Angry Birds Birdday Party Cake 2 Level 12 (18-12) Walkthrough

Birdday Party (Birthday Party) level 18-12 is quite difficult. The best strategy is to launch the Orange bird through the vertical wooden block in the top-left structure. As soon as the Orange bird breaks the wooden block, expand the Orange bird to push the structure to the right. With good timing, the right structure will also topple from the debris. In the video, the two bottom pigs are popped, so reaching the top-right pig with the White bird is sufficient. If necessary, use Big Brother to detonate the TNT in the bottom-left. The score in the video below is 107,360.

3-star Minimum Score: Originally, iOS devices required 105,000 points to obtain 3-stars on this level. This discrepancy has since been fixed, and all platforms observe the 96,000-point minimum.

Version 2022:

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Comments (222)

By DeeCee

The only one I have not yet got the 3 stars for.

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By nascarboy (@nascarboy)

I’ve heard its a hard one.

Rank: Champion with 3630 points
By spoonmon (@spoonmon)

You can 1 bird it…its possible, but tough to 3 star. I’ve got 104,980 and that is 2 stars….it is tough!! I’ve done it with 2 birds many times but not enough points. First bird into the wood support and activate the balloon. Hopefully killing all pigs on top and one on the bottom. Bomb Bird at the bottom to hit the TNT and kill the last pig.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By suicidebomber (@suicidebomber)Score: 112,860

i got my highscore with one bird but i guess i was lucky… i think the min 3 star score is 105,000

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 106,560

106560 gives 3 stars

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)Score: 108,550

How did you get it?

By Ignacio Medina

Good question Before the Video . Trust me I am try em , the same way ,and I am stuck at 102 900 , So let us know your method .!!!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By suicidebomber (@suicidebomber)Score: 112,860

@rocklands i think there are not enough materials to destroy in order to gain so many points … if it is right we would be greatful if you could give us a tip !! :D

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By rocklands (@rocklands)Score: 110,280

yeah sorry Suicidebombe, only played this release for one night and by accident put my 18-11 score in here. just saw your comment now..

By Toby

Took hours.
Aiming the first ballon bird to hit the thin wood support in the right hand structure then activating the ballon seemed to be the best tactic (when bomb bird to blow up the brown cake and bird to destroy the TNT, and red bird to do the remainder). However after getting over 100,000 and 2 stars several times I changed tactics.

I managed 106,300 within 10 minutes, with one bird, but probably got lucky. Aim for the little concrete balloon above the wood support on the top left structure. Just as it hits the block, activate the ballon. The force created by hitting the structure plus the force created by expanding the balloon catapulted the structure across the screen, destroying the right hand structure, with enough falling blocks to destroy both pigs at the bottom.

By Matt

I could not get more than 102k with 2 birds, After 2 hours I finally got 108k and 3 stars with one bird.
You need to expand the balloon just when you hit the wood structure on the left hand.
Definitely the hardest level of the birdday party

By bert&carla

After untold hours, 111,410 going through the thin wood support with the first bird which destroyed both towers and the lower right pig. White bird took out the cake, TNT, and lower left pig. We will not be playing this level ever again!

Rank: Champion with 3630 points
By spoonmon (@spoonmon)

Same method as you…111,540…Thank Heavens, Finally all starred and feathered!!

Rank: Explosive with 2205 points
By loox (@loox)Score: 108,590

Okay. This. Is. Sadistic.

I’ve been “playing” this level for over 6 hours and have yet to break 100k .. Always max out at 99k. Thought for sure 100k would be 3 stars. And now I see it is 106k for 3 stars!!!

And I’d hardly call this playing, since play should be fun. Forget maximizing my score. I want my three stars and then I, too will not be returning to this level.

My current strat:
Bird 1… Orange… Aim downward straight for gap between brown cake and stone blocks… Explode bird to break the cake and stones, blow TNT and kill little pig and (usually) the cake to the right of the pig. 20k or more after this shot. So it’s a good start. And an easy shot… Good for dealing with the two bottom cakes and leftmost bottom pig.

Bird 2… White… Aim for first structure, drop bomb on hollow wooden square, shooting mama bird into stone part (left wall) of first structure, destroying entire left structure and hopefully some of the right structure and/or the rightmost bottom pig. 80k or more after this shot.

Bird 3… Big Red… Kill whatever pig remains and maximize your damage. Hope for at least 25k… It’s not easy.

By Ignacio Medina

I am working like you. And I am on 102 900 , I think , just we have to be lucky . And get it.!!!

By Ignacio Medina

So what a time and work I did it But my time has an achievement . I Finished all just at 11:05 pm. Know you …!!! loox do not give up. Play harder , and you will got it .I did all day long. Trust me my hands and . my finger are tired. But very happy.

By Ignacio Medina

My new score is . 111 500 . looks nice for me.!!

By Lynn

105,780 gives 3 stars!
Thank.goodness. >.>

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 107,160

Awesome, thank you.

By Maciej

Uff. It is terrible,but i get 3 stars. My score 109380 . One shoot for a Orange bird i at last :-D

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)Score: 108,550

How did you get this?

By shane

this is ridiculous, ive beaten it in one bird and still got one star, and been playing for hours to get 3 stars, which i still cant get, this is meant to be a fun family type game, not something us experts have to play for hours to get 3 stars

Rank: Explosive with 2205 points
By loox (@loox)Score: 108,590

Agreed. And that’s my issue with this level… Those of us who aim for the “score addict” achievements are people I consider “experts”.

We should not be having such a hard time getting 3 stars,

And what are those cakes made of, cement?!?!

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 106,560

I know, those cakes are ridiculous! Funnily enough I had this level 3 starred almost immediately, and yet I still can’t get 18-15! Haven’t looked at the walkthrough yet, though, I want to try and work it out for myself first!

By Bastien

Wow! Finally 106’140!! So hard, I’ve been playing for hours! Fun fact: 40sec after lauching a Nightwish song, I succeeded the level! Thanks Nightwish!

There is only one method, as Toby said: “Aiming the first ballon bird to hit the thin wood support in the right hand structure then activating the ballon seemed to be the best tactic”. And of course: luck! I’ll never do this one again.

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)Score: 108,550

Im sorry, but this video does not help me, is there any eaiser way to 3 star this level? Is there any other videos that shows a different way to get three stars?

By nikolay

Hi guys. Was lucky enough to get 115009. One bird.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7355 points
By abbob (@bbbobbb)Score: 115,380

Posted this up there as a reply, should be here. At the time of the post I had 109,080. I tried again with the method below as hit the jackpot, extra 3,000 pt. cakes and all, 115,380!

Very hard level, many hours.

Orange bird straight to thick wood block in front of pig wearing newspaper hat.
The timing to blowup the bird is critical, you need to pop her at the exact right time and not wait for her to inflate on her own. You will need to make sure you take out the newspaper pig or just start over. I have found as soon as she goes through the thick wooden block, light her up.

One bird solution…

Rank: Slinger with 1095 points
By DaemonNinja (@daemonninja)Score: 114,600

Pretty much of a crap shoot, this level. This is the method I used to one bird this killer level. 114600 final score. I’m happy with that. I ain’t going near this level again!

By Snauzoo

I got 111,300 trying to use the advice about hitting the “little balloon” above the wood piece on left. I just kept hitting the small block and for some reason it just worked out. I do not think this can be three starred with more than one bird so if the first shot fails start over don’t waste time with remaining birds. It’s more a trial and error thing than skill, IMO.

Hates this level, gave me a headache and I only needed half hour of constant resetting it. I feel so bad for those with ten hr attempts. I need only 3 more stars and will be done. This plus the Christmas one for today is enough AB for me for a while!

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 108,590

abbob – thx for sharing, I’m one of those “shooters” that so far has truck out. After so many hours I’m trying to imagine life with my first ever “two star” going no where level. NO, I MUST STAY POSITIVE!.. thx again!

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 106,560

That’s it marc, stay POSITIVE!! You CAN do it! Good Luck :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7035 points
By John44 (@john44)Score: 131,300

@sal9, thought you’d like to know the game has changed. Dr O’Neski (@steviep147) got 138+++. Orange bird through the wood block like the video. Good luck.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 111,340

Glad to see i’m not the only one …

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mcc8206 (@mcc8206)Score: 107,160

Don’t give up Marc! If I can 3 star this level, then so can you! :D
Sadly, Birdday Party is otherwise lacking in the star department for me. :-(

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)Score: 108,550

Thank you abbob for this advice. I finally got it! For those people who never got it yet, don’t give up, the only way that you will never get the three stars is if you give up now!

Rank: Deputized with 140 points
By Rhyl (@rhyl)Score: 112,280

The one-bird solution works, but I’ve gotten anywhere from 89K to 112K with the single bird. Collateral damage is critical on this level.

I found that you can shoot the orange bird through the wooden block as described above, OR directly at the hollow square block as long as you inflate the instant before o/b hits. The close inflation violently propels the blocks, hopefully taking out the left base of the second tower, causing it to slowly lean left and fall onto the two piggies below.

If you only leave the pig on the bottom left, you can still get a 3-star rating by aiming w/b low, before the vertical blocks, dropping her egg to take out hollow blocks and bouncing up through the wooden vertical block. The expended w/b tumbles down the steps, triggering the TNT and taking out the last piggy.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

Cool good strategy

Rank: DaBomb with 420 points
By birdbrain423 (@birdbrain423)

Finally! 105660 with the one bird method to the small piece of would in the first structure… as listed in this thread. Rovio is really trying to challenge us. It took longer to 3 star this level than all the others combined.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1930 points
By anniesussie (@anniesussie)Score: 110,120

I agree, sadistic, tragic and ridiculous…
Still stuck on 102k! This is driving me crazy :(


But I’ll try to stay positive and hopefully manage to 3 star and then I’ll never go back.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1930 points
By anniesussie (@anniesussie)Score: 110,120

Finally 3 stars, 110120. The one bird method finally paid off after hours of playing!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11235 points
By cali_mom (@cali_mom)Score: 111,460

I am so frustrated by this level. I have been working on it for so long, my eyes are crossed. I have 1 birded this level several times and the most I can get is 103,820. One time I got 104,590 with all three birds and I threw my phone. This is no longer fun!!! maybe Rovio will lower the darn threshold on this one!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11235 points
By cali_mom (@cali_mom)Score: 111,460

Hah! very next shot after I wrote this was a one bird shot for 111,460!!! finally!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 109,780

Maybe your luck will rub off on me. I’ve aced this level and ended up with 97,000. That’s right, took all the Bad Piggies out with Orange Bird and didn’t get three stars… Not even close. No sir, I don’t like it. Aloha. P.S. Did you take out any pigs when you threw your phone? I know my iPad could do some serious damage… ;-)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 109,780

To: Angry Bird developers at Rovio
From: Top 5% of AB players in the world
Re: AB “Happy Birdday” Level 18-12


Hope you’re happy. We’re not.

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 108,590

04:25 CET.. YES!!! “Total destruction-Three stars in all levels”. Figure that one out, scored the 18-12 “one birdie” on my second attempt, actually scored 108590 with the “abbob” strategy used also by many other “shooters”. Thanks all for sharing!..

Good luck and may the ABGods be cool with you!.. thx

By KĂĽken

wow what a level! after hours of trying yesterday, today first try, one birde…112000 points :-)

By Derek

After trying to crack this level for 2 days, I finally did it with just 1 bird, and a score of 108,420

Thought I was going to be on this level forever – will be pleased to see the back of it


By Maiasatara

I’ve cleared this with one bird and still can’t get higher than 101,500. I never get the same force or collateral damage as the videos. Thus level driving me insane.

By Maiasatara

If one was given the task of guessing my age and gender, based solely on the amount of time spent attempting to obtain 3* in this level, one might guess – 13/male. Certainly not the sad truth – divorced adult female. And yet here we are. There must be a better way. (Not sure, anymore, whether I mean “to get the freaking stars!”) Sigh. : )

By Lippy

After playing for over SIX hours stuck on 103k!! I have three stars for the rest of Birdday. Have tried all your methods but most of the time the right hand structure does not fall and if it does leaves the centre bird and the two at the bottom. This is the MOST FRUSTRATING LEVEL EVER. It’s not fun anymore…..:-(

By Lippy

Have just got 105450 using the video method. Was one of the few times both sides have collapsed and white bird just got left hand bottom pig. I will NOT be playing this again – has taken nearly 7 hrs…..

By Al

104790 – one bird – 2 star wtf

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 111,340

This level definitely deserves it’s spot on the podium of the hardest next 4-14.

By Andrew

113660 with two birds. Balloon into the wooden slot top left and hope for the best. Left just the bottom left for white bird. Dropped egg on the brown cake and bounced into the wall knocking it into the TNT. Took a lot of tries.

By Divine RoseBoot

Got it with orange bird. Score 109,150.

By Jesse White

Got 108250 with 3 birds, amazingly after playing for a couple hours on this one.

Aimed the first bird at the wooden support on the left side and exploded it just after it hit it, killing every bird except the lower left bird by the TNT and the far right bird sitting on the rock. Using the second bird I dropped an egg on the brown birthday cake on the lower left side shooing the bird through the wood into the TNT (just over 99000 at this point). Used the last bird to clean up the pig on the rift side.

By Jesse White

Played it again a little more, scored 115129 wih one bird, same method as above, shot the orange bird into the left wood above the rock. As soon as it broke the wooden barrier I popped it, exploding it into the structure on the right. Lucky.

By Juzjules

108810. 1 bird. Balloon bird through the upright wooden block next to first bird on top left level. Inflate just as it has passed through block. Took 5 hours to get 3 stars on this.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14705 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 109,010

bit reluctant giving strats i cant even repeat myself more than a few times,but here goes..shoot bb so it lands on the horizontal bit of wood above the big pig ,just infront of tiy concrete peice ,soit rolls of and it should end up blowing up by itself just when it gets to the little gap between the 2 structures ,taking out both ,and the right bottom bird then hit dynamite with white ,u can drop bomb on cake,and it will hopfully then crash through hitting tnt …i have done 3 times like this,but only just enough points,..worth a try …GOOD Luck

By John

OMG! Took me around 6 hours, finally lucked out. I hate levels like these where you can’t get reproducible results. Took me 2 birds.

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