of TNT. Look at video @crazy72rider. I couldn’t get a decent screen shot–but video is similar.

By Daisygirl53*bd

Thank you Dawn…I don’t even want to think about how many tries I attempted before I used your strategy. Finally completed…

Rank: Well Traveled with 1625 points
By droidman (@droidman)

Thank you Dawn!Finally nailed it. Much appreciated.

Rank: Deputized with 190 points
By j0607 (@gailord)

I’ve tried everything just as the demo video above shows, even different aims as well but no luck. I looked for the video by crazy72rider that you mentioned and wasn’t able to find it anywhere: (. What did you mean by touching the front of the TNT?

Rank: Fling King with 4525 points
By Lisko (@lisko)Score: 93,530

Haha, I was already about to give up ’cause I just couldn’t release all the TNTs. Finally I did it and it got me the top score (at least for now). I used same method as in the video :)

So far I didn’t figure out how swaps could help in this level, ’cause it seems that Count Dooku is the only one who can release all the TNTs :)

Rank: Fling King with 4525 points
By Lisko (@lisko)Score: 93,530

Here’s the screenshot:

By BirdFeeder

This level has finally made me realise that Angry Birds is no longer playable on a normal-sized phone. If you are zoomed in, then as soon as you release Count Duku, the screen scrolls up way too fast for you to be able to take a shot. Even if you are zoomed out all the way, the screen still scrolls, but everything is now way too tiny for any chance of an accurate shot.

By BirdFeeder

In time-honoured Angry Birds Nest tradition, shortly after posting my whine about this level, I discovered how to do it. Here is what I’ve learned:

Do the shot exactly as in the video, but THROW THE BIRD AS GENTLY AS YOU CAN. It’s very difficult to control the strength of a shot when you’re doing it on a small phone screen. It helps if you’re zoomed in, but not so far that you lose sight of the first TNT you’re aiming for. I’ve managed the shot three times so far – I only got a 3-star score once though, but that’s enough for me.

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By peligator (@peligator)

@BirdFeeder thank you so much for your very precious advice, I made 3* at long last!

By Ta mere

I always forget I can throw them softer. Thanks for the heads up. That did it for me. 90990

By FunNugget

geeeze, days on this level. i softened my throw out of what else can i do frustration. 1st shot, nailed it. I sooo owe you one.

By Alma

What am I doing wrong? I just can’t seem to get the middle TNT box.When I have to constantly keep repeating a level it takes the fun out .

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)

i thought this level was really tricky too…

Rank: Hardened with 575 points
By fischgrape (@fischgrape)

@BirdFeeder, the gentle shot does it! Many thanks.

Rank: Debriefed with 1375 points
By Gelfling (@gelfling)

Thanks for the strategy!

This was one of two levels in SW2 that required coming here for help to get three stars. So I’ll chime in with “this was tricky.” For me that was because I couldn’t figure out a strategy with one bird and because my reflexes are lousy.

The strategy on this video works for me, with 92,560 after trying it for about 10 times ( And too many times with the wrong strategy

The important points for me to get that after getting a new strategy were
(1) recognizing that this level requires timing and swift reflexes, not my strong suit,
(2) aiming Dooku at the very bottom of that far right rope,
(3) aiming his whip in the middle of the far left rope, and
(4) repeating this 10 times until I got the timing right (instead of doing useful things like crashing into the far right rock).

Throwing Dooku gently had nothing to do with succeeding in my experience, I threw them hard every time.

I use Angry Birds on a small smartphone screen. Nothing is impossible, I just figure it’s my handicap, like in golf.

A fun level for me, best of luck.


Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

Rank: DaBomb with 425 points
By Grumpus (@grumpus)

Gelfling, thank you! I’m an elder citizen – very computer savvy, but sometimes I need a hint – and your enumerating the important points clarified exactly what I needed to do. Four tries following your list, and 91,910 resulted! Thank you again!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 92,040

@grumpus — Welcome to the Nest! A lot of the top flingers are senior citizens. You should enter your scores on the leaderboards to see where you most need to improve. Stop by the Bloated Pig (under community) for support and friendly chatter. There used to be a forum on Seniors on the Nest. It’s probably in the old forum. If I recall correctly the oldest person who stated their age was close to 90.

Rank: DaBomb with 340 points
By Susie Q too (@susieq7163)

Thank you Gelfling! This level was tricky, your advice helped me finally get my 3 stars. (Because I won’t move on till I get all 3). It took many throws, one of which was perfect but 200 pts shy of 3 stars. And Grumpus I am very happy to see you here! My husband loves to make fun of me for the hours I spend trying to master each level, I was beginning to think I am getting too old for this stuff(I just had my 14th anny of my 29th b-day). It is wonderful to know that I have many,many more years of flings in happy to move on to the next level! Hey, what are every ones thoughts on Epic so far? Is the entire game like the first few levels?

Rank: Debriefed with 1375 points
By Gelfling (@gelfling)

Gelfling here, months later. I think that it is hilarious that I finished this level some months ago and returned just now as I re-create my account. Trying to find advice about this tricky level, I came back to find my own sage advice about how to 3 star it.

Second time around I would have three pointers:

1. Fling Count Dooku just above the bottom of the right-hand rope (far enough above that you don’t crash into the rock).

2. Aim his boomerang one third up the far left rope, experimenting with aiming it past the rope if you keep igniting the TNT.

3. Take the great advice offered earlier of slowing him down, in order to accomplish all of that quickly.
If you do not yet know this valuable technique, what you need to do is reduce the tension of your throw. It’s just like easing the tension using a bow and arrow. Instead of pulling back as far as you can with your finger, don’t pull as hard by moving your finger back toward the starting point. You will see the dashed lines become shorter and less heavy and your bird/pig roast slowdown. This is especially useful if you’re trying to play this game on a phone (as I am) or your reflexes are not what they used to be (mine too).

Rank: Champion with 3990 points
By Divelucaya (@divelucaya)

Figured this must be the strategy even before watching the video. After at least 100 tries I only got all four released once. Score? 89,930. I want to cry.

Rank: Sling God with 25860 points
By wicket182 (@wicket182)Score: 98,920

One “pig”, I used Imperial Officer, 96,860

Rank: Shooter with 760 points
By CaseyColorado (@caseycolorado)Score: 98,350

Same. 98350. p3-14.jpg

By chris

I’m giving up trying for 3 starts on this level. Can’t get the timing right and either ignite the middle right tnt or ignite both left and middle right tnt.

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