The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 980
  • Helloooo??? Echoooooo.........quiet.......
  • Hey @kimmie! That is waaaay too cute:-)! You have to put photos in your album at Halloween! I was at the pet store during the week & they've got the funniest little costumes for cats but who are they kidding?!! I'd have to drug my pair haha!! One things for sure,I wouldn't need fake blood on me that night! About the pm I totally forgot that you only started in June! Just seems like you've been here forever;)! & yeah I finally did get 3* on level 35 but now have a couple on the piggie level that are killing me ........ When will it end?!!! Hopefully by the time you & Kathy start we will all have done our time in the loony bin & will be able to help......I'm not promising tho:)!
  • Heeeyyyy there @JLZ666!! I was thinking I'd have to post pics too! Wait until you see them! So adorable! As to kitty clothes weeellll I have put Tig in the ones Mandy wears as she's a 12 pounder so her sweaters are more kitty size (that's my Moms doggie) and its awful funny to watch him and at the time my Shadowbrook (other kitty he passed :() they always walked around with their backs hunched and it was too funny to watch!!! :D. Glad you finally conquered that level!! And don't forget ABSW is coming next month! LOL It's always going to be something new! That's why the loony bins ae so happy, it will be forever full of us ABN folks! LOL Don't know if I've missed you but have a good day! I've been in trick or treat and it's No Party! Those levels are HARD! :/
  • Hey everyone! :)
  • Hey @Harrystar6 you popped in just as I'm popping out for my pillow walk! Have a nice rest of your day! See ya tomorrow :)
  • Good morning! ! Have a great day everyone, off to work..yay!! LOL
  • hello fellow flingers!
  • OB, I will take my usual Latte please. Make it Pumpkin Spice, please.
  • Thanks buddy! It's delicious.
  • Quiet day in here.
    Today is World Egg Day! Think I'll mark the occasion with a quiet coffee here in the BP.
    @rd if you're lurking, how is Eli doing? Hope he's on the mend.
  • He is still having coughing fits that cause some stomach spasms that cause him to regurgitate. It is not fun. How are you @karen?
  • I'm good thanks @rd. Sorry to hear he's not well yet. I used to go through that a lot with my son every time he got a cough. It really isn't fun. I hope you're managing to get some sleep?
    Hi @angryboy, hope you're having a good day!
  • I am @karen, very busy though
  • @karen we are also using this time to ween him off of milk bottles before naps and nights. That's not going too well either. Especially since he just finished a 20 minute tantrum.
  • Hi & good afternoon/evening @all
    @rd poor little guy:( Eli,not you! Although I'm sure it's taking it's toll on Mummy & Daddy:( I've obv got nothing to compare but vividly remember bbsitting my nephew who had a lovely "projectile vomit" phase... Truly,that is beyond belief! I've been obsessed by the new releases...not & fling,hubby just doing his own thing till I average them all(4 more) I seriously think this is the hardest ever!!! Have a real love/hate thing going on.
  • Hey @ab Happy wkend eve!! How are the new games treating you?
  • thanks, their great!
  • I just finally finished 3*ing both S&T and BPs from ABO. now to averages.
  • By finally I mean these kids being sick makes me go to sleep when I can.
  • They're great but some are super hard:( you're using PU's yeah?
  • very super hard. yep, love em' PUs!
  • I am a big fan of the Bad Piggies levels. Very challenging.
  • Haha! Yeah! Can imagine you do! I don't use them hence the nervous twitching & voices in my head now lol!!!
  • The 3* time on the new levels is running about 2½ hours for both.
  • I am hoping to close averages on both in about an hour.
  • Hey @rd I agree. There was a huge difference when I posted my S&T compared to BP I was soooo below averages on BP!!! It's those ones I'm still struggling with:(
  • I am glad the levels are getting trickier.
  • BTS, S&T and BP have all been great updates.
  • BP no 7 is just plain annoying! For some reason can't get past 144k! I can get both birds perfect but not at the same time?!! I've loved all the recent releases,they're brain melting but that's the point right? Huge thanks to Rovio:)) why people moan about the lack of new stuff is beyond me! I'm going flinging again,sorry:(( have a great night @all
    @rd gl on averages! Hope all ok with Eli tonight
  • Hi to anyone hanging around :). Hope all is well here.
    @rd I hope Eli and all the rest of the gang are doing better. How have you been?
    I just saw 'Kashmir ' on the juke box-where is a quarter? Here we go!
    OB could I get a coffee to go, please?
    Happy flinging to all.
  • Ohhh @wanda thank you for reminding me about @kathys choice of music this week! LOVE it:))!!! Have played zeppelin & slash...sorry G&R a huge amount this week,more please?!!
    @wanda how are you? Nice wkend planned?
  • Hey @Wanda srry if I missed you..ob A,glass of Cristal please:)
    * sits back and listens to Kashmir, love this song*
  • Hey @JLZ666 didn't see (ya there:) how's thing's?
  • I'm good @kathy! Same old same old! Torn between real life/birdie life:( hubby PO'd I've spent the last few evenings flinging:( sorry @angrymonitorboy was that ok lol!! I absolutely love Kashmir,brings back memories:)))))))))
  • Hey guys! Sorry I just disappeared yesterday, I forgot that I had to play in my band at an American football game yesterday! I play clarinet.
    @rd, I have a new idea for a menu item: pigs in a blanket!
  • Lol ...not sure about ab with that one ;) but I hear ya same here ..yeah Kashmir an old favorite:)
  • was what ok? @jlz
  • Oh! I forgot to feed my lizards! *runs over to @angryboy*
    You're a chef! Do you have any lettuce?
  • yes, i have lettuce
  • Now there are four different things we have to call BP! You know, with the new ABO update.
    @angryboy-thanks, but I'm already done feeding them.
  • Hey, @harrystar- are you still here?
  • O_o...... *sits down* @OB a big cup of cran-apple please, thanks
  • Srry real life called ..
  • Morning everyone
  • I just went to bed like 12 hours ago I am up now but :) it's 8:44AM
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