The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1631
  • @Kimmiecv - Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking :D Only problem is that who will watch after the little monster while I'm relaxing in the padded room? :/ Maybe I could get one for him too :D
  • Hello everyone :)
  • Anyone here?
  • Hi @Harry! I'm jumping here and there :D How are you? :D
  • Hey @lisko I am pretty good just been improving my scores on ABR bonus levels, how are you?
  • @Harry - Nothing much, trying to keep the house clean :D I really should do some laundry stuff, but don't feel like it right now :P
  • @lisko good luck keeping the house clean, I have also been putting stickers into my ABSW sticker book :)
  • Anyone lurking in here ?
  • @tas, I saw your new avatar "The Mustache Egg" :D
  • On, it wasn't exactly an egg, it was supposed to be a mask made from a paper plate+rubber band.
  • I now realize how many people haven't been here in forever.
  • @Lisko -- You could try the nail polish remover on a small spot of your sofa that is not in view, like maybe right under the front of back edge. Good Luck!
  • @all-- Just stopped by to say "thanks". Especially @kimmie @AM and yes, @hunnybunny, you keep me the youngest of everybody. It has been an honor to even be nominated for a badge. So, before I lose the vote and am relegated to pouting in a dark room, let me say, "Ba'dges, we don't need no stinkin' ba'dges". Another one of my favorite movie quotes. Ha haa
  • @lisko--I hope you were thinking about replacement "after" he gets through this phase/age. I tried to clean a cat accident on my couch with water and it, the water, left a worse stain than the cat. Some upholstery material ain't worth much even when you pay top dollar. Good luck.
  • @all--Oh yeah, one last thing. I recently was awarded the underdog badge. Since then, I've spent more time staring at the icon than playing Angry Birds. I'm up there with the best of them at seeing spatial relationships and coming up with new strategies. But for the life of me, I can't see what this icon represents. Help....this is eating into my flingin' time.
  • Do you mean the image of a dog, @rat? If so, then it is a bulldog called Luiz, that originally appeared on the film that inspired Angry Birds Rio ('Rio'), and he also appeared as a helping character that could destroy everything that he hits, on level 6-15 in AB Rio:)
  • Hahhahaha AM we where answering both at the same time LOL
  • Thanks again AM for the nomination and the new badge for in my badge display :D
  • You thoroughly deserve it, @estar, just like all of the others in your collection;D
  • @all been fleeced by my niece today. 10th birthday presents. Sylvanian beagles, Hello Kitty post it notes and stickers, Next clothing outfit, t shirt and onesie.
    Quite good fun though, He Who Does Not Fling was in work. Brother in law directed to gadget shop and Starbucks, so just girly shopping for us.
    Plus a special dinner - her parents went out, so we cooked her special favourites, just for her - pasta primavera, loads of smelly French cheese (having lived in Paris for four years she has a rather sophisticated taste for a ten year old) loads of fresh fruit, and Belgium chocolates.
    I'm broke
  • Sounds like a fun but expensive day @HunnyBunny!
    Sorry I have got to head out again, I have tons to do and so little time... anybody got a bag of time left? Be sure to post it to the Netherlands :D
    Have a fab evening, day or morning my feathered friends!
  • @all I still want a puppy. Seasons challenge today, so I'm up for that. But so little time, so little flinging. Back to it....
  • And the complete list of the world's greatest restaurants:
    Purger King
    Taco Smell
    Little Sneezer's
    And a couple more I can't remember
  • Thanks @E-Star @AM--I'm not sure I would have seen it if not for the graphic. So the pink spot was his tongue. Huh...I kept trying to make it his nose.
    @Angermanagement--Without your involvement to pick a direction, I'm moving pretty slow towards first. Still have 35k to go. Plus Luiz really did slow me down.
  • @theanonymoussomeone, are the third and fourth ones solely American, I have never heard of them? I'm glad you have had 2 great days in a row, @hunnybunny, I hope the third (or maybe today?) can bring you a puppy:D Can't wait to hear the celerbrations and it's name, you deserve it:) Good night people...oh, and I got 15/15|100% on the Geography test I did on friday, @hunnybunny;D
  • I'll give you a level to do through pm tomorrow, @rat:)
  • Hello all:) OB could I please have a Pigkiller?
  • Well done @AngerManagement
    @theanonymoussomeone haven't bumped into each other for a while. How you doing?
  • I'll be back
  • @Kathy could I join you at your table? With a Pigkiller? Will that help with today's challenge?
  • OB a little Pigkiller for me on my own then
  • Ah well a little talk to OB and then off to bed
    Today's challenge is a fling and pray. However much you work out the one and only shot, you still need that little prayer
    And another stupid hacker putting in a stupid score. Stupid people. What is the point?
    OB nods in agreement, leaves Hunnybunny quietly ranting in the corner, and goes to polish some glasses
  • Hunnybunny hangs her head in shame. First time ever a Seasons challenge where she failed to get into the challenge leader board.
    Quietly tip toes out, hoping no one will see her
    The shame of it.........
  • Oh I almost forgot Captain Disea's!
  • Lurking @theanonymoussomeone did I spell that right?
  • Quiet evening....
  • @mvnla2 & @Rat - I finally managed to get the nail polish away! I tried the nail polish remover on a small spot, but it took a bit of the color away so didn't want to use that 'cause the stain is in so visible spot. And the sofa is dark grey. I didn't find any useful trick from the net so yesterday evening when I was watching tv, I just scratched the nail polish away :D Fortunately we chose that fabric when we bought the sofa, so there's not even a small spot reminding about the stain :D

    @all - Good morning! We finally got a thunder yesterday and it's still raining. The weather got a lot cooler during the night. It's actually pretty funny when you think that less than a week ago we had over +30C and now it's barely over +10C :D
  • Good morning @lisko except night for me..happy to hear you got the nail polish off your sofa

    In the future hair spray is a good trick..another good trick is keep your nail polish, cosmetics of any type on a high shelf out of reach..they sell over here child proof cabinet thingies for lower things that you can't put up high.. that will at least deter the child long enough for you to catch him in the act..ohhh feel bed..the terrible two's¿
  • @Lisko -- Yea! One more disaster fixed!
  • Good night all..OB thank you for a wonderful day..eyes are closing..:(
  • Good job @lisko! Bet your happy about that one!! :)
    Just popping in, got to get dinner ready! See some of you maybe later!
  • Ack!! Good night @KitKat sleep well :) mwaaaah
  • Ooooh see I thought hairspray would work!! Knew I saw that somewhere before and I think I even tried it?! Can't remember for sure. Anyways see ya all later!! :)
  • Crap! Page change!!!
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