The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 985
  • JLZ is still 200k ahead of me in ABO. She is in the top 20 as well. But, I still have yet to go through and tighten up all of the remaining episodes of ABO. Plus, our contest is set to resume after the dust settles from the new updates.
  • And Ripsypagechanger strikes!
  • Aww. @penquinlover I.hear ya on the party / kid thing m.Iove them ..but they wear ya out ..cuz you jager so much fun entertaining them..they expect it every time you see themm..they don't get it that you worked all week and its your day off to be chillaxing ..ooh kids..
  • Ooh @rdnzlrips82. ty ty ty ..*wasn't me*
  • Whoa Ripsy that is Niiicccee and a huge congrats to you and JLZ666!!
  • * ouch..can you NOT do that again...holds sensitive ears ..pouts*
  • Huh oh good thing I love all things court!!! LOL
  • Sorry @kathy. Sometimes I have to get people's attention to join me on the next page. Drink some more of that Cristal. It will make you feel better. :D
  • LOL!! Think we lost penguin though!!
  • *Super srtretchy arm..gooo @penquinlover
    .pulls her to new page *
  • yea @rdnzlrips82 TGIF isnt funny it was funny bc i was thinking of my favorite restaurant TGI Fridays. I'm open 2 anyone. I love giving people advice and being nice 2 people :)
  • @penguinlover -- Why do you say it's so hard being a girl, is it your period, or something else?
  • Heehee good thing Ripsy is married so he's not libel to freak! :D. The girls are ruling tonight!! LOL
  • yea @Kathy kids can b a handfull. I gotta get up early 2morrow dad is getting a new Subaru car. But, I'm not tired. We can still chat
  • Oooh ROFLMAO @mvnla2 ..srry ..that's why I love ya mvnla2 to the point ..ooh my
    Hey at least the super stretchy arm worked ..oohy...
  • Yes its my period @mvnla2 its been bugging me all day at skool cramps, mood swings, little patience, omg. It's crazy but its gr8 dat theres people on here dat can talk 2 me about anything dat bugs me well not everything.
  • @kimmie This stuff doesn't bother me at all. I am usually the one that has to visit the store when various products are needed for that monthly event. I am just dreading when her and Maddy hit the same cycle. I will definitely be MIA for a week or so during those times.
  • Oob. Is it just me
    .ii can't stopp.
  • Yeah @Kimmiecv it is a very horrid thing 2 go through. the first time i ever had it was last year. I hate getting it 2!!! :(
  • LOL Ripsy just like my Dad!! Exept he was surrounded by Only women! No boys to temper it!! :D. He stood up well too heehee
    @Kathy your not the only one! I'm doing the @Kathy Rthingy as we speak! :D
  • Aww @penguin I was an "early bloomer" too couple years earlier than you though and it's I'm sorry to say not gunna get easier! :((
  • I'm sorry @penquinlover. I'm sorry this is causing you such trouble ..I was only laughing cuz my friend mvnla2 is just so perceptive and direct to ask what she did ..
    It will pass..the first few times are the hardest gets easier..;)
  • Momma Bird's is all wonky since she is still nursing. Her PMS lasted 2 weeks before her last one kicked in. Not a good two weeks for me. :D But I still love her.
  • Well there you go!! Two different experiences! I hope @penguin that you take after @Kathy cause mine only got worse!! :((. Yeah I really hope for you it gets better!
  • Gah Ripsy that's rough! It's hard to say which one of you it's worse for! The one who's going through it or the one that's stuck dealing with it!! LOL
  • Someone from Mexico City tried to hack my Gmail account today.
  • I was really lucky..after the first couple ..then I had only mild cramps..3 days of' discomfort ' and gone by the time I turned 42..maybe @penquinlover you'll luck out in the long run..
  • I will say the right thing @kimmie and say it is worse for her. :D
  • oh wow @Kimmiecv i was a freshman last year dats wen i got it. I had 2 skip earth science 2 go to the nurse luckly 2 juniors were there 2 help. But so far my sophomore is going gr8 so far...
  • yea @Kathy as 4 me a teen its crazy i was laughing at the super sticky arm joke.
  • aww its ok @Kathy i just gotta deal with it ik 4 me its horrible like its horrible 4 every girl and thx :)
  • Lol @angryboy hates when I pull out the super stretchy armm..but I like your name of super sticky
    How about 'super stretchy sticky arm' designed to pull peeps in after page change in case they don't make the jump;)
  • NP @penquinlover always here to talk if you need ..we all are;)
  • yea i thought @kathy u meant super sticky arm i must've read it wrong lol dats a good idea hehe
  • Ooh I keep trying to read up to catch up..
    @rdnzlrips82 What "! Someone tried to hack your account? !!
  • Sorry if I disappear. The conversation isn't scaring me away. I am just taking some time to prep some things at HQ for the update.
  • @kathy I got one of those emails you get when someone tries to access your gmail account. But these people didn't get in. I changed my password so all is good. As a matter of fact, it is time for me to change all of my passwords anyway. So, that is on the agenda after I get my jobs done at HQ.
  • @penquinlover where do you live? If you don't mind my asking? Our friend @mvnla2 has a forum page with a map so you can see where your freinds are from ..its pretty can add your name and location's totally private, like noone can actually pinpoint your exact location ..but its cool to click on the map in a different country and see your factually freinds with that person so far away...its in the discussion page in the forum mvnla2 could explain better than me..;)
  • Uhmm @rdnzlrips82 can you remove that comment at 12;28
    Not public knowledge

  • omg @Kathy i remember one time i was playing Angry birds Seasons with my neighbor's son and wen i pressed play almost all my game data was gone my neighbor's 10 yr old son thought someone hacked into mine and took all my data but not 4 the 2011 christmas episode luckly i got it back.
  • i live in Irvington in New York with my dad, mom, and my cute cat Bridgette. oh wow dat sounds kool its kinda like the map i have on my iPhone since i got the I0S6 update its pretty kool.
  • oh @Kathy i forgot 2 put @kathy in post u wanted 2 know where i live. I don't mind u asking me at all ask away lol :)
  • Did you find the map forum that quickly @penquinlover?
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