Sneak Peek at Angry Birds Stella Episode 3 – Golden Egg


Bad Piggies – No.1 cause of global warming?

Last week on Golden Island, Stella & Friends halted a bad piggy lumber operation providing raw material for construction of Gale’s new fortress. If you haven’t watched the second episode of the new Animated Series, catch Episode 2: Bad Princess now on Toons.Tv before the birds and pigs once again engage in unrestricted Angry Bird warfare!

Dispatching numerous minion pigs in a wild display of avian kung fu, the Handsome Pig ran away from the fight crying but Stella was later caught woefully unprepared by the presence of a large pig army housed within the Bad Princess’s sinister new lair.

Seemingly dissatisfied with threatening the entire island’s animal population with deforestation, Gale now plans to defile what’s left of the tropical island’s natural beauty with a massive pig-built mining machine in the quest to find the mythical Golden Egg!

Angry Birds Stella Animated Series

Coming soon: Raiders of the Lost Egg!

Will Stella and friends manage to save the Golden Egg? Tune in this weekend on Toons.TV to find out!


Comments (4)

Rank: Sling God with 70315 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Stella appears to be very upset about what is happening to the trees. Wonder what she and her friends will do to stop the pigs and Bad Princess Gale?

By red bird

Crazy drawing of gale

Rank: Debriefed with 1340 points
By Rohit Naik (@rohitnaik)

she’s upset just like padme in star wars.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)

She does seem to have a bit of an attitude problem. Darn princesses!

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