Bad Piggies Flight in the Night Level 4-24 Walkthrough

Bad Piggies Flight in the Night Level 4-24 can be three starred using a single contraption, but perhaps two runs. Create an H-shaped contraption with two blue fireworks facing upward and a red firework facing rightward. Based on when you trigger the red firework, you can either grab the star box, or reach the finish line undamaged, or both if you’re very lucky!

If you have a different strategy for completing this level feel free to leave a comment below.

Comments (5)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)

Does anyone know the difference between the red and blue fireworks, or for that matter, what is the difference between the black and the green bottles, my gut is telling me that the black is a liquid, and the green is a gas, anyone know the answer?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

@angrymanagement Red is supposed to have more power as well as green bottles.

By Klaryce

To avoid the Krack Snap on this one, I had to swap the blue rocket on the right of the contraption with the red rocket. Then fire all three from the start. That works most of the time.

By Michael Schuster

Try a different shape:

from left to right:
blue rocket directed upwards, egg in wooden box, red rocket facing to the right, piggy in box with a wheel above and below, blue rocket facing upwards, reminds me of 2010 space ship – piggy hal 9000, please come in ;)
Fire blue rockets and immidiately the red one, worked like a charm for me…

By Darth Piggleon

I solved 4-24 like this:
3 boxes horizontally flanked by 2 blue rockets upwards, left box contains the egg, middle box empty with red rocket below turned to the right, right box has piggie and both wheels below and above.
Launch vertical rockets until vehicle touches the ceiling, then launch red rocket. It should accelerate such that it takes out the star and lands at the finish line without cracking.

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