Angry Birds Stella Pop Levels 116 to 120 Walkthroughs

In part 20 of our Angry Birds Stella Pop video series we show you how to complete levels 116 through 120 of Bees and Honey.

Comments (9)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7920 points
By anpa (@anpa)

I cannot get 3 stars in level 119. Any pointers? How to increase the score. Thanks.

By Anne

I can’t either and I’ve played it hundreds of times!

By Diana

I can’t either. Very frustrating!

By Diego

Neither can I and I have been playing this level constantly for a week!

By Susan

I’m having the same issue! For the longest time I only had 99,000-something points, so I went looking for help. I wanted to post my score here in case that helped anyone but, of course, it doesn’t show you until after you’ve played the level, so I did.

This time when I freed the final critter I was at a little over 100,000 points and still only 2 stars. (I had made some good combos and achieved the Dahlia Color Pop twice by buying 2 Rainbow Bubbles to achieve the streaks.) I had 24 bubbles remaining in my sling shot and there was 1 bubble remaining on the board. Final score: 105,575 and still only 2 stars!

By Elsa

So did anyone ever got the 3 stars st level 119? How many postcard needed?

Rank: Flinger with 80 points
By SexBoBomb (@cakaw)

I hate to burst your bubble (ba doom ching!?) but it gets worse after 119. Also un-3-starable is 121, 124, 126, 135.

By Tom

OK, so this is weird. I’ve been struggling with level 116 — just can’t pop enough to get to the top. Checked out some videos like the one above and they all show the level starting with 32 bubbles.
However when I start the level I only get 21! I don’t think it’s possible to complete the level with that few! Anybody else run into this or have any suggestions?

By Deidre

My level 116 only starts me with 10 balls, suggestions please??

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