Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Rewards Chapter Level BR-3 Yoda Walkthrough

One non-character swap strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars II Rewards Chapter level BR-3 is to fling Yoda at the topmost wood triangle, triggering his lightsaber spin at the last second. Ideally he’ll slice through it and continue to bounce around, releasing the chains holding up the metal boulders, and finishing off the level. The score in the video below is 104,870.

Reward Chapter levels are unlocked by obtaining a predetermined amount of damage points with a specific character. For a complete layout of these thresholds, see our achievements list. We also have a handy Complete Characters Guide that breaks down all the characters and their abilities. If you have a different strategy leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments, as that's what the leaderboards are for.

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Comments (14)

Rank: Shooter with 860 points
By fonetiklee (@fonetiklee)Score: 111,000

No skill or strategy needed, just the patience to try it a million times. I hate levels like this, just lazy design.

Rank: Shooter with 860 points
By fonetiklee (@fonetiklee)Score: 111,000

I did end up having some luck shooting Yoda around the top edge of the bubble, activating him at just the right time to cut the chain at the top without setting off the TNT. He then flew into the right tower, took that out, and bounced up to cut the chain at the top right. One bird clear.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6910 points
By spurs01 (@spurs01)Score: 109,760

Hmmm. That kind of sounds like a strategy requiring some skill. ;-)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6910 points
By spurs01 (@spurs01)Score: 109,760

…and it worked for me! Just went up to 109,760!

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)Score: 112,230

This way is promising. During testing this trajectory I discovered so there is a little lower course too. Entrance point to the bubble is at 10 o’clock.

There are 2 possibilities: 1. cut the chain after TNT or to activate Yoda before hit at 2nd construction. 3* scores from 104 to 107 K are repetable.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)Score: 127,980

Can conclude it to be the best strategy,; but some supplement.
The first black TNT gets and thinks that you may wait for a tap to the right structure.
If Yoda is even the right black TNT, I almost destroy the black TNT of the middle and cut the chain.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6980 points
By Figsy72 (@figsy72)Score: 108,340

After trying your strategy I discovered another similar approach that is very repeatable. I have pushed my score up by 10k in the last 30 minutes following it and I am sure I can get it higher.

Fling Yoda so that he hits the top of the vertical glass panel on the right hand structure. When you are lining the shot up there is an “X” sort of thing in the cage in the water behind the first bubble. You need to aim through the centre of that X. Activate Yoda just before he hits the glass and watch the party. Yoda goes through the right hand structure, goes up and takes out the wooden clip near the RH TNT and then loops up and takes out the Middle TNT. This results in the left TNT dropping into the LH structure. The resulting score then depends on how far down into the structure the TNT gets before exploding.

Thanks for your strat which helped me find this one.

By JohnD

Wow, never HD top score before, at least off the leaderboard. Flew Maybe 1/4 down from the top of first bubble. Activated last second before any contact – don’t exactly remember what all happened but bang bang bang, one bird, 113,040.

Rank: Out of this World with 2535 points
By Nardles (@nardles)Score: 116,950

I used the same strategy as JohnD. However, unlike JohnD, my bird went Whiz Bang Boom! It happened so quickly, but I remember the key is to have the TNT fall into the center of the first structure while it is in the process of splitting. As for the debris, there wasn’t much left, but I did manage to leave a full TNT (the one in the upper right) intact.

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)Score: 112,230

Inside the right bubble is a single weighing pan. It’s placed over X-support. Aiming point is round end of left pan or support arm. Hard thing to do is short leverage at start point. Using so short leverage is not easy to be repeated with sharp precision. I push another 5K there with a lot of 107-108 and one 110K. My actual score 112.230 / #8.

By Jukka Laine of Finland

110K, fling Yoda over the first structure, straight to the second one. Takes all out.

Rank: Sling God with 70120 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 110,880

Aim the laser of Yoda under the upper left most tnt. Activate it just as it passes. It does not strike the chain.

Its landing point on the the left side of the right structure. Yoda then goes up and hits the right tnt releasing the chain, travel left and hits the upper middle tnt releasing all the balls and left most tnt.

Gained 5k in points when the big round stone fell and the tnt box was just off its right side and pushed the stone to the left for good destruction. Most of the time the round stone fell with the tnt on its top side.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 113,180

I normally fling on Androind phone, but my 113180 is on iPad using LCS. My 1st was with Yoda & I then employed various Bird & Pork Telepods,,especially those with electric zap & shooters ; I wasn’t fast enough in my selection as the level closed & scored before I was ready to stop flinging …… wish I were justpast40 instead if well past 50

Rank: Well Traveled with 1585 points
By smpar999 (@smpar)Score: 133,530

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