Bad Piggies Ground Hog Day Level 1-8 Walkthrough

Bad Piggies Ground Hog Day Level 1-8 can be 3-starred with one contraption. Build your vehicle using all the parts but the metal wheel, as it is a forbidden part. Now let gravity do the rest. Your vehicle should roll down the hill, through the tunnels, to the finish line without a scratch. Krak Snap is not allowed on this level.

If you have a different strategy for completing this level feel free to leave a comment below.

Comments (4)

By Dani

This is a bizarre little game. My pig falls out of his wooden box 9 times out of 10 or the box with wheels built exactly as in the video falls apart. Could it be that u get different results by playing on different platforms?

By Quark

I put the wheels on the left, right and bottom of the box, and the pig outside of the box in the bottom right field. The pig will roll down the hill, pushed along by the vehicle if necessary.

Rank: Explosive with 2150 points
By trogon (@trogon)

Box in the middle,wood wheels top-bottom & front . Pig in the box. 3* first try.

By rebecca

Thank you !

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